Founders Television

Foreign Policy Is THE Issue

todayJuly 15, 2013 6

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    Foreign Policy Is THE Issue ClintStroman

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    Foreign Policy Is THE Issue ClintStroman


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    Foreign Policy Is THE Issue ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Everything our magisterial government does descends from it’s foreign policy, how we treat people in foreign countries reflects on how we treat people in our own country. So what does that say about us? In countries like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Bosnia, and Libya, we are funding a war on Christianity and supporting mob democracy. Now that these countries have “democracy” and they get a chance to vote, everything is going to be perfect, right? As long as they vote for the person and people that the US Government supports. But what happens when they don’t? Does the US Government intervene AGAIN, even though these countries already have “democracy”? When does it stop, folks? Check out today’s Founders TV for more and sign up for a Founders Pass if you don’t already have one…

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Written by: ClintStroman

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