
Europe Needs Christendom Revision

todayNovember 11, 2015 9


Not The DeceptiCon Version However

Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry's wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.
Andrew Bieszad mentioned the story of St Fernando fighting the Muslim hordes and we carry James Fitzhenry’s wonderful biography of Fernando, autographed by the author.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“Folks, you see how some of you listening to this program, the handful of you that still do, and your host that strives for truth and humility every day, we’re years ahead of the curve, years ahead.  That’s because people, by and large in Western civilization, remain in and are going to remain in a not-productive pursuit of what is not true.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Rod Dreher writing at The American Conservative Magazine blog last night – this is on the Mike Church Show Fan Page.  If you’re over on the fan page, you’ll see it.  “Christendom Come Back!”


The Wall Street Journal is not known for its inhospitable attitude to immigrants coming across open borders, but today, its columnist Bret Stephens makes an open appeal for a return to European Christendom.

[end reading]

Mike:  Folks, you see how some of you listening to this program, the handful of you that still do, and your host that strives for truth and humility every day, we’re years ahead of the curve, years ahead.  That’s because people, by and large in Western civilization, remain in and are going to remain in a not-productive pursuit of what is not true.  I could say it lies, but it’s not really not true; it’s just deceit.  When you read things like headlines in the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal with headlines that say “Time for European Christendom to Return,” it’s not that far of a hop and a skip and a jump to see, in the very near future, that what we have been talking about here on this show will gain momentum.  I’ll tell you why it will gain momentum.  That doesn’t mean it’s going to win the day, but it will gain momentum and it will gain adherence because the intellect will tell men of goodwill that the truth makes sense, that the truth will work, that the truth, as David Simpson said yesterday, will set us free.  I won’t say that’s the conclusion that Bret Stephens has come to, but if you listen to Dreher’s take on this, he’s all over this, [mocking] “See, they’re coming around.”  The globalists are never going to fully come around because they kind of like divvying up trillions of dollars amongst themselves and their buddies and not having to work for it.  This is from Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal:


“Europe is dying because it has become morally incompetent.

[end reading]

Mike:  I might say that ‘Murica is dying because it’s become morally obstinate.  [mocking] “You’re not going to impose your morality on me, pal.”  Okay, well, whose morality can we impose on you, sir?  [mocking] “You can impose mine.”  And you’re an authority why?  [mocking] “Well, be- . . . well, I . . . it’s tha- . . . I . . . you . . . because I am.  Because Mises said I am, that’s why.  Because Hayek said I am, that’s why.”  Yeah, that’ll work out great, I’m sure.


“Europe is dying because it has become morally incompetent. It isn’t that Europe stands for nothing. It’s that it stands for shallow things, shallowly. Europeans believe in human rights, tolerance, openness, peace, progress, the environment, pleasure. These beliefs are all very nice, but they are also secondary.

“What Europeans no longer believe in are the things from which their beliefs spring: Judaism and Christianity . . .”

[end reading]

Mike:  One of those is correct; one of those is incorrect.  You might say that the Christianity was informed by the prior Judaism, and that is true.  We know this through the gospels.  [mocking] “There he goes again.  You see, that’s why you don’t last and now you’re not going to last.  You’ve got to inject your stupid gospels into everything.  Nobody cares.  Bash Obama.”  Yes, that will definitely give you a hot does of the truth, won’t it?  Eight days after the birth of our dear Lord and Savior, eight days afterwards, what did Mother Mary, Our Lady, and St. Joaquin, what did they do?  Mary knew.  An angel had appeared to her and told her that she would bear a son of God, that she would conceive of the power of the Holy Spirit and she would name him Jesum, Messiah.  Mary knew who that child was that she had wrapped in swaddling clothes.  She knew very well what it was.  She also knew the Law of Moses.

