
Episode 366 – Manchester Attacks

todayApril 14, 2018 8


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If Islam is so “peaceful, rich, reverent, respectable, positive, endearing, compassionate, powerful, fervent, red/white/green awesome,” why haven’t you converted to it?  No one is going to ask a more pertinent, relevant, and pointed question about what went on in Manchester two nights ago, at Parliament three months ago, in Orlando last year, San Bernardino two years ago, and on and on.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “Madness In Manchester: Let’s Hug, Hope And Not Hate,” written by yours truly.  I said this in the first hour and I’m going to say it again.  If Blaze columnist Matt Walsh wrote what I wrote, 500,000 of you people would swear it’s the greatest thing that they’d read all day long and some much-needed truth and clarity on the matter of what’s going on with these Muslim madmen.  Maybe I should have just signed it Matt Walsh.  Since Matt didn’t write it, I wrote it, maybe you can help me spread the word.  Share it.  You’re going to share all kinds of inconsequential crap today.  Why not share something that actually asks a pertinent question?  I’ll ask it to you.

If Islam is so “peaceful, rich, reverent, respectable, positive, endearing, compassionate, powerful, fervent, red/white/green awesome,” why haven’t you converted to it?  No one is going to ask a more pertinent, relevant, and pointed question about what went on in Manchester two nights ago, at Parliament three months ago, in Orlando last year, San Bernardino two years ago, and on and on.  No one is going to ask the question.  Ask that question and see if you and get a response.  See if your buddy that’s over there, [mocking] “You’re just a racist.”  First of all, Islam is not a race, you idiot.  How many of you know of the country called Chechnya?  Who lives in Chechnya?  It ain’t brown people.  What are Chechens?  Muslims.  How could that be?  If you’re against Islam, you’re a racist.

Somebody put a cartoon in the chatroom.  I actually saw this on Twitter yesterday.  It’s funny.  Here’s an “Emergency Plan – 10 Steps in Case of a Terrorist Attack in European City.”  One – draw some tearful cartoons.  Two – Facebook filter.  What is the Facebook badge that you put on your wall to say you’re in solidarity with the 22 teenagers slaughtered in Manchester?  In France you had the French flag.  Three – go on television and cry.  Four – Light up some buildings.

Christopher:  I know the Ariana Grande hat with the rabbit ears, you know the little peace ribbon?

Mike:  Yes.

Christopher:  That’s been getting social media ground, her logo, her album logo.  I’ll post a picture of it.

Mike:  You said it’s a rabbit ear?  I’ll wait for the picture.  Four – Light up some buildings with the colors of your flag.  Five – Hold a candlelight vigil.  Did you pray for their souls?  [mocking] “Get out of here, you idiot.  We don’t pray for souls, stupid.  There’s no such thing.”  Six – Import some more refugees to show you ain’t afraid of no Muslims.  Seven – Call those who want to stop the importation of new Muslim refugees bigots, racists, haters, etc.  Eight – Wait for the next attack.  Nine – Repeat.  Ten – Do Nothing.  That about sums it up, I think.

I want to get back to Katie Hopkins now.  This is from the Daily Mail.


‘We stand united. We are not broken. We are strong.’

‘We stand united. We are not broken. We are strong.’

Repeated like a mantra.

The new Lord’s Prayer of a terrorised generation.

Saying it over and over, faster and faster as the sharks circle and it becomes clear that hope is fading fast. That this could be the end. If not this time, then the next one. Or the one after that.

After the Westminster terror attack on March 26 I said we were cowed. That we were like ants, carrying on as normal, waiting for the next footstep to fall.

And today I see this to be true. Ants, squashed by a car, hewn in half by a truck, bounced off the bonnet of a 4×4, punctured by ballbearings and shrapnel from a hardware store.

And the only thing we ants can do is act busy. Whip ourselves up into a frenzy of activity. Move this way and that. Scurry about carrying things. Film ourselves walking to work. Make posters about ‘having a cup of tea’, get cross about what is said on twitter.

