
Episode 362 – Debbie Schlussel Takes On Sharia Law

todayApril 14, 2018 14



Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I am reading from the one and only Debbie Schlussel, our weekly Friday movie reviewer, from a lawsuit that she has filed against the city of Dearborn Heights.


In 2015, a Muslim woman named Malak Kazan filed a lawsuit against Dearbornistan Heights, a metro-Detroit-area municipality that is home to one of the largest and most concentrated populations of Muslims outside the Middle East. It is also home to the Islamic House of Wisdom, believed to be the second largest mosque in North America, the imam of which was the spiritual leader of Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian Navy. The city has a Muslim Judge, David Turfe, who openly supports the terrorist group Hezbollah (which murdered hundreds of Americans) and a Muslim activist–Dave Abdallah–among its City Council members.

Ms. Kazan was arrested after she was stopped by police and it turned out that she was driving on an expired license and there were two warrants for her arrest. The police asked her to remove her hijab–the Muslim headscarf–for mug shots. They videotaped the process. Kazan sued over this and the city settled the suit with her.

I filed several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the settlement agreement, Kazan’s mug shots, the video of the booking process, and several other related documents. Dearbornistan Heights denied my request for the booking photos and the complete video, in violation of Michigan public records laws. Yet, Amir Makled, a Muslim male Arab (who was reportedly born in Lebanon), asked for the same items–the booking photos and video–and the City granted his request. After all, he is of the preferred religion, gender, ethnicity, and national origin under Islam. On top of that, the city charged the male Muslim Makled only $15.00 for his request. I was asked to pay $24.00 for a lot less. After all, non-Muslims always have to pay the jizya (the dhimmi tax assessed on non-Muslims under Islamic law).

[end reading]

Mike:  We’ve talked about this on many, many occasions here on the show.  If you missed them, search for “jizya” at  You’ll get a couple interviews between myself and our Islamic scholar expert, Andrew Bieszad.  When you’re in a situation like this, you have three options under Sharia Law.  Option 1, you convert.  You become a Muslim and then you’re covered.  Option 2, you refuse to convert and they allow you to pay the jizya or dhimmitude tax.  In other words, it’s a tax on not being one of them.  Option 3, they will enslave you in exchange for you refusing to convert.  They’ll let you live, but you will exist as either a slave or a sex slave.  Option 4 is they’ll just behead you and be done with it.  If you do so for Christian reasons, then you become a Christian martyr.

You also have to remember as you’re listening to this narrative that when Debbie is not doing movie reviews on the Mike Church Show every Friday, she’s a lawyer.  This is what she does.  I can’t wait to talk to her tomorrow so I can say: So, Debbie, how’s Sean Hannity’s lawsuit against you going?  To which I will get crickets.  We’ll get nothing.  We will get in return for that question zero point zero.  You’re not talking about someone who would just flippantly file a lawsuit.  She knows what the dangers or pros and cons of doing so are.  Let’s read a little more.


As their excuse for not providing me the requested materials, Dearbornistan Heights cited a “right to privacy.”

[end reading]

Mike:  I’m thinking about this and going: Where was the right to privacy of all the people that were kneeled down on the beach in Libya and beheaded? All the members of ISIS or whoever it was that beheaded them all were completely masked.  All you could see was their eyes.  You could plainly and clearly make out facial features of every single one of the soon-to-be Coptic Christian martyrs.  Where was the right to privacy then, Dearbornistan, and promoters and supporters of Dearbornistan-like cities, -like countries?


As their excuse for not providing me the requested materials, Dearbornistan Heights cited a “right to privacy.” But the Michigan Court of Appeals has repeatedly ruled, including in three published decisions, that there is NO right to privacy in booking photos a/k/a mug shots. The City of Dearbornistan Heights and its officials and lawyers know this, but they don’t care. Islamic law a/k/a sharia rules supreme there. And that’s why my lawsuit needed to be filed . . . in addition to the fact that I was discriminated against and refused service while a male Muslim Arab got the exact materials I requested and was denied.

During the course of my investigation, I learned that Ms. Kazan settled her lawsuit with Dearbornistan Heights for only $5,000.00. Yes, it took me to do this work because there is no investigative reporting by the mainstream media anymore. They just report what allah’s soldiers want. Period.

Five thousand dollars may seem small for such a settlement of a federal civil rights lawsuit, and it is. But that was not the goal of Kazan’s suit. The goal was to create new law–law which violates public records laws in the State of Michigan, law which gives special treatment to Muslims above all others.

[end reading]

Mike:  You see what’s going on here.  The Arab woman is booked with the hijab on.  They probably did not require her to take the hijab off.  Took the booking photos and then heard her lawsuit, settled with her for $5,000 under the agreement that no one would ever be required in Dearbornistan Heights to take the hijab off.  There was a lawsuit like this in Florida back in 2014 / 2015, two or three years ago.  That lawsuit was actually settled in the favor of the county that said – the woman wanted to have her driver’s license taken with the hijab on.  The State of Florida refused.  She sued.  The State of Florida, I believe, ultimately won.  It’s one of the laws that Debbie is referring to here.

I think that driver’s licenses are a municipal matter so that it’s up to the municipality to decide what laws under which these things are going to be regulated or guided or gauged or promulgated or whatever language you wish to use.  However, I have a driver’s license from the State of Louisiana.  I don’t have one from the City of Madisonville.  You have one from the State of Virginia.   You have one from the State of New York, not New York City.  You have one from the State of Kansas.  We all have driver’s licenses from our state.  The states’ laws are very clear.  As a matter of fact, when you go to the airport, what do they ask you for?  A photo ID.  What do most people present as a photo ID?  A driver’s license.

Back in the 2008 campaign, the neocon candidates were all asked this question.  The only one that got it right was Ron Paul.  He said: First of all, I guess you guys have not read the laws on this, but it even says on the card a social security card cannot be used as a form of identification.  It actually says it.  If anyone can locate it, it says it can’t be used as a form of identification.  So what do you use then?  Photo ID.  Back to the Debbie Schlussel lawsuit.


Five thousand dollars may seem small for such a settlement of a federal civil rights lawsuit, and it is. But that was not the goal of Kazan’s suit. The goal was to create new law–law which violates public records laws in the State of Michigan, law which gives special treatment to Muslims above all others. As part of Kazan’s settlement, the City of Dearbornistan Heights and Kazan’s Muslim lawyer created a new policy that only applies to Muslim women, not women of any other religion or women who are bald because of cancer treatments. The policy allows the City to keep mug shots of Muslim women secret and not provide them in response to FOIA requests for public records. The policy is illegal under Michigan law.

As I’ve noted previously, Michigan courts have repeatedly ruled that there is NO right to privacy for mug shots and any FOIA request for them MUST be honored. Further, Michigan FOIA laws are state statutes, which can only be amended by another state statute, through action of the Michigan Legislature or a successful statewide ballot initiative. But the City of Dearbornistan Heights and its officials don’t think they have to abide by Michigan’s (and America’s) democratic processes. They think they can hold back-door, smoke-filled-room sessions and make their own laws which comply with sharia, but not the Michigan Constitution.

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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