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Don’t Be Surprised When Politicians Act Like…Politicians

todayApril 11, 2013 12

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    Don’t Be Surprised When Politicians Act Like…Politicians AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is what you get when you don’t study history and when we think we’re just us and there was no history that came before us because we’re so arrogant and conceited.  You do know that it was members of the Roman Senate, senators, that killed Julius Caesar, or at least assisted in it.  You do know that a politician, a vice president and a governor of New York by the name of Aaron Burr did, as a politician, shoot Alexander Hamilton in the liver and killed him on a cliff in Weehawken, New Jersey.  Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    Don’t Be Surprised When Politicians Act Like…Politicians AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Jeremy is in Pennsylvania next on The Mike Church Show.  Hello, Jeremy.

Caller Jeremy:  Hello, Mr. Church.  How are you this morning?

Mike:  All right.  For the thirtieth time today, I am fantastic.  My condition has not changed in the last ten minutes, but thank you for asking.  I appreciate it.

Caller Jeremy:  It’s just a nice greeting.

Mike:  It’s a formality, I know.

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Hear the story of the United States AFTER the Constitution like you’ve never heard it before

Caller Jeremy:  I wish I could say I was doing the same, but this whole Pat Toomey thing has really got me in a bit of a lather.  One of the things that you had said and I guess he had said he was listening to his constituents and that this universal background check BS is really what his constituents want, which I think is a complete and utter lie.  I know for a fact — if my numbers are off, I apologize.  I think it was close to 200 of the Pennsylvania state legislators send Pat Toomey a letter telling him: Don’t you dare.  On top of that, I know people, me being one of them, who have sent emails and made phone calls over the last couple days.  We’re talking probably thousands of people.  He’s obviously not listening to his constituents.  We sit here and tell him: Don’t you do this; if you do this, you will not have a job when you’re up for reelection.

Mike:  And that will be when?

james-madison-gutzman-ad-signCaller Jeremy:  I think he is due in four years, unfortunately.  It’s just appalling.  Pat Toomey, one of the things he ran on is he’s pro-Second Amendment.  He’s a gun owner and all this other rhetoric.  Then he goes and pulls this crap and starts talking about there’s a good portion of Republicans in the Senate and House that want this.  I don’t believe him for a second now.  I’m almost ashamed to say that I voted for the man.

Mike:  He seemed like he was one of us back then.  Again, you’ve got to remember that these guys are politicians.

Caller Jeremy:  That’s the problem.

Mike:  No, it’s not a problem.  Politicians are politicians.  The sooner we accept that politicians are politicians, the better off all our collective mindset is going to be.  Believing that Thomas Jefferson, for example, was not a politician is just to engage in fantasy.  Of course he was a politician.  How else could he have achieved elective office?  Believing Patrick Henry was not, for example, a politician, is to engage in some sort of a fantasy.  Of course Patrick Henry was a politician.  As a matter of fact, many of you would probably be shocked to learn that Patrick Henry was the author of the bill that drew the ire of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson and caused Madison to write his remonstrance on religious liberty in the State of Virginia, and then brought about the establishment clause in the First Amendment today.  Henry is basically responsible for that because Henry wanted his preferred church in the State of Virginia to be the official religion, the establishment of the State of Virginia, and he wanted a tax or tithe assigned to every citizen that paid taxes, basically to make them parishioners, basically make them acknowledge and at some level be members of or at least subservient to that church.

For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!
For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

The idea that our politicians are somehow removed from the politicians that gathered together around 38 BC or so and conspired to kill Julius Caesar — you do realize — this is just a cruel, heartless joke.  This is what you get when you don’t study history and when we think we’re just us and there was no history that came before us because we’re so arrogant and conceited.  You do know that it was members of the Roman Senate, senators, that killed Julius Caesar, or at least assisted in it.  You do know that a politician, a vice president and a governor of New York by the name of Aaron Burr did, as a politician, shoot Alexander Hamilton in the liver and killed him on a cliff in Weehawken, New Jersey.  [mocking] “But these politicians….”  They’re politicians.  That’s what they do.

What’s the trick then?  The trick is stop conferring so much power on these incompetent and in many cases immoral people we call politicians.  Maybe, just maybe, if we governed ourselves a little more and allowed them 90 percent less authority than they currently have, then they wouldn’t be allowed to rain the holy havoc on our lives that we love to so mightily complain about.  For heaven’s sake, we’re not the first generation to have politicians that we disagreed with or did things that [mocking] “They’re violating their oath.  I can’t believe it.”  Well, believe it.  Believe it.  We’re not even unique. Now, when we have members of the Senate get together and start killing elected leaders with knives and daggers, now we’ve arrived.  Now we’re where the Romans were.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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