Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep

todayFebruary 28, 2014 5

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    Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep TheKingDude

Celebrate Washington's Birthday with Tiomes That try Men's SoulsMandeville, LAMike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest [r]epublican news, reading selections and Mike’s take on the the Tenth Amendment Center’s Turn it off video ad campaign to castrate the NSA . Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “When offered a choice between two politically intolerable alternatives, it is important to choose neither. And when that choice is presented in rival arguments and debates that exclude from public consideration any other set of possibilities, it becomes a duty to withdraw from those arguments and debates, so as to resist the imposition of this false choice by those who have arrogated to themselves the power of framing the alternatives. These are propositions which in the abstract may seem to invite easy agreement. – Alisdair Macintyre – Election 2004

The new Darth Vader is tall, dark and NOT handsome provoking the cinematic press-corpse to go gaga over “real talent” and “diversity” triumphing over people who are pleasant to watch on 70 foot wide screens for hours at a time. An industry that requires projecting people that… are…. pleasant to watch… on 70 foot…wide projections screens.

Secede! Professor Donald Livingston answers“Everything you ever wanted to know about secession but were afraid [of media and Lincoln worshippers wrath] to ask”

Spyin Eyes: So now we know, for sure, that the NSA HAS been collecting images from webcams and Xbox Kinect devices since 2006 and storing them on their servers. The document, leaked by Edward Snowden also confirms that “millions of sexually explicit images” were intercepted and stored. Remember the old office-rumor for some nitwit having pictures of your boss in bed with a sheep? Welcome to the real world of sheep, concubines and real-life perverts, all ripe for extortion

The Guardian UK follows its Spyin’ Eyes expose up with fluff pieces about Viley Cyrus’s latest video outrage depicting female masturbation, publicly, which apparently is now all the rage. I ask again: what is left for these people to expose or perform publicly to arouse the rebellious outrage of their age? (I refuse to lay claim to this age, as a Remanant in good standing)

Worthy of your consideration: A review of Yuval Levin’s comparison between Burke & Paine “The Great Debate” by Elizabeth Corey strikes an all too familiar pose: conservatism has lost in the wins and lost column in nearly every battle waged therefore Paine has bested Burke. I haven’t read Levin’s book and his publisher declined my request for a review copy and subsequent interview (no shock there) so I cannot comment directly. But I can comment on my reading of Burke of late and Paine. Paine’s belief in “The rights of man” led him to trust French leaders who summarily called for his head as his objections to their “revolution” began to echo Burke’s. How is that a WIN for Paine and a loss for TradCons who by living up to the first that moniker can demolish aren’t keeping score?

WHY do religious folks in Arizona NEED a Jeffersonian Statute on Religious Liberty to protect themselves while in business or to “discriminate” as they have been falsely accused of?  Well, so they don’t end up like the Star Transport company, being sued by devout Muslims who won’t deliver alcohol while working for a company that… well… delivers alcohol

Brewer chooses the secular sludge of the NFL’s SuperBowl over the liberty of her constituents, VETOES SB 1062 saying “…could result in unintended and negative consequences. I sincerely believe that Senate Bill 1062 has the potential to create more problems than it purports to solve…” Brewer said. Political will does not grow on trees. It did not take “courage” for Franklin Pierce to veto the 1853 verso of ObamaCare. It did not take courage for Grover Cleveland to veto 443 appropriations bills, it took the virtue of honoring a promise and an oath. SB 1062 did not violate the AZ Constitution and clarified a point of law already made clear in most states. Brewer chose Roger Goodell & a football game over Arizonan’s sovereignty. Does the Legislature have a veto override in them?

Here is how the MSM portrayed Brewer’s veto, Arizona is now all sunshine, happy couple kissing and streets filled with goodness now that the scourge of religious freedom has been baited back into the theological characters it oozed from. NOT a shockuh.


