
Drones Kill Souls But That’s Okay?

todayMarch 5, 2013 6


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You people seem to believe that the kind of dreadful human atrocities that happened in the Soviet Union, that we believe happened in Cuba, that happened in red China, happened under the Khmer Rouge, happened under any of the totalitarian communist regimes out there, that they can only happen because those people were communists or they happened under the Third Reich from 1936 to 1945.  They can only happen over there; they can never happen over here.  Why not?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript


American voters approve of the United States using unmanned drones to kill suspected terrorists abroad — even if the targets are U.S. citizens — but don’t think the president should be able to order the strikes on his own.

[end reading]

Mike:  In other words, we don’t care if there’s any collateral damage.  We don’t care what happens.  We don’t care if there’s any due process of law.  We just don’t want Obama to be able to do it.  We’re not saying we want the drone killings to stop.  We’re just saying we don’t want Obama to be able to order it.

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Overall, 74 percent of voters approve of using drones to kill a suspected terrorist overseas. That includes majorities of Republicans (80 percent), independents (71 percent) and Democrats (69 percent), as well as both men (78 percent) and women (71 percent).

The level of approval drops from 74 percent to 60 percent, however, if the suspected terrorist is a U.S. citizen.

[end reading]

Mike:  Why does the level drop?  Men sitting off in buildings thousands of miles away from where the actual action is dropping bombs they cannot possibly ascertain what kind of damage is done to any surrounding persons or properties, this is the proper course of action here.  We have a new form of warfare.  We don’t actually have to get involved in war.  We treat war like it’s a videogame.  We just use drones.  [mocking] “Yeah, but Mike, it saves lives.”  Saves lives and then alters the course of war, does it not?  I’m not the only one talking about this and how dangerous this is.  There are others like Patrick J. Buchanan that are writing about this and about how a dronefare state is going to lead to awful, awful things that you will not believe could happen today, and will be taken for granted tomorrow.

republican-shirt-ifyouhavetoaskWhat is most troubling, though, is the killing of citizens without due process.  You know what I’d like to know?  I’d like to know where in the wide, wide world of sports is the outcry from “conservatives” over ambassador John Bolton’s absolutely outrageous, uncalled-for, and I think worthy of dismissal comment that the United States killed hundreds of thousands of our own citizens during the Civil War, without any due process, and it was the right thing to do?  You people seem to believe that the kind of dreadful human atrocities that happened in the Soviet Union, that we believe happened in Cuba, that happened in red China, happened under the Khmer Rouge, happened under any of the totalitarian communist regimes out there, that they can only happen because those people were communists or they happened under the Third Reich from 1936 to 1945.  They can only happen over there; they can never happen over here.  Why not?

Human nature is perfectly transferrable.  Human nature that allows people to be rocked into a state of placid existence where they believe their government will not do them harm.  The same conditions were the ones under which Lenin rose to power and then Stalin ceased it and continued the propaganda campaigns and lied to the citizenry to the point where when the Russian citizenry finally figured out what was really going on, when men like Alexander Solzhenitsyn one of if not the most brilliant man of all inside the borders of the Soviet Union finally figured out where all the men and women were that were on train cars, where they were actually going, and not where Stalin said they were going, it was too late.  Tens of millions of dead later and all this because men are evil.  If you consign to them power, they will use it.  It matters not, especially in a place where you have chased God out of the human psyche.

I heard something really thought-provoking yesterday.  I was listening to one Megyn Kelly yesterday afternoon.  AG, did you see this?  There was some silly Lear jet that was flying about and they thought the landing gear had broken.

AG:  Yeah, I saw the plane land, like 2:30.

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Mike:  Yeah, about 2:50 your time, 1:50 my time.  I know because I was in the car on the way to the ABC TV studio to go anchor News with a Twist last night.  If you missed it in New Orleans, you missed it.  I heard sometime during that conversation — she had a couple guys on there that were knowledgeable about the airport, the kind of plane it was, what they may be doing to troubleshoot this.  She said something that was thought-provoking.  I stopped for a moment and went: Hmm, I wonder if that’s really true.  She said that they had determined there were eight souls on that plane, eight souls.  I thought to myself if you’re saying there are eight souls, then you’re saying there is a Transcendent.  You’re saying there is an afterlife.  You are saying that there is thus a God.  You are saying that those souls existed before that body did and will exist after, if I understand the use of the word soul.

How many times have you heard a television or radio announcer arbitrarily use the term soul?  I thought we didn’t believe in those kinds of things anymore.  The growing minorities, growing into majorities, of Americans no longer believe in an afterlife.  We don’t believe in God.  Government is God.  Technology and iPhones are God, not some ethereal being that takes care of or where our soul goes to hang out in this afterlife.  It made me think.  I don’t disagree with what she said.  As a matter of fact, I concur, there were eight souls on that plane.  Well, we don’t know.  There could have been twelve souls for all we know.

The point is, she used the term souls to describe those people.  That is a Christian or Judeo-Christian term to describe the unseen, the part of man that will interact with the Transcendent.  I don’t know that it has some large, huge philosophical meaning or anything of the sort.  I just know and bring this up because it just gets said.  I don’t think people consider if you’re going to run around and use terminology like that, I hope that you actually mean it.  I hope that we mean it and we’re still cognizant that wherever we may congregate, yes, there are souls.  Think about that.  How many times have you heard some citizen of libtardia use souls in the context that I just used it?  What do you think you would get from them if you confronted them and asked them: Do you mean souls in the ecclesiastical sense of the word or do you mean souls as in another way to say people?  I’d be curious to see what the hoi polloi out there thinks about that.

Thankfully the eight souls that were on that plane made it safely to the ground, although the drama that ensued, I would say, was a bit hyperbolic and supercharged unnecessarily.  [mocking] “What if it collapses?  Is there a possibility we could see body parts?”  It’s almost the way it comes across.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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