
Episode 382 – Carrie Gress On Unhappy Feminists

todayApril 14, 2018 8



Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – That is the saddest reality, just looking at all these metrics that we have to sort of gauge women’s happiness.  None of them are showing that women are flourishing and happy and thrilled with their lives.  Obesity is off the charts.  Depression is off the charts.  Substance abuse is huge.  Suicide, divorce rates, all of those things really indicate that women are not happy.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  There’s a commercial that’s playing on television right now.  It’s got to be one of the most shocking things that I’ve ever seen.  I see it on Fox News 30 times a day, if I’m watching it, and I never have the sound on, but I see this commercial.  I want to say that it’s a Corona beer commercial.  I’m not sure, but I’ll describe it to you.  If you do watch television – if you watch Fox News today, you’ll see it and go: All right, that’s it.  I’m out.  I’m turning it off.

This woman is swimming in an ocean gulf or whatever it is.  She has a wetsuit on, or dry suit, whatever you want to call it.  She comes up out of the waves and there’s this big party happening on the beach.  She sees the party, so she comes up out of the waves.  She’s not very happy while she’s swimming in the wetsuit.  The wetsuit is zipper from right under her neck to the pelvic region, if you will.  The more she zippers down and removes the clothing, the happier she gets.  By the time she gets to the party and she’s in the skimpy string bikini – why even bother?  I don’t’ know why they bother putting these things on.  She’s ecstatic by the time she gets halfway naked.  That point is, to me, as a parent of daughters, if that doesn’t offend your sensibility, I don’t know what does.  The message is quite clear.  Strip, girls.  Take your clothes off, get drunk, and you’re going to be as happy as you’ve ever been.  That is playing on “conservative” Fox News 20, 30 times a day.

Carrie Gress:  That is the saddest reality, just looking at all these metrics that we have to sort of gauge women’s happiness.  None of them are showing that women are flourishing and happy and thrilled with their lives.  Obesity is off the charts.  Depression is off the charts.  Substance abuse is huge.  Suicide, divorce rates, all of those things really indicate that women are not happy.  They keep moving the goal post.  We’ll be happy when this happens.  We’ll be happy when this happens.  In fact, there’s no end in sight, this feminist mantra.  It does lead – all it does lead to is despair and misery.  It’s overwhelming how awful it is, I think, out there for most women.  The saddest part is that it’s hard to even find anything that offers a different voice to this.  You have almost every major media and Hollywood outlet, everything from New York.  All the women involved are all on board and paid homage to Planned Parenthood and are just on board with the whole agenda.  It’s hard to think of politicians or people in Hollywood who are prolife and that are against abortion.

Mike:  Carrie Gress, author of the book The Marian Option: God’s Solution to a Civilization in Crisis – we have autographed copies in our Founders Tradin’ Post at my website at  The irony here is – I just wanted to jump in because I’ll forget if I don’t.  The irony here is, what began this revolution, this woman’s revolution?  It began with the lie and the claim that women who weren’t out wearing shoulder pad suits in the workplace, weren’t struggling with traffic every day, weren’t doing this, that, and the other, were staying at home and raising children and keeping households, doing real serious hard work of managing the economics of a family – you want to talk about a job – that they were so miserable.  They had to get out.  It was misery.  They were being denied all the access to this and that, the fun and glamor and glory of being in the workplace and all that.  As you just said, you got all that but you’re still not happy; you’re still miserable.  What you said you needed to stop doing, because you were miserable, and start doing, which would make you happy, you’re now doing and you’re not happy.  That’s point one.

Point two, you just cited all the statistics, divorce, or the lack of marriage now, while the bastards that are running around that we don’t call bastards anymore, young men who won’t do the right thing and marry mothers.  You’ve got 48 percent of children, all children born in the United States born, 2015 statistics, 48 percent are born without a sacramental marriage or marriage of any kind being present here.  Look at that whole picture there.  Families are not happy.  Women held the family together.  Men went out and hunted bears, killed the snakes in the yard if they had to, and brought the money home.  Women made the home a home.  Families stayed together through thick, thin, good, bad.  You know the vows.  I’m not breaking any news here.

If you have women in these families who are doing what Celine Richards and these other members of Gal Qaeda tell them to do, then they’re sowing the seeds of unrest.  It’s no wonder so many families break up and there’s so much divorce.  That’s as a result – that’s not in spite of this; that’s as a result of this.  Again, look at the greatest model that you have.  The holy family.  There can’t be a better model than that.  The lie, “The sex life is bad,” you ever heard of a Josephine marriage?  The greatest marriage ever was a Josephine marriage.  All this is missing.  Now at least we have the book The Marian Option.

Gress:  You’ve got it.  Yes, exactly.  Much of the unhappiness that we’re seeing in men can also be directed back at what women are and aren’t doing.  Pornography is obviously so rampant.  Women have traditionally inspired men to become better, to bridge Heaven and Earth in the way that Our Lady does.  In fact, this has been lost completely.  We’ve got women who are just trying to be one of the guys and aping men so dramatically.  In fact, it’s ironic that Aristotle describes women as deformed males.  It just seems like as a culture, we’re just racing towards that.  We’re really trying to become a deformed male and really denying every element of what makes us unique and gives us this ability to hold the family together, to inspire our husbands and children, and to really build up the culture in beautiful and creative ways.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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