Rod Dreher says the culture/political and propaganda war for SSM is over and the Traditional side has lost, get over it. Isn’t that a bit like Simon peter saying the Romans & Pharisees beat Jesus, get over it? You don’t “get over” canon or dogma. The traditionalist has been told to “get over it” for over 100 years now and with every affront that is “gotten over a new one, equally repulsive …. Read the rest of my commentary here

Coincidence!? Oh puh-frikkin-lease. Holder, Brewer and TX Federal judge all rule/bloviate/issue edicts on same issue, the same day? Federal judge defies 2/3 TX legislature, 73% TX voters, rules marriage is whatever Obama, Holder and SCOTUS say it is

Here is the REAL size of US Forces prior to the start of WWII (graphic courtesy BBC) and guess what!? The military is not NEARLY going to be hacked to “pre-WWII levels” so if these are the facts, then why are “conservative” heroes in Mordor saying things NOT true

IGNORE the State legislatures, Citizen approved ballot initiatives and most importantly the state’s constitutions. That is the advice the AG of the US is now shoveling out as the Tyranny of Obama makes it’s way into the States now. Effectively, the Executive Branch is organizing a coup against the States on behalf of 2 % of the population (homosexuals).

Daniel Larison explodes the Mullah, Mucho, Martyr, Nuko Myth that because Iran gains a nuke (if indeed that ever happens) it will detonate exactly 3, 1 in Tel Aviv, 1 in NYC and 1 in L.A.

Here is the Way of The Gun digital media file I promised to post for your review of the double standards applied when discussing homosexuality, same sex marriage etc.

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    Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep TheKingDude

FLASHBACK: Kevin Gutzman and I discuss the relies part of the first Amendment and how it does NOT apply to the states

And now cue the “don’t balance the budget on the backs of our troops” violin sonata. Of course, none wants anyone who served to be denied what was promised them for health services but the long term formula for retirement of 8 MILLION and counting, does not compute and Mordor is to blame for the lie

It’s not the Ice World of Hoth but Ukrainians now demand their own version of the Second Amendment

VIDEO: (warning: the trailer video plays automatically) TLC bubbles effusive over its relaunch of the hit show “My Five Wives” as the push to eradicate Sacramental Marriage now gets a heterosexual boost proving that this assault is just getting started an d what the real goal is: ending the Church’s role in forming and rearing the family.

Ted Cruz FTW: Teddie takes his Cruzers on a tour through Tea Party candidates that are running to defeat current Senate Republicans THIS primary season. That’s quite the brazen behavior, in the CORRECT direction that warms the cockles of my heart

I often encourage listeners to explore what the Founding Fathers may have read that filled them with their [r]epublican ideas and the Spirit of ’76. The Cato letters are one such source and if we look at Cato letter #87 we find all the admonition needed to avoid standing armies and the inevitable wars they are called upon to fight

See today’s Prep Better, Founders Pass Members Section for the link to the Cato letters including #87

DeceptiCONNED II: Ohhhh this is rich, über warhawk, American exceptionalists tell Vladimir Putin to stay out of the Ukraine’s affairs because the Russians can’t meddle in the Ukraine’s affairs and choose their political leaders…. only we can meddle in the Ukraine and choose their political leaders!

Libertarians FOR a government guaranteed minimum income!? You read that right, now here’s the details

My Latest From The Daily Caller-Please visit and share the post to show MSM outlets how popular [r]epublicanism is

At Daily CallerJefferson To Madison-You’ll Do Gay Weddings. Why Arizona and all [r]epublican States need religious Liberty Statutes, pioneered by none other than Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

Mike Church’s Founders Pass announces anytime, no limits discount program. Take 20% off purchases off most Founders Tradin Post purchases with your Founders Pass.

NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Today’s Pile of Prep LIVE! Audio to go, Founders Pass members please login to listen. Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day – Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now

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    Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep TheKingDude

FROM THURSDAY’S SHOW- Masha Gessen, lesbian-polyamorous activist, tells us that the homosexual movement’s goal is to ELIMINATE marriage, altogether

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    Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep TheKingDude

Why is it a bad idea to have a standing army just laying around? CATO, the 18th century Whig, read by most of the Founders, explains as an Englishmen, meaning this school of thought comes from the conservative tradition the Founders inherited and defended

When you hear your “conservative” friends yodel on endlessly about the “Liberal Media” or the corrupt “MSM” as they are convinced this is a recent event, send them here to go read Mark Twain’s speech of 1873 about the “corrupt press”

