Pile Of Prep

Eve of Independence Day Pile of Prep

todayJuly 3, 2023 16


Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae

“But I am destined to another Fate, to Drudgery of the most wasting, exhausting, consuming Kind, that I ever went through in my whole Life. Objects of the most Stupendous Magnitude, Measures in which the Lives and Liberties of Millions, born & unborn are most essentially interested, are now before Us. We are in the very midst of a Revolution, the most compleat, unexpected, and remarkable of any in the History of Nations. A few Matters must be dispatched before I can return. Every Colony must be induced to institute a perfect Government. All the Colonies must confederate together, in some Solemn Compact. The Colonies must be declared free and independent States, and Embassadors must be Sent abroad to foreign Courts, to solicit their Acknowledgment of Us, as Sovereign States, and to form with them, at least with some of them commercial Treaties of Friendship and Alliance. When these Things shall be once well finished, or in a Way of being so, I shall think that I have answered the End of my Creation, and sing with Pleasure my Nunc Dimittis, or if it should be the Will of Heaven that I should live a little longer, return to my Farm and Family, ride Circuits, plead Law, or judge Causes, Just as you please.” John Adams Letter To William Cushing, 09 June 1776

Listen To Yesterday’s Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel | Listen To The Mike Church Radio Show-LIVE! M-F 6:00-10:00am CST

Today Is: Classic Movie Day and National Barbecue Day!

The Latest From The KingDude’s Substack

We ‘Muricans Have A Great Origin Story That We Stopped Telling

How Catholic Community Is Supposed To Work With

Backwater Foie Gras’ Ross McKnight

Told Ya So: PizzaGate Is Real & The Wall Street Journal Is Confirming It

Are New UFO Reveals A Reverse Deception Or The Real Deal?

Memorial Day – Is A Day of Solemn Commemoration, Not Hot Dogs

Donald Trump Was a PRIVATE Citizen When The FBI & Obama Admin Crossfire Hurricaned Him

Tucker Carlson’s LAST Public Statement Was “Take 10 Minutes & Say A PRAYER For The Future”…

The Satanic Reality Of AI S1E2

It’s Holy Week And We Shouldn’t Run From Our Lord… Or Trump

Saint Patrick Was a HOLY MAN Not a Brewer or Parade Master

Dads Lives Matter

LENT – I Fast So Our Lady Can Work Miracles-What’s Your Superpower?

Your Chance To Become Mark Houck Has Arrived You Radical, Rosary Praying “Extremists”!

The KingDude’s Pile of Prep

VERY URGENT: The fertility crisis in mRNA countries is deepening – Reading this report on fertility’s continued plummet begs the question in my mind: if its that bad in 

“All men are created equal” is NOT in the Declaration, Joe!

Hunter Biden’s Former Business Partner Was Willing to Testify Before Grand Jury; Delaware U.S. Attorney Didn’t Answer His Calls – Tony Bobulinski was willing and able to testify against Hunter Biden but the DA’s involved never bothered to call

Planned Parenthood reports abortions up 54% in Illinois as bordering states enact laws protecting the preborn – As I said at the time of Dobbs, Roe only exacerbated the evil, ending Roe wouldn’t end the evil it would just change its geographical location

The Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblower Testimony – Reading this statement from the House Ways and Means Committee’s investigation into the Biden’s criminal activities should result in an avalanche of arrests, bookings, prosecutions and building enough jails to house them all.

REVEALED: On Sunday, hours after it’s ill-fated launch, the U.S. Navy detected and recorded the implosion of the Titan submersible yet the Biden Regime allowed the world to pray for it’s rescue. WHAT KIND OF EVIL IS THIS!?- Mike Church on today’s Mike Church Show

House GOP votes to censure Schiff over role in Trump investigations – Schiffty Schiff gets what he dserves…finally

Pilgrims Saddened by Bishop’s Traditional Latin Mass Restrictions at Walsingham Shrine – Our Lady of Walsingham is the patroness of The CRUSADE Channel and The Mike Church Show as

Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal Is A Coverup Disguised As Justice – Trump called this one correctly

The “Climate Crisis” Can Be Explained By “Science!”

