
Feds Raid Gibson Guitars But Will Not Raid Planned Parenthood

todayJuly 28, 2015 8



This wonderful prayer guide to honor the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a convenient size to carry on your person and refer to often.
This wonderful prayer guide to honor the Holy Souls in Purgatory is a convenient size to carry on your person and refer to often.

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let me take you back to the early days of the Obama administration in 2009 and 2010.  Some of you will recall that the Obama administration decided, in their infinite wisdom, that they were going to conduct raids on a factory.  This factory was going to be raided because the most heinous, unbelievable atrocities were being committed inside and we must bring an end to this.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Let me take you back to the early days of the Obama administration in 2009 and 2010.  Some of you will recall that the Obama administration decided, in their infinite wisdom, that they were going to conduct raids on a factory.  This factory was going to be raided because the most heinous, unbelievable atrocities were being committed inside and we must bring an end to this.  The things that are happening here are happening to the most precious of living things, the Obama administration said.  These precious living things must be protected at all costs, and the federal government is going to intervene.  We will stop these atrocities being committed.  We will put an end immediately to the sale of the byproduct of these atrocities against this precious, most precious and innocent of living things.  We will do so in a very public, very loud, very violent manner.

What am I talking about?  Raids on Planned Parenthood clinics trafficking in baby livers?  Ha!  Child’s play.  What am I talking about?  Raids on other clinics out there that are selling access to organs that must be harvested from still-living people that must be declared dead in order to harvest their organs?  Nah, that’s old news.  What was this precious life that must be at all costs protected?  Of course, ladies and gentlemen, it was ebony used to make fretboards for Gibson guitars.  Do you remember this?  It was teak wood, precious, living teak wood that was harvested by unscrupulous and despicable men in places across the Pacific Ocean.  This precious little piece of wood must be protected.

Do you remember the Gibson guitar factories, a couple of them, were raided by jackbooted thugs from the federal government who go in and confiscate the material and temporarily shut the factory down?  This happened in 2011.  How many of you remember this?  Someone has to get in there and someone has to rescue the teak wood.  Someone has to get in there and rescue the stuff that they’re putting in the guitar frets.  It’s an atrocity.

Let me see if I understand this.  We can marshal the forces of the federal government to raid a factory that’s making guitars because they’re using contraband.  Of course the CEO of Gibson said: We legally obtained this.  We legally use it in the manner in which we were told we could legally use it.  The CEO of Gibson guitars, a man whose name is Henry Juszkiewicz is still angry about this four years later after

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he was embarrassed, after he was called names, after his company was made to look like they were trading in illicit materials to make their guitars, after his company lost $5 million as a result of this harassment.  The factories were raided in 2009 and 2011.

The company agreed to pay a $300,000 penalty and pay a $50,000 fine to a federal conservation fund.  This is what Mr. Juszkiewicz was forced to do for making a guitar out of an allegedly endangered piece of wood, which is not endangered and is legally sold still today.  But we’ll send the federal agents, we’ll bring all the force that the federal government has to bear down on the Gibson Guitar Company.  [mocking] “We’re going to go in there and make sure you’re not abusing that wood and that ivory, buddy.”

Folks, let’s review for a moment, shall we?  We will use the U.S. Marshals and whoever else participated in this raid, IRS agents or whatever the case was, we will use them to ensure that teak wood is not being abused by Gibson Guitars.  [mocking] “They’re violating federal laws.  This country has standards and we have a moral conscience.”  But we won’t use the same moral conscience, the same agencies, maybe even different agencies, maybe more agencies, maybe less agencies, and send the jackbooted thugs into a Planned Parenthood clinic to raid them and see whether or not they’re trafficking any forms of precious life that need our protection.

You can’t make this stuff up.  A piece of wood in America is more cherished and has earned more protections than human life.  That is when you are not dealing with, refuse to deal with reality.  This is from 2013, I remind you.  “Gibson CEO revise complaints over government raids in wake of IRS scandal.”


The CEO of Gibson Guitars is reviving a claim that his company was unfairly targeted by the government, on the heels of the scandal over the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.

Gibson boss Henry Juszkiewicz, who has donated in the past to Republicans, told Fox News on Wednesday he doesn’t know whether a series of raids on his company were tied at all to his political leanings. But he said “I clearly believe that someone targeted our company inappropriately.”

[end reading]

Mike:  Listen to this.  Just consider this.  We’re talking about a piece of wood here that earned the scorn and ire and brought the entire Justice Department down on the Gibson Guitar Company.  People being filmed talking about, boasting and bragging about, describing how bodies, little babies, are ripped apart in their mother’s wombs and their organs are harvested, not a peep.


Gibson was the subject a high-profile investigation involving disputed fingerboard shipments. Juszkiewicz said the legal fees and seizure of merchandise cost his company roughly $5 million.

“We were not high on the list of people you would go after, so clearly there was something else there,” he said. “I think there is a system problem. And I’ve committed myself to fighting back for years to come.”

Juszkiewicz is retelling his story after the IRS acknowledged it improperly subjected conservative groups . . .

On the Gibson case, though, the company already reached a resolution last year with the federal government.

Gibson entered what was called a “criminal enforcement agreement” under which Gibson would not be charged. The company agreed to pay a $300,000 penalty and pay $50,000 to a federal conservation fund. [/private]

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The dispute centered on a law known as the Lacey Act, which since 2008 has made it illegal to import plant products, including wood, exported in violation of another country’s laws. The law was updated in an effort to target illegal logging. [Mike: We have more laws on the books against illegal logging and against protecting stupid, allegedly endangered trees than we do human babies.]

However, the series of federal raids on Gibson factories in 2009 and 2011 were prompted by an issue that went beyond conversation.

The shipments of wood from Madagascar and India were deemed illegal because they were unfinished – something those countries prohibited.

However, finished fingerboards presumably would have been legal. In the Indian case, court documents said one intercepted shipment was “falsely” labeled as finished when it wasn’t.

Juszkiewicz said at the time that the U.S. government essentially went after his company because the work wasn’t being done in India.

[end reading]

Mike:  Let’s review.  We’ll raid guitar factories to stop the use — I think it’s teak wood and ebony — because these things are precious and must be preserved.  Not a peep.  A bailiff from a federal court hasn’t even showed up at a Planned Parenthood clinic.  Is any of this — I keep asking this question.  Is any of this sinking in?  A civilization that will not do everything and anything that is needed to bring an atrocity like this to an end is not worthy of being called a civilization.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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