Here’s an interesting work that I recently discovered “The Crowd” by Guztave Le Bron a fascinating study of how crowds control nations and what nations become control crowds. No, it isn’t a paradox, it is the study of how inertia in public affairs is almost always missing when “change” is lusted for

Albert J Nock’s: Isaiah’s Job (from Tuesday, 4 Feb, 2014 show-Ed.), the story of how the Remant is to be kept animated and active if Man is to survive perdition (our own path to destruction)

If you haven’t read Dante’s Inferno in a while, this site has the entire work broken down by segment/chapter, character and more

Murray Rothbrad delivers a brilliant history of the Progressive movement and the Federal Reserve it created

The Webster Hayne debates over the original intent of the federal union and the constitution got heated into high gear on 26 January, 1830 in the U.S. Senate. read the Webster-Hayne debates

Presenting George Clinton’s “Cato” letter, Number 3, sometimes referred to as AntiFederalist # 14. Cato explains why a large republic will never work and why smaller ones are preferred

This 1860 classic work details the type of manners and etiquette every young man should learn and live his life by. I just started reading the work myself and look forward to sharing much of it here and on-air. “THE GENTLEMEN’S BOOK OF ETIQUETTE, AND MANUAL OF POLITENESS”

“Our Federal Government” by Abel Upshur is an 1833 demolition of Justice Joseph Story’s fabricated history of the United States and her Constitution. WARNING: Reading this will increase your resolve to secede!

The Historical Writings of John Fiske, The American Revolution. If you are prepping for the upcoming pop quiz from my friends at Franklin’s Opus, on Valley Forge, this is a good start

The  counter-argument presented by John taylor of Caroline AFTER the government’s lawyer, Wickham, presented his case for the tax. I did not include this in the Carriage Tax Pamphlet but have found it online. Begin reading on pg 423.


Bill Murray

25 years later The Princess Bride and its cast continue to charm all who enter the theater to be swept away for 2 hours to “My name is Inigo  oMntoya, you kill my father, prepare to die.”

Would you like to ACA Supersize That? Florida restaurant chain adds surcharge to every sale to help cover their ObamaCare mandate fees. Customers demand to know why they must bear  a portion of “Costs of goods sold”!?

TIC: “What is this thing, you call ‘virtue’ and where can we find it in our evolved, utopian society!? Why would we need such a spiritual guide to morality when we are We!?” Bruce Frohnen attempts to answer that challenge bellowed by elite ruling overlords

Professor Clyde Wilson wants to know who is running “this man’s army” these days ands why the states are volunteering to foolishly ignore the Posse Comitatus Act

SLUDGE REPORT: About 10 days ago, Mrs Church treated me to a terrestrial radio airing of Beyonce’s latest “Partition”, warning me that the so called most sought after all-american girl in pop had gone so raunchy the line between her and webcam, singing porn-stars was gone. Since I never believed the Beyonce “girl next door” fraud I was prepared to be underwhelmed. That’s not fair to underwhelming “talent” like Robin Thicke. This song is an ejaculation of rage and rebellion against a gate-keeper Beyonce’s heroes have made. Flashin’, grindin’ and booty calling’ is just not gon’ get it anymore, our anti-cult’s partisans want XXX hardcore action shoved in every living soul’s face untillll… well Beyonce explains with an assist from Monica Lewinsky. Pray for this poor girl to find her savior before she goes Whitney.

The NFL is now threatening to yank the 2015 SuperBowl from AZ if that state moves to protect the religious liberty of its citizens as James Madison and Thomas Jefferson et al fought so valiantly for. The league says “Our policies emphasize tolerance and inclusiveness and prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other improper standard…We are following the issue in Arizona and will continue to do so should the bill be signed into law, but will decline further comment at this time.” So the NFL is now determining WHAT religious canon it deems as “tolerant”!? Time for a new national pastime folks.

I’ve already fielded dozens of grave dancers who want to know what we bigots are going to do now that our dark art’s playing field is shrinking so fast: Homosexual marriages, abortion on demand up to 30 weeks,  no-fault divorces et cetera. Pope Bendict had an answer for these times as did the martyr’s Vincent, Agnes and St Polycarp.