Trump Says ‘Secret’ Document He Described on Tape Referred to News Clippings – Trump tells Brett Baier what ACTUALLY happened during the now infamous “Top Secret” reveal, that the docs that were in his and were actually newspapers and printed news stories.



God Bless Bishop Strickland! – Strickland will lead a procession and prayer vigil outside Dodger Stadium today!

Time For The 6th CRUSADE To Liberate Christians In California From Sultan Newsommobad

Julie Kelly nails the Trump Indictment“What the party-goers won’t realize—or maybe they will?—is that they are cheering America’s decline. A country once considered a beacon of hope and freedom, an escape from Marxist hellholes, will take one giant leap closer to banana republic territory. Charging and potentially jailing Trump isn’t the only accelerant; one could safely argue a retaliatory campaign of terror unleashed by Garland’s Justice Department involving armed FBI raids against mostly peaceful Americans who protested Biden’s rigged election ultimately resulting in outlandish criminal charges, circus trials before partisan juries, a political gulag in the shadow of the Capitol, and excessive prison sentences hastened the slide.”

Indict Walt Nauta? Why Not the Biggest Liars First? – VDH lists the 6 Demoncrats including Killary who should have been indicted on the same charges Trump has been indicted on.

TRUMP INDICTED – “If you are a #NeverTrump Hater, today is Christmas. If you’re an American citizen of the Old Republic variety, today marks the end.”Mike Church on today’s Mike Church Show

The Wrong Indictments – Speaker Gingrich’s take on the Trump indictment from a historical POV

Former President Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Probe – This naked act of aggression is an indictment of every ‘Murican that ever voted for or supported Donald J. Trump. If the DOJ can indict Trump, DURING an election, then a Red Revolution is near.

BUT THE REAL GOAL IS A SEDITION CHARGE! Biden’s gang of lawless lawyers is NOT finished, as Julie Kelly reports, the REAL legal action will come when Garland and his crony judge, Beryl Howell, indict Trump on Sedition charges which could end in the death penalty.

READ –  The WSJ’s Shocking Report on Meta & Instagram’s pedophile sex trafficking

Apple’s New ‘Mixed-Reality’ Headset Is Designed To Isolate And Control You – I am a lifelong Apple fan but I pray this product is an epic failure before it enslaves an entire generation into an AI driven transhumanism….seriously, this product is CREEPY!

WATCH: ROCKEFELLER CENTER GOES RAINBOW-HOMO FRENZY! – The demonic hordes running Rockefeller Center in NYC want us bigots to know that they’ll rainbow flag overkill you into submission!

Ron DeSantis For The Win! Governor DeSantis basically calls for a New ‘Murican Union

Our Keystone Cop Military helped the Ukrainians blow up a Russian dam and then tried to blame Putin for it.

This City Is Now Renting “Pride Bikes” To Tour The City On – But what we want to know is “are the seats removable, for ‘pedalphiles’!?”

Bud Light Essentially Giving Beer Away During Memorial Day Weekend Amid Boycott – The Dylan Mulvaney sexcapade has show that it has “legs” meaning Bubba, once betrayed, does not forgive easily.

How alternative proteins are reshaping meat industries – Notice what these creeps are doing here? They have quietly changed

People in the Middle Ages Loved Virtue and, Therefore, Practiced Cleanliness

Women Shouldn’t Vote Any Longer, Here’s Why

FINALLY! Someone Other Than Me Asks The RIGHT Question About The FBI!!

Jude Russo at The American Conservative has put the dot on the “i” for us: is the mere existance of the FBI, DOJ, NSA, ATF etc compatible with the [r]epublican form of government established by the U.S. Constitution?

Every Ruby Ridge standoff, every Waco siege, every NSA surveillance scandal, every Russiagate inquiry, and, one suspects, every Mar-a-Lago raid is to be followed by an investigation in which malfeasance is admitted and nothing substantively changes. It is true that there is no replacement for virtue in our public servants, but one of the ideas behind the whole American project is that there are checks on their power.

