
Egalitarians Can Keep Dreaming, There’s No Utopian Heaven On Earth

todayOctober 28, 2013 10


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The dystopia is counterbalanced, as I said, with the utopia.  This is where guys like Steve or people that think like that miss their mark and, I think, at some level pose a risk to the rest of us.  I hate to interject religion into this.  Well, no, I don’t hate to.  It’s my job to, my duty to.  To use a very popular adage, there is no Heaven on Earth.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  You were mentioning cynicism in the last hour.  In review, Andrew, now that I think about it, that was not cynicism.  That was dystopianism.  He was not skeptical.  He was dystopian.  There is a utopia and there is a dystopia.  Belief in utopia, which the dystopian wants to believe in and wants to believe can happen, is what counterbalances dystopia.  I’ll give you an example that you’re very familiar with.  Have you read the three novels under the heading of “The Hunger Games”?

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Is Davis a Traitor? In Paperback, get it signed by the Editor!

AG:  That I have.

Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILMike:  That is a dystopian future.  It’s one that we don’t pine away for, we don’t desire, we don’t want to see our children shipped off into this giant biosphere where this game is played where they will all die save for one.  That is a dystopian future, just to give an example.  Isn’t a new movie coming out?  Isn’t there a new Hunger Games?

AG:  The sequel comes out I think end of November, the second of four movies.

Mike:  That is a dystopia and that is a dystopian future.  The dystopia is counterbalanced, as I said, with the utopia.  This is where guys like Steve or people that think like that miss their mark and, I think, at some level pose a risk to the rest of us.  I hate to interject religion into this.  Well, no, I don’t hate to.  It’s my job to, my duty to.  To use a very popular adage, there is no Heaven on Earth.  It’s been the great pursuit of mankind to think he can create a Heaven on Earth.  Perhaps that’s why the ancients, which were then pushed aside or made to see the light by the rise of, the birth of Jesus into our world, the crucifixion of Jesus, the beginning of the Catholic Church and the Christian faith, and the allure or promise that a life spent serving the needs of your fellow man is what will find you in the real Heaven.  That’s what will gain you access to the real Heaven, Christian humility and the service of your fellow man and loving your God and your neighbor as yourself, these sorts of things.  Heaven on Earth is not attainable.

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There are those that believe that Heaven on Earth is attainable.  These are the ideologists that pursue utopia, because that’s what utopia is.  It is everybody’s got the greatest job, everybody is perfectly educated, everyone has the perfect healthcare plan, everyone has a safety net in place.  Everything is just the way we want it.  We programmed it just right.  This is the pursuit of what we used to call, when we used big, fancy words like this, egalitarians, or more specifically, egalitarianism.  Since you’re not going to find or erect a Heaven on Earth, you are working in the terrestrial realm, if you are a believer, for the Heaven that you have faith — this is why it’s called a leap of faith — that you hope to get to by your actions here on this earth.  That’s where you will find Heaven and our Heavenly Father’s eternal table.  The term Heaven on Earth applies here.  It remains the objective or the stated objective of the utopian or the egalitarian to try to erect a Heaven on Earth, in other words, to be Godlike.  When you pursue utopia, you give rise to the idea that perfection is nigh.  Again, there is no thing on Earth that is perfect.  Only God is perfect.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailI would say it only naturally follows, if you can’t find the utopia and if government and all of our mighty human endeavors cannot produce Heaven on Earth, it must have produced Hell on Earth, and therefore I don’t want to live in Hell on Earth.  This is psychotic thinking.  This is also political thinking.  People think about politics, which is why I raised my voice to the gentleman.  I’ll apologize again for losing a little bit of cool for a moment.  Again, I resent the implication that somehow Mr. Gruss and I sit here on a daily basis proposing that there is a utopia on Earth to be found if we just elect the right sort of people and go through the parliamentary process, as Steve described it.

If there is anyone on radio that is more promotive of a thing to engage yourself with, an activity to engage yourself with outside of politics, which is to try and repair the damage done to what I call the anti-cult, meaning we don’t have any cult at all, and to pursue the gentlemanly virtues and to pursue your articles of faith, if there is someone out there that does that more than I do and more publicly in a faith-based manner, I would love to meet that person.  I’m not saying there isn’t, because I don’t know.  I would love to meet that person.  I would love to appear on that person’s show.  I would love to correspond with that person so we can share likeminded stories.

Folks, that’s what you heard.  You heard the end result of this phony idea or this phony concept, this fake, all-to-anthropological concept that there can be Heaven on Earth and that politics can get us there, the Constitution can get us there.  It can’t.  It can’t.  It’s not going to.  It didn’t get the founders there.  No matter what you think about them, not a one of them thought they lived in a Heaven on Earth.  As a matter of fact, if you study the writings and public speeches of great men that were Christians, and great Catholics like Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Christians like the great John Witherspoon of Princeton University, who was also a politician in his own right, and don’t forget about Roger Sherman and the inimitable John Dickinson, a Quaker.  These men knew there was no Heaven on Earth. They certainly knew you couldn’t achieve it through the political realm.   They said it.  It’s been written down.  You can read it.  They wrote it.  You can read what they wrote.  People talked about it.  You can read what people said about it.

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If the founding generation didn’t think they had erected Heaven on Earth, and we think the founders are the greatest generation of men that ever lived, what makes us think that we can find a Heaven on Earth?  Why do we even pursue it?  Instead of accepting the fact that we are imperfect human beings, we are but servants and exist here in this terrestrial realm — through the grace of God I am here.  Through the grace of God, I was chosen to take a call from Steve in Maryland.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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