Obama draws new “red line” in the Kiev snow, dares Ukranians to keep acting all Russian and stuff or you know, he’ll send John Kerry over there to threaten a military strike

CBO “study” concludes what any person with an IQ over 105 already knows: force employers to raise their wages and you put people out of work…duhhhh. Only a government agency could call this a “finding”, what next will the EPA study water and discover it is wet?

UAW efforts to force a VW plant in TN to unionize fail after UAW fat cats boasted they had the votes needed. Someone must have explained to the VW workers that UAW’ing that plant was a doorway to lower wages, lower profit sharing and the plant closing in 5 years

TIC: Is the film “Her” a window into our very near techno-future? Peter Lawler thinks so and he is onto something important with the discussion of Christian love being subdued for fear of discovering the inconvenient question: why would God love us?

If you can’t beat Obama, join him in the techno race to Twsitter-ize the vote with electronic messaging so craftily schemed up and tailored for each individual “voter” that the NSA might actually be jealous

SLICK HILLY UPDATE: Kathleen Willey wants us to know that Slick Hilly IS the war against women, recall that it was Hillary who hired the goons to torment Willey after she charged Bubba with groping her in the Oral Office. “They take up all the oxygen in the room, and everybody is depressed. We’re gonna go back to all the sordid details [if Hillary runs for president]. They need to just go away because they’re forcing themselves on us is the way I feel. Just pack your bags. You’ve had your 15 minutes. … Stop forcing us to have to look at this stuff again. We’re sick of it!”

VIDEO: The Dwayne Stovall (texansforstovall.com) ad that shows Mitch McConnell as Franklin the Turtle and Dave Weigle’s dismissal of Dwayne as a candidate

Crime of the century: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac have been nationalized without Congress or the American sheople even knowing about it

STILL MCCAIN: McCain savages Ted Cruz for not having a plan to deal with the national debt yet grandstanding as if he did. As if McCain has any plan other than to say. “Screw it who counts that G*d D*mned thing anymore anyway!?”

Chicago’s Wrong Emanuel proves yet again that the quickest way to business success is to buy the politicians to gain subsidies and laws that guarantee you a monopoly which always comes at the consumer’s expense. Now Emanuel is going after new limo services. Why? Because they might make old limo services compete.

Trail of Tears: The “cuts” to the military that have decreased the amounts of compensation military vets were promised when they enlisted for tours of duty in our never-ending wars of aggression are now being cut and some find themselves in bread lines. Maybe someone should look and see if any of the hourly or salaried workers building the machines and supplies of war are standing in bread lines (I wager they are not)

Mish: How is your neighbor keeping up with the Joneses while everyone’s salary is either stuck or declining? CHARGE IT! That’s how

My Three Amigos Update – March 4th is coming up quick, are there enough Texans to rally behind the only [r]epublican to challenge Jon Cornyn for US Senate in 18 years!? Here’s 22 seconds to explain why you should consider that option.

Rethinking The American Union Symposium – Allen Mendenhall’s “Secession and Messianic Statism Part II” is the most well thought out, provocative yet motivational from the reclaim liberty and the liberty of the Spirit, I have read since Gildersleeve’s Creed of The Old South. Folks, STOP what you are doing and read this, then read it to your kids, then read it to your grandmother, then print it and slip it in your neighbor’s mailbox. An excerpt “The American Union no longer represents America.  America is dead, and the American Union killed it.  In its place is a consolidated bureaucracy that carries out standardized programs to enforce uniform mediocrity.”

Rethinking the American Union, Symposium, rolls on with Allen Mendenhall’s “Secession and messianic statism Part I” at Nomocracy in politics.

Fame of Our Fathers CD set

TIC: Brad Birzer remembers the First Continental Congress, which will be 240 years old this September and wonders when the wheels spun off the bus

FLASHBACK: Jeffrey Tucker reminds us that the merchant class is the antithesis to the Leivathan state. Why, the, are we so rude and dismissive of their efforts? Here is my interview with Jeffrey on this from 2011.

