Founders Television

NSA: Dark Side of the Gov

todayJune 11, 2013 8

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    NSA: Dark Side of the Gov ClintStroman

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    NSA: Dark Side of the Gov ClintStroman


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    NSA: Dark Side of the Gov ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Just because the NSA is snooping on people for “national security” reasons doesn’t mean the Constitution should be thrown out the window, in fact, the opposite should be true.  In times when the government has abused it’s power the Constitution should be our guiding light to protect our civil liberties. Most of us can agree that keeping an eye on foreign enemies is generally a good thing, but it crosses a line when you start wiretapping American Citizens for “national security”. For much more on this be sure and check out today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you haven’t already!

dark side of the gov

Written by: ClintStroman

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