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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
“Action, the only activity that goes on directly between men without the intermediary of things or matter, corresponds to the human condition of plurality, to the fact that men, not Man, live on the earth and inhabit the world. While all aspects of the human condition are somehow related to politics, this plurality is specifically the condition-—not only the conditio sine qua non, but the conditio per quam—of all political life.” – Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition
Listen To Yesterday’s Mike Church Show on The CRUSADE Channel | Listen To The Mike Church Radio Show-LIVE! M-F 6:00-10:00am CST
Moore Vs Harper Could Be The Catalyst For A Great Awakening…
Gentlemen! Let Us Be Inspired By The Pole’s Victory Over Muhammed On This Day!
A New October Red Revolution Approaches
The TrannyMammy™ Zeitgest Has Set Up Shop At Boston CHILDREN’S Hospital
The [NEA] teachers union promotes a how-to guide for “anal sex,” “bondage,” “sadomasochism,” and “fisting” – Christopher Rufo’s report on the grooming 1.3 MILLION teachers of the NEA should be shocking but it’s not
Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Special Master Review, Instead Trusting FBI Completely – The “Get Donny” perp walk moment is coming…soon
‘Flat-Out Lie’: Doctor Debunks Stacey Abrams’ ‘Conspiracy’ Theory On Fetal Heartbeats – OBGyn doctor calls Stacey Slobrams, baby and GOP election slayer’s claim that “babies don’t have heartbeats at 6 weeks, that’s a conspiracy theory”, “A flat out lie”
The Unvaccinated Have Won – Kennedy Hall p[roclaims VICTORY over Canuck Covidian Justin Trudeau!
Gays Against Groomers Get Financially Deplatformed – This is the BIGGEST story of the year if you’re a bidnessman who also happens to be a Christian in thought and practice and has a public footprint of any kind, like The CRUSADE Channel and The Mike Church Show. THIS is the culmination of Clint Eastwood’s “Damn internet, screws up everything”
Why Does The NEA Want Kids To Learn Butthole-Licking? – The NEA is an abomination that should have been killed in its infancy, now its just another demon front group that’s grooming school children for Moloch’s harvest
Man Charged With Killing Teen Echoed Biden’s ‘Republican Extremism’ Rhetoric To Justify His Act – Sara Palin was harassed and threatened with lawsuits by the entire Demoncrat Party for the “target flyer”, President Trump was impeached and is now being investigated for allegedly inciting the non-riot January 6th riots but now that Regime Leader Biden’s comments on “Republican Extremists” has produced zombie killers of the same, has produced *crickets*
Tom Cotton: Conservatives Should Oppose Media Cartel Bill that Will Lead to More Censorship – This turkey of a “bill” is an attempt to drive The CRUSADE Channel News out of nusiness because it would require us to pay “royalties” to quote BIG NEWS published on BIG TECH, it’s an outrage that virtually guarantees underground news and radio will become a thing
South Dakota Is Debating What Could Be The Best K-12 History Curriculum In The Country – It’s true that this curricula has a lot of ‘Murican Exceptionalism in it but the historical events that inspire that are worthy of learning about and from
Russia to begin partial mobilization – Putin – NATO’s war pimps and their Military Industrial Complex benefactors are getting the war they’ve always dreamed of, a nightmare that’s dawning for the rest of the world
Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition – We have seen these heroes of The Netherlands refuse to “eat ze bugs” but few are still covering the diabolical epoch which is proceeding without the farmers participation while TRILLIONS of $$ are being stolen in the guise of “climate control”
Parents’ horror over boy, three, sexually groomed by his school – The government of Wales has mandated that 3 year olds and up must now be taught HOW to “please themselves”, the same gubbmint has also now removed parents right’s to opt out making Wales the 1st official Groomer State in Satan’s grasp
Two More Texas Counties Declare Immigration Crisis an ‘Invasion,’ Bringing Total to 29 – If the GOP can’t “resolve” this issue for Texans and in the process begin to defang the Biden Leviathan then what good are they?
Implementing American Creation – This speech by Saurab Sharma is missing only 1 element to implement it successfully: New Christendom, but Mr. Sharma lays out a version of our New Christendom strategy which says “Keep doing what’s working and start doing what needs to work!”
Intermission: Last Post for Christian England, O death, where is thy sting? – The Abbey of Misrule’s ode to Christian Monarchy is a must read today
Farewell to the Elizabethan Era – Johnathan va Maren’s ode to the end
The Top Ten Greatest Requiem Masses – It is a tragedy of Liberalism that Queen Elizabeth was not honored with a Catholic, Requiem Mass
Change in Hungarian Abortion Law – Hungary continues to stun, Cult of Death Europe by progressing towards a Christian state!
Trans Mega-Ta-Tas In Clown World Canada – This HAS to be an actual mocking of the whole TrannyMammy™ zeitgeist it is THAT ridiculous
Texas Grade School Teacher Quits After Being Accused of Posting Disturbing Sexual Content – Parents in the DFW school district are sending notice to groomers that they will not be using their children as sex guinea pigs!
Original Unintentions: The Franchise and the Constitution – Forrest MacDonald explains what actually happened at the Federal Convention of 1787
Overturn Wickard v. Filburn – AMEN, brista, Amen
The Upcoming Case of Moore Vs Harper Could Be The Catalyst For A Great Awakening – I will have a complete breakdown of this case of supposed “voting rights” but is ACTUALLY THE REFERENDUM on the survival of [r]epublicanism or its death to Regime, on today’s show, you should listen!
Where are the Relics of the Passion? And What do They Tell Us? – Today is The Exaltation of The Holy Cross, my buddy KV Turley wrote about it and the True Relics, this is a good read on the subject!