Great men have made great stories under trees, yes trees as Brad Birzer recounts and inspires us to look to nature for strength and inspiration, from time to time

So WHAT does the NSA actually look like these days? Is it the harmless little 5 story office building shown in most stories? Or is it this hulking, sprawling, menacing looking place where tens of THOUSANDS of cars can park so citizens can spy on their fellow citizens

The Fame of Our Fathers: What makes a famous Founder famous and why are so many, once famous, now not known at all? The answer lies partly in the fickleness of any given age and what it needs to exalt itself, the rest comes from the Founders own pursuit of Fame as I chronicled in Fame of Our Fathers. Here’s an audio sample explaining “conditores imperiorum” and you can buy the 3 CD set there

Where the Jobs Aren’t  – Illinois’ Policy Institute’s Director tells Land of Lincoln lubbers what [r]epublicna Mike Church Show Fans have know for years. The Wrong Emmanuel criminal enterprise that teamed up with the gang in Springfield to raise corporate tax rates to keep Chicago in public loot has caused a massive exodus to nearby Indiana and even as far away as Texas. This shows that people ARE willing to “secede” from bad government as “withdrawing to another polity is just that

Where The Jobs Aren’tThe Mike Church Show Band’s hit parody song is still spot on and hilarious 5 years after its release. Download it now

Buying Facebook “Likes’ only nets you what amounts to fake users who will never frequent your page nor visit your site. This company of scientists made the mistake and tells their story as only scientists can

Order your "Secede or Die" T-shirts while supplies last
Mike Church’s famous “America, Secede or Die” engravement art, custom redrawn from Ben Franklin’s “Join or Die” engravement of 1857. Order yours today in sizes md-4XXXXL.

Get a copy of Mike Church’s Spirit of ’76-The Story Continues for just $3.99 and enjoy the REAL history of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution – Click to listen to FREE samples

Glen Greenwald completely demolishes the ridiculous and lethal claims that the President has a justified “right” to issue assassination orders to anyone on earth at any time anywhere. This new memo detailing the Obama Kill List parameters, if there are any, should scare the bejesus belt out of any liberty lover. “If you believe the president has the power to order US citizens executed far from any battlefield with no charges or trial, then it’s truly hard to conceive of any asserted power you would find objectionable.”

Back in 2009 I warned that the Czarina of CT, Rep. Rosa de Lauro’s bill to empower the FDA to micromanage Farmer’s Markets would result in confiscation of private property i.e. produce and fines/jail for violators growing “organic” or “homegrown” foods for sale. Well, that is exactly what is happening. Now will you see the need for a divorce from Mordor on the Potomac over FDA plans to control the food supply made outside of government approved FrankenFood makers?

DeceptiCONNED: Daniel Larison explains the fallacy of “The world is on fire because the U.S. isn’t playing big and bad enough RoboCop” to super DeceptiCON Bill Kristol’s whine that it is our duty to make schools safe for muslim kids in Kiev and Damascus but instead our troops in 175 countries, battleships on every ocean and spy network in every digital device on Earth is called a “retreat”!?

VIDEO: My latest on Senator Mary Landrieu’s deception and corruption. Trivia: I actually submitted this with the title: Landrieu’s Legacy? Louisiana Addicted To Bailout Crack

LATIN PHRASE OF THE DAY: imprimisque hominis est propria veriinquisitio atque investigatio – the first duty of man is investigating the truth

FLASHBACK to “Times That Try Mens Souls”, Mike’s latest feature length docudrama – The Widow Who Saved The Revolution, who was she? the mystery is finally revealed. This woman took the Hessian Colonel Donop into her home of Dec., 23rd and kept him there until December 27th, long enough to prevent him reinforcing Trenton, NJ and squashing Washington’s Crossing Cell Mates Snowden & Clapper!?

Rethinking The America Union. “Evaluating The Current Union of States” a symposium suggested by Y/T has now taken up at Nomocracy in Politics. This discussion is, IMHO long overdue and I look forward to provocative debate of the pros and cons of the current order. Essay #1 has been posted by Prof Bruce Frohnnen and it is worthy of your consideration

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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