What did they do eight days afterwards?  They did what they were supposed to do.  They went into the temple, presented a pair of turtle doves.  Why did they do that?  Because that was the law.  It was the Judaic law or the Mosaic Law.  In keeping with the law, what did they also do?  This is very easy.  Where did Moses get the law from?  [mocking] “Yeah, Mike, where’d he get it?”  Go ahead.  Use your big boy words.  You can do this.  He got it from God.  That’s where he got the law from.  He didn’t make it up.  He got it from God.  Okay.  Who was the child wrapped in swaddling clothes being brought to the temple?  God.  What does God say, Jesus, Jesum – yes, I know there was no J back in Rome then.  Don’t lecture me.  I’m very well aware.  I can spell.  I can even write in Latin.  Jesum was brought to the temple in obeisance of his own law.  Why?  Because, as he said, I came to fulfill it.  What did he tell those scribes?  Before Abraham, I am.  Not I was, I am.  It’s important to understand this and to know this.  This is part of the order.  Back to Stephens:


“What Europeans no longer believe in are the things from which their beliefs spring: Judaism and Christianity; liberalism and the Enlightenment; [Mike: That is not from whence their beliefs sprang. Sorry, Mr. Stephens, el wrongo.] martial pride and capability; [Mike: Those are secondary; those are accidentals.] capitalism and wealth.

[end reading]

Mike:  There was no capitalism until the 19th century, sir, and there certainly was very little wealth to speak of as we speak of wealth.  So while Stephens’ head and heart seem to be in the right place, he’s got his facts and he’s got his analysis of European history and Christendom all wrong.  It’s all wet.  How do people continue to make these monstrous historical errors?  Well, because they have to make them.  If they don’t make those errors, then they have to admit something else, and they’re not going to do that.  Modern man cannot admit that modern man is but a pitiful, shallow representation of man that existed and lived in the ages of faith, in Christendom.

FOLKS, a message from Mike – The Project 76 features, Church Doctrine videos and everything else on this site are supported by YOU. We have over 70, of my personally designed, written, produced and directed products for sale in the Founders Tradin’ Post, 24/7,  here. You can also support our efforts with a Founders Pass membership granting total access to years of My work for just .17 cents per day. Thanks for 17 years of mike! – Mike

I was marveling yesterday in my book, or the book that I had the humble and honor and privilege, blessed with the opportunity to publish completely for the first time, Humility of Heart.  I chose a painting for the cover, maybe the Paraclete was guiding my hand, maybe it wasn’t.  I’d rather give him credit and say that it had nothing to do with me, so I’ll say that he was.  The artist’s name is Mariotto Albertinelli.  Albertinelli was a Michelangelo wannabe, what we would call a wannabe today.  He was inspired by Michelangelo and he loved the beauty of the art of Michelangelo.  He wanted to paint like Michelangelo.  He even studied a little under Michelangelo for a time.  Mariotto Albertinelli’s most famous painting is the painting that’s still in the museum in Florence.  It’s a famous museum.  If you go to Florence, Italy, you go to this museum.  That’s where you’ll find Michelangelo’s works.  There’s also a room where they have Albertinelli’s works.

Albertinelli’s most famous work is a painting called “The Visitation.”  That’s the cover of Humility of Heart.  If you look at that painting, you cannot help but be moved by it.  It’s so beautiful of a scene, of St. Elizabeth greeting the pregnant Mary, Our Lady, carrying our Lord.  The look of awe – Elizabeth is painted as being elderly.  She is the elder one.  It is Mary that should be looking at her as her elder, her aunty.  Instead, it’s Elizabeth that’s in awe of this 14-year-old that is bearing the son of God.  That painting is just striking and beautiful.  That painting came about at a time before, I want to emphasize this, before Mr. Stephens’ aforementioned enlightenment.  It is not possible to view that painting and not see the good, the true, and the beautiful in it.  That’s the foundation of Christendom, not this silliness about material wealth and owning cars and possessions and computers and all this other ridiculous garbage.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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