insert_link 1 Pile Of Prep Tuesday Pile of Prep – The Great Debate is Set: The Don vs The Demon’s Dame todayAugust 28, 2024 122 1
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Bruce Bianchetta on December 19, 2014 Greetings Mike, I listen to you as I drive to work each morning. Since I don’t have XM in my office I only get to listen to you for about 30 minutes, but what I hear I am impressed by. When you mentioned Father Ripperger I was suitably stunned. I live in Bellevue, Nebraska less then 3 miles from Offutt AFB, from where I retired in 1998. When I arrived at Offutt I mentioned to some co-workers that I wanted to find a Tradition Latin Mass (TLM) and the next morning when I came into work there was a bulletin foer Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church, Omaha. On it were listed the mass times and a listing for an 0830 Low Mass and a 1000 High Mass (0700 and 1200 Novus Ordo (NO)). I was thrilled to find a TLM in accord with the Holy See (Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP)). The Pastor there was Father Lucien Astuto and all throughout the time we (TLM Community) were at Saint Patricks semminarians from Our Lady Of Guadalupe Seminary (OLGS) in Denton Nebraska would pass through St. Pat’s and many were associate pastors, one of which was Father Ripperger agraduate of OLGS. Now all Priests from the FSSP have a deep and solid grounding in advanced theology but when Father Ripperger gave his sermons, you’d better bring a notebook. This guy is a very deep and scholarly priest, but his talks/sermons are golden. We get to see him quite frequently, as OLGS has their ordinations yearly and he always returns for those. I have been so blessed to get many many first blessings from newly ordained priests and attend many firt masses as well. The Omaha TLM community has since moved on to Immaculate Conception Church and our Pastor, Father John Brancich is deeply involved in the seminary hierarchy (though he was at one time one of those associate pastors at St. Pats.) I always look forward to your program and am stunned at the amount of research you do, it is truly unmatched. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year. Bruce M Bianchetta Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1786