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Don’t Drone Me, Bro!

todayMarch 7, 2013 10

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    Don’t Drone Me, Bro! AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I think a little humble pride in the actions of your junior senator is appropriate at the moment.  Of course, I’m lauding him for his actions as well.  I’ve been critical of Senator Paul and will continue to be so.  This won’t make me drop my guard.  I was heartened by what he said.  Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    Don’t Drone Me, Bro! AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Back to the phones, Morgan is in Kentucky.  Morgan, you’re on The Mike Church Show.  How you doing?

Caller Morgan:  Better than I deserve.  How are you today, Mike?

Mike:  Good, thank you.

Caller Morgan:  That’s good to hear.  I watched as much as I could yesterday with Senator Paul.  It’s the first time in a long time I’ve been proud of somebody from my congressional delegation.

Mike:  And that’s Rand Paul, I assume?

Caller Morgan:  Yes.  I’ve only concentrated mainly, of course, on the drones.  Several times he seemed to be coming back to and saying the same thing I’ve been saying for ages and eons now.  A president should not be judge, jury and executioner.  Listening to you this morning talking about your constitutional amendment, I love that idea.  It’s sad that we have to put it in writing, but we need to tell these people: No, you cannot kill us.

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Mike:  When you put it like that, Morgan, we need to tell these people no, you may not kill us.  I don’t know why I’m laughing about that, but the way you said that was humorous.  No, dude, you can’t kill us.  Come on, man.  I want to repeat this so everybody can rip it off and use it the rest of the day.  Rand Paul did ring the four-alarm liberty bell.  Somebody should tweet that out.  For that, I am thankful.

Caller Morgan:  You have no idea how proud that made me to be —

Mike:  It should make you proud.

Caller Morgan:  That’s my senator.

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Mike:  I think a little humble pride in the actions of your junior senator is appropriate at the moment.  Of course, I’m lauding him for his actions as well.  I’ve been critical of Senator Paul and will continue to be so.  This won’t make me drop my guard.  I was heartened by what he said.  If I had to go back and if I were asked to offer Rand one piece of advice — not that they would ever consult me — I would say don’t go so nihilistic next time, senator.  Don’t be of the opinion that: I know I can’t stop the vote and he’s probably gonna get confirmed anyway.  Don’t say that.  Be confident in your powers of persuasion.  To say you know you’re not going to be able to stop it, it’s going to come to a vote, and he’s going to get confirmed, don’t concede anything.  The day is not won until the votes are counted, until the proverbial fat lady has sung.  That would be the only thing that I would alter.  I’d also gently nudge and say don’t get so fixated on the drones.  It’s the killing that we don’t want.  As Morgan in Kentucky just said: Dude, you can’t kill us.  How about this for a T-shirt?  “Don’t Drone Me, Bro!”  I have a movie title for you, Morgan, “Dr. Dronelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.”

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Caller Morgan:  Absolutely.  That’s probably the best movie title we’ve heard yet.  He got a little fixated on the drones, and I’m with you on the negative thing.  I work as a financial advisor.  That’s the last thing you ever tell somebody, “No, I can’t” or “It won’t make any difference.”  It kills me, though, the number of people — if I had hair, I’d be pulling it out right now – that I know who’ve told me: The president is such a good person.  What?  I want some of what you’re smoking, first of all.  Secondly, are you going to feel that way if a Republican gets elected?

Mike:  Of course they will.

Caller Morgan:  Instead of your guy can decide who to kill better than somebody else’s guy, nobody’s guy needs to be deciding which American citizen needs to die.  I don’t want killing done in my name, if I can help it.

Mike:  If you can help it.  Dude, you can’t kill us.

Caller Morgan:  You may not.  I tend to irk people who know me because they’ll look at me and say: Your rights aren’t absolute.  Mine are.  Mine absolutely are.  My right to life is at the top of my list of absolute rights.

Mike:  If your rights come from God, then they obviously are and should be regarded as absolute.  We’ve got to go, Morgan.  Thank you very much for your phone call.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

dont drone me

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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