We celebrate the first responders, as we should. The bravery of the people there to save us. And anyone else who joined the battle to save our souls. The kindness of the taxi drivers. The staff of the arena. The people of Manchester who opened their doors to offer whatever they had.

These people are angels amongst us. Holding, helping, healing . . .

But no, Andy Burnham, they are not yours to use. Not extras in your charade of defiance.

“We celebrate the first responders, as we should. The bravery of the people there to save us. And anyone else who joined the battle to save our souls. The kindness of the taxi drivers. The staff of the arena.”

Do not use these acts of kindness to support your false narrative that this is us standing up to terror.

The people helping are reacting instinctively. Battling against blood and death.

They are not standing up to terror. They are not showing we are strong. They are trying to scoop up the handfuls of flesh that is weak and stop it bleeding.

They are being decent humans. They should be applauded. Rewarded. Not manipulated by impotent politicians into standing as a perverse symbol of how terror will never beat us.

“Do not use these acts of kindness to support your false narrative that this is us standing up to terror.”

Because it is beating us. It is grinding us down. We are worn down by it all.

Some think my divisive talk should be outlawed, should be illegal, because ‘it’s what the terrorists want’.

People have rung my bosses on the radio demanding I am sacked from my tweets because my divisiveness is what ISIS wants.

These people have bought the narrative, hook, line and sinker.

They are channeling their impotence and anger at me.

“The people helping are reacting instinctively. Battling against blood and death . . . “

In truth, terrorists couldn’t give a stuff what I tweet or write or say.  They couldn’t care less if we stand divided or pretend to be united.

If anything, united in one place, we are an easier target.

The terrorists want us dead. They want the infidel to be slaughtered. And they spread their message most effectively by targeting our children, our little girls.

Try and deny you don’t feel a change in the mood of our country. Try and deny you don’t feel we are a little bit less.

Tell me you don’t feel like you’ve taken a battering, made it to the twelfth then someone punched you square in the stomach, drawing the air from you in one long ooof.

Do you find yourself looking around for comfort in the small things – the Chelsea flowers, pictures of cute cats, a phone call to your mum, an extra big hug for your daughter, another text to your son to check he is safe? I have rung my husband twice today just to listen to him speak.

I heard a lady on the radio wanting to share, to hold on to something, to grab onto the piece of flotsam that keeps us all afloat. She said her 16-year-old daughter stopped her to ask where she was working today. Wanting to know if she would be safe.

You see, it’s not the acts of walking over a bridge, or getting on a train, or going to work on the underground that are the truths of how we feel.

It’s the fear in the margins, the double-checking, the anxious wait for someone to be home. The moment between hearing there is a bomb, and knowing your child is safe in another city, another place.

“This country is sick. It is calling out for a doctor . . . .”

[end reading]

Mike:  Ms. Hopkins, I know not of your religious affiliation, madam, but your heirs kicked the doctor out in 1531 with the supremacy acts.  You made the practice of the doctor illegal, upon penalty of death if you were a priest.  [mocking] “Mitter Church, please.  What are you talking about?”  Catholicism.  Maybe you should invite the doctor back in.  I’m not saying, I’m just saying.

By the way, I went to our man in Mordor, Jordan Bloom’s, wedding on Sunday.  It was presided over by a priest who was an Anglican.  He’s a convert now.  There are high Anglicans, as they call them, across the amber waves of fuel, America, converting to the faith.  I understand that there are even some in Great Britain that are converting, as many did at the turn of the last century as they were inspired by the likes of Chesterton and Belloc. Britons kicked the doctor out.  Invite him back in.  He wants you to invite him back in.  That’s the remedy for this.  Will people still die?  Unfortunately, yes.  Will souls be saved?  A lot more.  If we take the vows of our baptism seriously – do you?  What do you get at baptism?  What are the three theological virtues you get at baptism?  Faith, hope, charity.  Those are poured in, gifts from Almighty God.  You have them for the rest of your life.  That’s what’s needed here.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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