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ExxonMobil Wants Their Government Subsidy

todayApril 15, 2013 6

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    ExxonMobil Wants Their Government Subsidy AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Brian Watson writes: “Mike, why is a petroleum company marketing for common core?”  Brian, that is a damned good question, sir.  I believe I can provide you and the rest of the audience with a very good answer.  Here’s what I wrote to Brian: “Brian, the answer is that Exxon would not have to foot the bill to train scientists and mathematicians to employ.  The Feds will do it and thus they obtain a subsidy worth tens of billions.”  Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    ExxonMobil Wants Their Government Subsidy AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I was just speaking about education and I have to mention this, even though it appears that most of you are not golf fans, otherwise we would have had melted phone lines and melted Twitter feeds over the discussion of Woods and Faldo and the rules of golf, gentlemanly, Christian virtue.  I can safely ascertain that there are eight of you besides me and Andrew that actually play golf.  So you probably didn’t see the Masters, but AG, you saw it.  Something was bugging me about the commercials.  Of course, when they do the Masters, they only allow two or three advertisements.  This year it was AT&T, ExxonMobil “Let’s Solve This” and IBM.  The ExxonMobil “Let’s Solve This” commercials were bugging me.  Did you see them?

Own your AUTOGRAPHED copy of THE book on the American Union's realignment
Own your AUTOGRAPHED copy of THE book on the American Union’s realignment

AG:  I couldn’t have told you, so obviously they didn’t stick out in my mind.

Mike:  The ones about how [mocking] “We need to have tens of thousands more students and teachers out there in math and science.  We can solve this.  We can have a better economy if we have more kids in math and science.  We’ve got all these jobs out there that can’t be filled because there are dummies out there that don’t know math and science.  If we don’t have math and science, we’re going to be a weaker economic nation.  Let’s invest out money in schools.”  Why?  We already invest in schools, for god’s sake.  Does anyone really think we don’t invest in schools?  My lord, how much more would you like us to invest, ExxonMobil?  Maybe we ought to invest in individual effort, how about that?  Maybe we ought to invest in giving advanced certifications and degrees and acknowledgments out to anyone, regardless of whether or not they’re in a school or not, that can achieve at science or math?  What difference does it make where you acquire the knowledge?  That’s my point.  Why does it have to be at a school?  Well, it has to be at a school so we can keep tabs on it Mike and we can score it.  If only all the states caved into this common core curriculum garbage, and if only we all agreed that our tests ought to be this and the kids ought to score that, then all would be right with the world.  We’d all be scientists and mathematicians.

republican-shirt-ifyouhavetoask1I’m listening to these commercials going: If we’re all scientists and mathematicians, who’s going to bake my bread?  Who’s going to grind my coffee beans?  Who’s going to flip my burger?  Who’s going to medium-rare, perfect 45-degree angle grill mark my filet mignon steak?  Who’s going to assemble my lawnmower?  Oh, they’ll do that in China, that’s right.  Who’s going to knit my shirt?  They’ll do that in Bangladesh.  Who’s going to make my pants?  Who’s going to construct my shoes?  Who’s going to mow the lawn?  You have Mexicans for that.  I’m just listening to this and it is ludicrous.  If you’re paying any attention to these television advertisements, it is ludicrous what they are advocating.

Brian Watson writes: “Mike, why is a petroleum company marketing for common core?”  Brian, that is a damned good question, sir.  I believe I can provide you and the rest of the audience with a very good answer.  Here’s what I wrote to Brian: “Brian, the answer is that Exxon would not have to foot the bill to train scientists and mathematicians to employ.  The Feds will do it and thus they obtain a subsidy worth tens of billions.”  You guys are asking the right question at the end of the program today.  That is the entirely appropriate question.  If you watched the Masters, you had to be wondering: What in the hell is ExxonMobil doing promoting this god-awful UN-inspired common core crap?  What is this?  I don’t know if Mickelson is still involved.  Andrew, wasn’t he ExxonMobil’s science and math initiative spokesdude, he and his wife?

AG:  I think he shows up on the commercials.

Mike:  I think his wife does, too.  I can’t imagine that Phil would be behind this.  It is the proper question to ask here on productivity punishment day, also known as Tax Day.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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