US Consumer Prices Blow Away Expectations, Rise For 27th Straight Month – This caused the Dow to plunge 1371 points but DO…NOT…WORRY!! Because the Regime has plans to put all of us out of our misery (and existence) this winter so the suffering will only last as long as we do!
Children’s Entertainment: A Dark System that May Never Be Resolved – Disney and Nickelodeon lead the way in the new media business model for children: groom them young so they’re corrupted and producing adrenochrome for Moloch and the boys at an early age
Apparently not enough women are choosing to not chemically abort their 5-6 week old babies and offer their souls up for Moloch to consume… Planned ExecutionHood to the rescue:
Planned Parenthood’s website was quietly updated today to remove that a baby has a heartbeat at 5-6 weeks
— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) September 22, 2022
Peter Thiel is, I’m afraid, correct but he forgot the old EU religion of “Pagan, human sacrifice & cannibalism”
Thiel: “There are 3 tangible futures. Islamic sharia law, Chinese totalitarian AI, or hyper-environmentalism”
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 23, 2022
UPDATE: I talked about this in Hopur 1 of Thursday, 22 September’s Mike Church Show, LISTEN TO IT HERE!
The “Electoral Count Act” is the final nail in the Electoral College’s and ‘Muricah under the Constitution’s coffin, let’s bury this suckah.
229-203: House passes bill reforming the Electoral Count Act.
Here are the 9 GOP ‘yes’ votes, none of whom will be in Congress next session:
• Liz Cheney
• Adam Kinzinger
• Peter Meijer
• Tom Rice
• Jaime Herrera Beutler
• John Katko
• Fred Upton
• Chris Jacobs— The Recount (@therecount) September 21, 2022
Joseph Shaw is President of the UK Latin Mass Society.
The British Royal Family does not have a very positive record when it comes to the institution of marriage. Nevertheless, The Queen’s devotion to her office offers us an example: in sickness and in health, till death do us part.
Read the whole essay, The Unlikely Survival of Sacred Office
Lots of people played 20 seconds of this clip that was posted on YouBoob in April but I spent an entire Saturday morning in April tracking down (published on my Substack here)
In today’s hearing, I showed a video of Dr. Fauci claiming natural immunity is “The most potent vaccination.”
Fauci tried to use the corporate media to defend himself, but words don’t lie.
— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) September 14, 2022
The Babylon Bee at its best, watch:
Latest sketch from our team at @TheBabylonBee –
Ex-Californians Having Trouble Adjusting to Life in Texas
— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) September 14, 2022
On this day in 1683, Don Jon Sobieski and his Winged Hussars stormed the valley surrounding Vienna where 120,000 Turkish Mohammedans had gathered to siege the city, kill King leopold, rape his wife and daughter then continue their march to Rome to do the same to Pope Innocent XI, but Our Lady had other plans. As Brother André Marie recalls, channeling Gary Potter:
Fortuitously, the pope of the day, Innocent XI, had just brokered an alliance between the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland, which was also menaced by the Mohammedans. When it became known that no fewer than 300,000 Turks were advancing on the imperial capital, Pope Innocent ordered that rosaries be recited in the religious houses and churches of Rome. The same prayers of supplication were offered throughout the Empire. Still, the situation was so dangerous that the imperial court left Vienna for Passau and took refuge there. Meantime, there were special devotions at the Capuchin Church in Vienna to Our Lady Help of Christians, whose famous picture hangs there. It would become the symbol of the victory over the Turks by Poland’s King John Sobieski when he arrived on the scene after a series of forced marches from Czestochowa.
Remember, then, CRUSADER Knight that NUMBERS do NOT matter to the Mother of God, your an my devotion and trust in Her and Her Divine Son’s Grace, in the face of evil, does!
Holy name of Mary, Pray for us!
Boom. And so it begins, corporate ‘Muricah is selling the middle class scrappers out. This will only get worse if people try and hide their sales. Watch out.
JUST IN: Ebay locking accounts of users who sell over $600 worth of products until they submit their social security number for IRS reporting.
— Chris Nelson 🇺🇸 (@ReOpenChris) August 29, 2022
The shoes are now dropping from The Biden Regime’s Bolshevik inspired raid on President Trump’s Mar-A-Lago: Biden ordered the DOJ to ignore Trump’s Executive Privilege and search his Mar-a-Lago home!
BREAKING: White House Lied About Involvement in the FBI’s Raid of Mar-a-Lago!
BREAKING NEWS: @jsolomonreports
has proof the White House lied about involvement in the FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago!— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 23, 2022
The rats are fleeing the bad ship Covid, from Celia Farber’s Substack:
I asked Mr. Kennedy, by text, if he would give me a quote, (and to please not hold back.)
”Why do you think Fauci resigned now?” I asked.
He replied:
“All the lies are starting to unravel.
“Even Dr. Fauci’s propaganda commissars at CNN are asking why our country, under Dr. Fauci’s helmsmanship, had the world’s highest Covid body counts.
“His hand picked investigator on the Lancet Commission, Jeffrey Sachs, is now functionally accusing Dr. Fauci, and his minion, Peter Daszak, of helping to create Covid in the Wuhan lab, and of lying incessantly to cover their tracks.
“In recent days, his key and most loyal subordinates: Robert Redfield, Robert Kadlec, Christian Hassel, and Lawrence Tabec, have all distanced themselves, trying to get clear of the splatter zone.
Even Birx and Wallensky are doing Mea Culpas. The rats are leaving the ship. The Omertà is collapsing.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
12:00 am - 11:59 pm
11:40 pm - 11:55 pm
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