Not anymore. There are the appearance of checks but in reality, no check is ever heaped on those guilty of gross acts of tyranny against We The People

If You’re Going To Run For President I Have The Right To Demand You Defend The Constitution’

Just read it…

The Sports Illustrated Himsuit Issue

Just watch your eyes, fellas.

The Demons Are Ascendent, They’ve Come For The Children

We all KNEW this was going to happen:

ORDER Must Be The Order Of The Day

Let’s hop in TKD’s Wayback Machine and visit with Russell Kirk for a moment on WHY, what ‘Muricans really need right now is order.

Once I was told by a scholar born in Russia of how he had come to understand through terrible events that order necessarily precedes justice and freedom. He had been a Menshevik at the time of the Russian Revolution. When the Bolsheviks seized power in St. Petersburg, he fled to Odessa, on the Black Sea, where he found a great city in anarchy. Bands of young men commandeered streetcars and clattered wildly through the heart of Odessa, firing with rifles at any pedestrian, as though they were hunting pigeons. At any moment, one’s apartment might be invaded by a casual criminal or a fanatic, murdering for the sake of a loaf of bread. In this anarchy, justice and freedom were merely words.

“Then I learned that before we can know justice and freedom,” my friend said, “we must have order. Much though I hated the Communists, I saw then that even the grim order of Communism is better than no order at all. Many might survive under Communism; no one could survive in general disorder.”

Read the whole thing.

I Can’t STAND ‘Bama but I do Love Coach Saban

This is why…

Things You Never Think About But Should

From Marshall McLuhan’s grandson, Andrew.

The ‘work’ in question, which media do, is in changing the way we interact with each other, the way societies function, and the very nature and operation of our brains and senses.

For instance, the car and the highway made suburbs possible. Not until then was it possible for large groups of people to live outside the cities they worked in and commute back and forth daily. Large groups. Scale. Pace. No cars, no highways: no suburbs. Smart phones have and are changing the way we associate with each other as well. Face to face communication skills are deteriorating. Attention is shrinking, being compressed. Sentences are shrinking — the way we express things is changing — ‘because media’.

Read the whole thing.

The Cult of Death’s War on Russian Christianity Has Run Out of OPM

Biden’s Proxy War & Attempt To Ignite WWIII May Now Lose The Krauts

ON yesterday’s Mike Church Show, available here, I said this in my own words and completely agree with Gonzalo Lira: the Kleptocrats have overplayed their hand and are looking for a way out.

There Is No pressure You Could Apply To Make A Real Parent Take Their Child To See This

I mean it, we need to get serious about taking these poor children away from these demon inspired harlots and cannibals masquerading as “parents”.

Trump Performs Ash Wednesday Corporal Work of Mercy

While Biden rallies NATO to WWIII against Russia

Vladimir Putin Calls For The West To DEFEND The Family & Christian Faith

While Regime Leader Biden plots WWIII with the atheist Cult of Death dictator, Zelensky

Disney+ Adds Hate Whitey To It’s “Queered Up” Show Lineup

Why are any rational, peaceful people still throwing money at Disney’s 100 Year Plot to End The Family?

It IS Time To Rethink “The 5 Day Work Week”

Chris Jordan takes on the state of Maryland’s new attempt to make “legal” a FOUR day “work week”, supposedly to deal with the “labor shortage” but wait, are there “labor shortages” among the self-employed vocationists?

The Grey Lady Headlines UFO’s Over ‘Muricah

The Times assigned 3 of their “best” reporters to the story on the 4 UFO’s seen and shot down over North ‘Muricah since Candlemas

What Is Going On In Ohio!?

A train derailed on Friday filled with Polyvinyl Chloride which then exploded then caught fire and no one is talking about it. Here’s what happens when PCV burns and it ain’t pretty.

POTUS 45-Trump-Delivers His Own SOTU


The Debt Bomb Is Unavoidable Yet Congress Will Still Pull A Headfake

Rep David Schweikert of AZ, dealing 18 minutes of cold hard facts about the National Debt. Errybody should watch this

Congress Has A Sense of Humor

Josh Hawley FTW



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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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