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The Topless Gal-Qaeda: Combatting Vulgar Behavior with More Vulgarity

todayApril 8, 2013 17

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    The Topless Gal-Qaeda: Combatting Vulgar Behavior with More Vulgarity AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There are less-than-scantily-clad young women of your age who were protesting.  I have the story here.  Apparently some woman who is a Tunisian nudist artist, whatever that is, was told by the Islamic clerisy there that she could not be a nudist artist anymore.  These women, Femen is what they go under the name of, decided to hold a protest outside of the Tunisian Embassy in France.  Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    The Topless Gal-Qaeda: Combatting Vulgar Behavior with More Vulgarity AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

(We can’t in good conscious post any pictures from this article but you can follow the link to the story which has some very NSFW pictures.)

Mike:  Did you see these maniacal women out there outside the Tunisian Embassy in France protesting?  Did you see this?

AG:  No, no.

Mike:  Is young Eric in today?

AG:  He’s here.

Mike:  Is he smiling like: I saw it, I saw it.

AG:  No, he hasn’t seen it either.


Mike:  There are less-than-scantily-clad young women of your age who were protesting.  I have the story here.  Apparently some woman who is a Tunisian nudist artist, whatever that is, was told by the Islamic clerisy there that she could not be a nudist artist anymore.  These women, Femen is what they go under the name of, decided to hold a protest outside of the Tunisian Embassy in France.  What you had were hundreds of young, angry, topless women who had painted all over their bodies all manner of vulgarity.  I don’t know how you plan or what your goal is in combatting what you believe to be vulgar behavior from Islamic clerics and men by painting vulgarities on your naked body in public, but that’s exactly what they did.

I first found the story at American Conservative Magazine website, “Femen Gone Wild: The ‘Topless Jihad.’”  If you go to The Atlantic — I’ll send you the link.  You and Eric are going to want to check this out anyway now that I’ve piqued your curiosity.  This is not safe for work.  It’s posted in today’s Pile of Prep with a warning.  The Atlantic has about 150 pictures of these dames.  As I said, it’s not safe for work.  Your tender sensibilities are going to be offended.  Do not let your young daughters see the Femen protest photos.  Scott McConnell writes about this that he, like I, was unaware that this was going on.  He writes:

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For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!


I’m curious about the instigators, who are these generally attractive young, white for the most part, women?  How many—if any—are former Muslims, rebel/apostates in the Ayaan Hirsi Ali  sense? How many are more typical young Western feminists… [Mike: I like to call these women members of gal-qaeda, folks. How ironic is that, protesting Islamic clerisy and being called gal-qaeda for doing so?] How many are hipsters hoping to stir the pot, in the same spirit of young women I’ve heard of trying to “provoke” the Hassidim in Brooklyn by dressing provocatively?  While the targets of the protest certainly make it seem compatible with a purely Islamophobic or neoconservative agenda, it’s beyond my imagination that anyone Pam Geller-inspired could organize anything like this. But then who?

[end reading]

Mike:  Have you now seen the — did you click the link?

AG:  Yeah, that’s a lot of pictures.

Mike:  Are you shocked at what they have painted all over their bodies?  It’s pretty appalling, isn’t it?

AG:  It is what it is.  They’re protesting whatever they’re protesting, I guess.

Mike:  You wouldn’t expect to see this outside the chancellor’s office at Trinity College in Texas, would you?

AG:  Trinity University, I don’t know that you’d see that.

republican-shirt-ifyouhavetoaskMike:  I don’t even know if you’d see this at BC, Boston College, SUNY, Columbia.  You might see this outside of Columbia or one of these liberal arts universities.


One of the appealing things in modern Islam—which I’ve seen in Cairo and in Damascus seven years ago—is the blend  of symbols of piety and communal belonging with a studied sex appeal: the headscarf with tight jeans and good eye make-up look. It seems to connote a lot of good things, a sort of modernism within the tradition, a sensuality compatible with marriage and family, reverence for learning and education.

I can’t imagine that these protests, which I suspect will be the most widely viewed photographs from Morocco to Pakistan in the days ahead, will convey to men and women in those societies anything beyond antinomianism and anarchy and a sense that the West is hopelessly corrupt and doomed. [Mike: If I saw these photographs, that’s what I’d think. Who the hell are these women and why are they all naked?] And I can’t see them doing any good at all for Amina Tyler, the Tunisian nude body artist in whose name they are held.

[end reading]

Mike: You’ll notice that some of those women are bearing signs that say there will be more Aminas.  Just out of curiosity, what is a nude body artist?  Do you know?  Is this someone that paints themselves up while naked and then displays themselves publicly?  Is that what that is?

AG:  I have no clue.

Mike:  Does Eric know?  Does anybody know?  She’s a nude body artist and the protests were held in her name.


Still, I’m curious about the mentality and agenda of those who planned and instigated this. Unlike many political phenomena, it’s far from obvious.

[end reading]

Mike:  I just think these women are absolutely nuts.  They’re in search of infamy at the very least.  As I said, the vulgarity, to try to stop what you believe to be heinous behavior with more heinous behavior, this is like pouring oil on a grease fire.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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  1. Paul on April 9, 2013

    Only in America is topless considered vulgar. LOL
    Should you ever move off your “I don’t throw stones at the so-called sinners” soapbox, you’ll find with little research that these protesters spend their days getting the message out that “tyranny against women is WRONG,” no matter what religious, State, or professional organization (male douchebags) enslaving them.
    That these young people “use” a Hollywood or pop-music free-style avenue to spread that message, I could care less.
    In one instance, I had to laugh, as they protested outside the Vatican, which is FULL of nude impressionist art, yet bemoaning topless women in protest. LOL
