
Episode 369 – Katie Hopkins Fired For Speaking Truth

todayApril 14, 2018 3



Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So you’re angry at a 48-year-old British woman who has a microphone, but you’re not angry at the “religion of peace.”  You don’t think things are screwed up in the world, folks?  That’s exhibit A.  Angry at a 48-year-old female British broadcaster.  [mocking] “We’re outraged.”  But not angry at Muslim orthodoxy.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  “Katie Hopkins claims there is a ‘silencing of the right’ after LBC axing.”  I shared with you her essay last week as she called Muslim orthodoxy what it should be called.  She had a radio show, and I’ve invited her on this one.  She should be our correspondent in the UK like Iben Thranholm is our correspondent in the EU.  She’s under some kind of gag order.  She had a radio show but no more.  We’re not going to tolerate any of this attack or truth-telling about Islam on UK radio.  Folks, I got news for you.  They won’t tolerate it on American radio, which is why it is vitally, vitally important that the Crusade Channel remain the Crusade Channel, that we remain independent, that we remain listener-owned radio enterprise.

I posted on my Twitter feed a moment ago: Why aren’t you listening to this show this morning?  Why are you listening to Eddie and the Breakfast Flakes?  Folks, broadband radio is the future.  Knowing that it’s the future, next Monday we launch the next chapter in the Crusade Channel, Crusade Channel News.  It’s all over the website at  Go check it out.  You will have access to these newscasts.  As the stories go up, they’ll be available on our live news ticker feed.  That will become part of the app.  Next Monday, Celeste Youngblood at the anchor desk will begin Crusade Channel News, an original news product that you won’t be able to get anywhere else.  I think it should become very popular.  It should give you another reason to turn your friends and family and fellow parishioners onto the Crusade Channel.  [mocking] “I listen to other channels because I can get my news.”  Well, you can get your news from us now.  You can even get it on the app.  If you miss the news, we will make it available for you.  If you miss the 8 a.m. newscast, no worries.  You news tipsters out there, start sending your news tips to  That goes directly to Mrs. Youngblood to put the Crusade Channel newscast together.  Back to Katie Hopkins:


Katie Hopkins has spoken out following her axing from her radio show, saying that the liberal left “load their anger onto other people” following tragedies.

The former broadcaster said she had made a deal with LBC not to comment since her departure, but said that “generally” there is a “silencing” of people with right-wing views.

Ms. Hopkins was axed after she sparked outrage for calling for a “final solution” following the deadly bombing at the Manchester Arena on Monday night.

[end reading]

Mike:  So you’re angry at a 48-year-old British woman who has a microphone, but you’re not angry at the “religion of peace.”  You don’t think things are screwed up in the world, folks?  That’s exhibit A.  Angry at a 48-year-old female British broadcaster.  [mocking] “We’re outraged.”  But not angry at Muslim orthodoxy.


Speaking to Fox News, she said: “I can have no comment – it’s been agreed I’ve got no comment on my leaving of my radio show.

“But I think if we were to generalise and talk more generally about what we see happening – I think after any attack like this there is huge anger, there is huge outrage. There is an overwhelming feeling of anger.

“People don’t know where to put that anger and I think certainly with the liberal left they never quite look at themselves and wonder whether they are part of the problem and they will load their anger onto other people.” [Mike: By the by, in the UK, radio has gone broadband. They’re not issuing any new terrestrial licenses. Radio has gone digital, broadband.]

LBC announced on Friday that Ms. Hopkins would be leaving the station “immediately” but did not give a reason why. [Mike: Mitter Listener, please, you know why and I know why. I know exactly why Katie has been asked to leave. She doesn’t toe the line. She’s not out there going: Islam is just so awesome. We must be open and inclusive. We must all embrace suicidal tendencies.]

BBC media reporter Amol Rajan claimed there had been “massive cheers and applause” in the LBC newsroom when the announcement was made.

[end reading]

Mike:  Laugh it up.  You imbeciles that cheer this kind of stuff on and think it’s funny, who think the demise of someone who is correctly outspoken like Ms. Hopkins, you’re on the wrong team, pal.  In one of the post-interviews at the end of the movie Patriot Day, which I told you not to watch.  As soon as the film part of it gets done, turn it off, unless you want to see apologetics for Islam.  One of the women that was interviewed actually said that the incident made her more accepting of Islam than she was before.  Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.


Ms. Hopkins’ now-deleted tweet, made in the hours after the attack, read: “22 dead – number rising. Schofield. Don’t you even dare. Do not be a part of the problem. We need a final solution Manchester.”

Speaking on Saturday, Ms. Hopkins said: “I think there is a silencing that goes on on the right . . .

“The right are calling for action, we want those people who are threatening us taken off our streets.”

In the interview, Ms. Hopkins also called Mr. Corbyn’s comments the UK’s foreign policy is not working in light of the Manchester attack “insulting”.

She added: “The timing is horrible, it’s not what we want to hear right now.”

[end reading]

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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