Founders Television

Free Market Chickens Would Be Safer Than USDA Chickens

todayOctober 8, 2013 6

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    Free Market Chickens Would Be Safer Than USDA Chickens ClintStroman

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Today’s Complete Founder’s TV Audio and Video:

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    Free Market Chickens Would Be Safer Than USDA Chickens ClintStroman


Today’s Founder’s TV Audio and Video Preview:

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    Free Market Chickens Would Be Safer Than USDA Chickens ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – When you take out the one entity, in this case the USDA, that can’t be sued if they approve tainted meat then you will have safer foods. Why? Because if another company was approving chickens for consumption and they screwed up, they could be sued, and they DO NOT want to be sued, eventually they’ll go out of business from enough lawsuits. Even if the chickens make it to a restaurant and they’ve gone bad you have the option of suing the restaurant, which can then in turn sue the company it got the chickens from. And again, no one wants to spend all of their time in the courts with lawsuits. So the bottom line here is that once you get rid of the organizations that CAN’T be sued, you’ll have safer meat. For more on this, be sure and check out the rest of today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you haven’t already!

usda meat

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Written by: ClintStroman

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