Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep

todayNovember 13, 2015 8


Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel.The Modern Wrong World Made Right gets a boost over at the Federalist while the DeceptiCON right cannibalizes itself for the sake of the war machine.“The wild card after this debate is Rand Paul—the audience seemed more sympathetic to Rubio during their confrontation, but by taking on Rubio as his father, Ron Paul, took on Rudy Giuliani in 2007, the younger Paul may have given his campaign fresh direction and appeal, both to his father’s libertarian base and to Republicans who hope that the next president from their party pursues a foreign policy very different from that of the last Bush administration.”

The Modern Wrong World Made Right Is Catching On – Whne Brother André Marie and I began planning then recording our series on how the Modernist Philosophers were wrong, we had Immanuel Kant in our ascopes. Now comes “mainstream journalist” Robert Tracinski, nearly taking our title verbatim and publishing it at The Federalist.

The Truth CANNOT Set You Free If You put GOP Dogma over actual Dogma – Elite Republicans are so desperate for a candidate to take vows to their heretical, lethal policy ideals that they are now recruiting the last loser to Obama as their nominee: Mitt for brains Romney

DeceptiCONNED: Rand Paul is more like Ronald Reagan than any of the DeceptiCONS, like neocon wunderkind Marco Rubio, claiming that they are and he is especially close to the Gipper on WAR policy says Patrick J Buchanan. “Having called for the U.S. Navy to confront Beijing in the South China Sea, and for establishing a no-fly zone over Syria that Russian pilots would enter at their peril, Rubio seems prepared for a confrontation with either or both of our great rival nuclear powers.”

Paulites: Send the Dom Perignon Back! But What Senator Paul did NOT say is “how is it conservative to grow the military by $190 BILLION over the next two years, which is Senator Paul’s plan.

VIDEO FLASHBACK: I produced this video back in 2008 to show that Congressman Ton Paul was more like Ronald Reagan than any of the DeceptiCONS who claimed they were, the same applies to Ron’s son, Rand.

Is it a Truth – VERITAS – That the planet (and the Ice World of Hoth) is “safer” when the U.S. spends more on military hardware and “boots on the ground”? Nope and Daniel Larison helps flesh out the argument. “It is wrong to assume that the world becomes more or less dangerous depending on how much money we throw at the Pentagon. This is not only a fairly silly and American-centric way of thinking about international security, but it is demonstrably untrue. The world was much more dangerous and full of armed conflicts during the Cold War when our military budget took up a much larger share of our GDP, but that had a lot to do with the existence of the Soviet Union and its allies and proxies. “

DeceptiCONNED II – Are the DeceptiCONS actually moving away from their crony-capitalist buddies? Timothy P Carney thinks it is just a rhetorical flourish but it could lead to the GOP being… anti-GOP!

The Rand Paul Comeback, Cue The Rocky MusicDan McCarthy on Paul’s intellectual challenge to the GOP viz there is no intellectual discussion going on therein UNLESS Paul is present.

“But if you’re not going to respond in a no-fly zone strategy,” Neil Cavuto, one of the moderators, asked, “what would yours be? The first thing I would do is I wouldn’t arm our enemies,” said Paul. “Most of the people who want to the no-fly zone also favored arming the allies of al-Qaeda, which became ISIS. That was the dumbest, most foolhardy notion. And most of the people up here supported it. They wanted to arm the allies of al-Qaeda. Some of them still do.”

DeceptiCONNED, MBD to Ben Carson: You’re a “conservative” resource SUCCUBUS, get out of “the race” [for Mordor] NOW! MBD unloads both barrels of India ink on what I term as the “cult of political celebrity’s” latest “candidate” or rather “superstar”, Dr Ben Carson. I asked our Man in Mordor, Jordan Bloom on today’s show if there was anything more to Carson than Gosappeal and yelling at Obama, MBD answers my query:

“Carson is diverting monetary, emotional, and organizational resources away from the real long-term work of evangelical politics. He has no ideas to offer his party, which is in need of them. He has no political leadership skills for a culture that is desperate for them. He is pulling evangelical influence and resources away from candidates who can win, which ultimately enhances the grip of the more secular, more liberal Republican establishment. This is political malpractice.”

A WELL REGULATED MILITIAWilliam Lind echoes my sentiments on reviving the militia clause of the U.S. Constitution as a way to bring about the end of the tyrannical Industrial MilitaryComplex  AND battle terrorists should they be foolish enough to take on 200 million armed and trained citizens.

Defy the SCOTU & Honor Thy Father & Mother – The Obama admin continues the diabolical work begun by Sanger and Dewey and seeks total State control of familial decision making. I believe this effort ultimately forces the SCOTUS and its diabolical henchmen this question: can they ultimately COMPEL pregnancy & abortion? Caleb Henry reaches a similar conclusion: 

The obvious question, which Kennedy refuses to answer, relates to familial authority. If the American people are not politically capable of self-government on issues of sexuality, are American families capable of self-government when dealing with their children?

SISTER ACT IV – The Little Sisters of the poor, an order of Roman Caholic nuns that care for the elderly when they are sick and infirm’d, are about to meet the 9 headed hydra known as the SCOTUS in their suit against ObamaCare. You see the Sisters take the magisterial teaching seriously and literally (no contraception etc). That is precisely why the SCOTUS must bring hell and constitution brimstone down on their heads despite their argument being constitutionally irrefutable.

BEING BLACK IS NOW A PAIN – As a journalist, if you want to cover “black pain” then you have to admit that this “pain” entitles the sufferers to perform public displays of obscenity, destroy private property and practice their own form of “discrimination”. The same crowd that proclaims as sacred, “public property”,  the private kitchens of bakers and dark rooms of photographers now places college quads as off limits if there are blacks there suffering “pain” from “the media”. Folks you can’t make this stuff up. To the charge that the media:

“… have something important to learn from this unfortunate exchange. The protesters had a legitimate gripe: The black community distrusts the news media because it has failed to cover black pain fairly.”

I wonder if the author thinks reputations of belles and gents are made through the hardcore porn lyrics of most “rap music” today, repeated with perfunctory abandon by most of the crowd at U of MO? What of the “pain” brought on children by their “pained” parents birthing entire generations of bastards?

Rescue Your Kids From Leviathan’s Scheme-Keep Them Out of Grad Schools – Author/writer Camille Paglia confesses: “Good Lord, no. I learned nothing about writing from grad school.”

Written by: TheKingDude

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