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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript
Mike: How many of you are following, at any level, the racefor the governorship or the Senate seat in California? I mean, in theSenate race you have the wonderful, what were they called, the GLOW,Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Except theyre not gorgeous, theyrehacks. You have Barbara Bouncer, who cant even name the nine justiceson the Supreme Court. I know this because my friend John Ziegler askedher at a press conference, and after five names, Dumbocrats, she ranout. So you have this idiot incompetent nitwit, this global warming, tree-hugging, industry-exterminating wildebeest named Barbara Boxer, who is a threat, by the way, to freedom. Barbara Boxer, as long as she is in the United States Senate or anywhere near a vote in any governing body, is a threat to liberty. She is a threat to freedom. And shes demonstrated it over and over and over again.
So they have this Senate race going on. And the Senate race is between her and a DeceptiCon, a fake phony fraud of a conservative named Carly Fiorina. Now, on the governors ledger they have a race going on between Marxist Daniel Ortega wannabe Jerry Brown and this woman named Meg Whitman. Now, correct me if Im wrong, AG: Whitman was the CEO of eBay, and Fiorina was HP; right?
AG: Yup.
Mike: I have that in the right order; correct? I have a Christmas wish that I would like to appeal to Dude Claus to, right now. If Dude Claus is out there listening, I promise to be nice. I promise to be naughty, not nice. I want to get on your list, Dude Claus, because I have a fervent wish. I hope beyond all hope, and pray, and ask Dude Claus to grant me my Christmas present. Please give California Jerry Brown as a governor. Please, God, Allah, Jesus, Vishnu, Buddha, I dont care what God it is. And I want you to join. Id like for you people to join me. Lets all hold hands, and lets pray together.
Now, those of you that live in California, youre just going to have to forgive me. Youre just going to have to forgive me. This is for your own good, though; okay? Were having an intervention here. Now, you people are nitwits. You are idiots. You are a bunch of quasi-Marxist nut jobs. And we are not going to let you take the rest of us down because of your idiocy, because of your bark-humping weirdness, because of all your little idiosyncrasies and all the things that you think that you can do because you have a bigger government than we do. Nanny nanny boo boo. Well, you know what? You can eat it. You can put salt and pepper on it, and you can own it, because youre going to own it.
I want Jerry Brown to win that race because I know what Jerry Brown is going to do. Jerry Brown is not even going to attempt to balance that budget in that state. Hes not even going to attempt to do anything about that pension crisis thats out there. Hes not going to attempt to alleviate any of the concerns that are driving every solitary industry that used to be in California out of the state. Hes not even going to attempt to pretend that theres a border with Mexico there. Hes not even going to attempt to pretend, heh heh, that theres any difference between a native Californian and an illegal alien Californian. The man is a walking, talking lunatic. He is a walking, talking excuse for anarchy, for libtardia anarchy.
And so maybe we can expedite the process of finally getting the biggest embarrassment behind us, which is the insolvency of the state of California. Youre already broke. Just admit it. All of your unions and all of your environmental rules and laws and, oh, California leads the way. Where, to Hades? I love that. Oh, it happens in California first. Yeah. And the rest of us regret that our idiot masters adopt what they do in California. I would just enjoy to experience the joy of watching the imminent slide of California into despotism. Because you people are going to lead the way for the rest of us out of this because youre going to have no choice, after Brown gets in there, and after you refuse to deal with your problems. And after DeceptiCons take back the Congress, and if if, and I dont know that they will, but I have an inkling that they may and if the DeceptiCon Republicans in Congress refuse to bail California out, youre going bankrupt, baby. You and all your little pensions, youre done. You and all your little retirement plans and your grandiose government state-run schemes for this and that and the other, and your $578 million public schools, hey, enjoy it. Its all yours. And youre going to pay it back, or youre going to declare bankruptcy.
And, oh, what a wonderful day that will be, to see socialism, to see oligarchy, to see all those things collapse in the grandest American experiment of all, the state of California. In the grandest experiment that says that, why, people dont create prosperity. Liberty doesnt create prosperity. California state government creates prosperity. Illegal immigrants that dont have a stake in the game other than what they can suckle off the teats of the actual working people of California, they have a stake in the game. As a matter of fact, if you people in California that actually have jobs how many of you are left out there in California? What? 35 of you? All right. Well, of all 35 of you that are actually gainfully employed in California, just, look, youve got to do this. Trust me on this. Youve got to vote Jerry Brown. As a matter of fact, you need to put a Jerry Brown campaign sign in your yard. You need to get out there and write letters to the editor. You need to tell your Doubting Thomas neighbor friends, oh, no, Browns great, man, hes going to fix everything. Oh, no, baby, I am 100 percent behind Jerry Brown.
Youll be beginning the process that the rest of us are going to have to begin, and the biggest state can finally lead. You can finally show us, California, how the rest of us can get out from underneath the debt that cannot be paid back, the retirement plans that cannot be paid out to these union hacks, and all the rest of this Leviathan that has been erected at the state level. So Im rooting for Jerry Brown. I really am. Matter of fact, AG, will you get why dont we see if we can get Jerry Brown on the program. I want to endorse him. Seriously.
AG: All right.
Mike: I want to endorse Jerry Brown. Well, Meg Whitman is a DeceptiCon hack. All shes going to do is give actual conservatives a bad name and a black eye, just like the Terminator has done. So dont do it. Dont go there. Let that Marxist libtard, Daniel Ortega wannabe, that whats his name, that Che Guevara lover, let him get in there. Let him be the person that ruins it.
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Abortion, and even contraception, even in the prevention of pregnancy, is verboten in church teaching. This goes all the way back prior – this is taken directly from the gospels, directly from the Old Testament, and then passed on traditionally." Check out today’s transcript […]
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