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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the latest from a world gone mad. The Scottish referendum on secession has dredged up the usual suspects claiming the vote is now racist and will dampen the UK war-machine’s bellicosity. Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found, than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature, and not to the executive department…In war, a physical force is to be created; and it is the executive will, which is to direct it. In war, the public treasures are to be unlocked; and it is the executive hand which is to dispense them. In war, the honours and emoluments of office are to be multiplied; and it is the executive patronage under which they are to be enjoyed. It is in war, finally, that laurels are to be gathered; and it is the executive brow they are to encircle. The strongest passions and most dangerous weaknesses of the human breast; ambition, avarice, vanity, the honourable or venial love of fame, are all in conspiracy against the desire and duty of peace.”
– James Madison, Helvidius # 4
Good Socialist v Bad Socialist – That pretty much sums up the Scottish Independence vote as this piece explains. This brings up a good question: What is it that could possibly motivate vast majorities of voters to execute radical change? Well run the results of the 1 dozen or so ballot initiatives against homosexual marriage and you will have the knowledge to answer that question
Scotland votes NO but is the Independence campaign now DEAD? Scotland’s biggest city, Glasgow, voted decidedly YES does that mean they cannot now govern themselves? The kleptocrats have won a battle but not the war
The Glasgow vote was 55-45 FOR Independence, not exactly a ringing endorsement of the UK from Scotland’s largest city
Scottish socialists vote for UK socialism instead of Scottish socialism…snooze
Obama does not control the “Masters of the Universe” by hosting meetings in the White House and determining the fate of millions, who are NOT Americans
Meanwhile U.S. socialists vote to (in the Senate) to authorize “vetted groups” to partake of our MIC and enjoy the spoils of a $600 BILLION never-ending war department
The US Military as “the biggest NGO on the planet” being used to fight ebola etc is a gross perversion of military power that was never intended and should not be intended for “humanitarian purposes”. General Boykin agrees and tells WND why
The Imaginative Conservative – The social and religious revival of the 1950’s in the United States PROVES that what Chris Ferrara & I talked about on Constitution Day can be accomplished if Christian men and women apply our energies and prayer to the effort. But, as the 1950’s also show, that effort must be sustained or the results will be the lecherous culture we are immersed in today, on steroids.
Larison: Why does the prospect of neutrality & non-intervention so horrify the NO vote campaign in Scotland. As I have also explained it is because the great, never-ending war machine needs bodies to burn and dollars (pounds) to drive it. A blow of 5.3 million people leaving their slave pen is bad for business
Incorporationistas strike again, in a Texas middle school that has a plaque on it’s wall, honoring the “Year of Our Lord” the school was built in. The town has thus far refused to cover the sign. Pray.
Progressives claim that Constitution Day is a great day to begin to educate “our children” on the merits of St DisHonest Abe of Lincolnia’s “Second Founding”. This piece is oozing with evil folks, read with caution
Satanists demand that because “Christian Extremists…allowed” Christian materials to find their way into public schools, now a judge rules that “Satanists” must be allowed equal access to the young’s minds
Sparing rods to spoil children but preserve the almighty dollars earned and due NIKE. Adrian Peterson, Vikings running back, is now cut from the “NIKE Athlete” roster and earns the enmity of Senator Al Franken and the governor of MN.
The word “conservative” has become an adjective that has more commercial meaning then it does any significant political or moral one. “The word conservatism has been so much relativized that its meaning and import are now shorn of noetic and dialectical validity. Even those who are steadfastly loyal to conservative principles and ideas are uneasy and defensive when applying and defending them. It is becoming painfully obvious that conservatism as a word has lost its compelling power, its definition confined, exponentially, to prefixes, ellipses, brackets, and adjectival equivocations…”
Real Gentleman do not deny their Lord’s Cross and bear it with reverence to Him and disregard for mankind, ironically, the latter is who benefits from the act
Mordor on the Potomac’s poobahs fret that if Scotland goes Independent then someone else, like say Texas, may get the bright idea they could do it too
Srdja Trifkovic goes point by point down the Progressive and DeceptiCON talking points on ISIL and ISIS explaining the fallacy of almost every point Obama made last week and that Kerry et al continue to invent and promote
Predictions of doom, mayhem, international scourging, locusts, 1st born sacrifices and just about everything wicked you can imagine await Scots if they vote for Independence because after all, they are ABSOLUTELY no different from Brits or Canadians or the Irish, claims this writer
Now the Imperial Empire (that’s U.S.) warns the actual leader of the sovereign nation of Syria that if he tries to act like a leader and track U.S. war planes bombing people back into the stone-age IN his country will be an act of aggression!?
When all else fails to scare the Scots into a NO vote, you can always play the Race Card: “Indeed, while the rhetoric of Scottish nationalism sometimes attacks the English for their alleged chauvinism, it is noticeable that England is a much more racially diverse country than Scotland.” What’s next, Cameron showing up as Lincoln, giving the Edinburgh Address? “Four shots and Three Beers ago, our clan fathers brought forth…” The fact is, the British DeceptiCONS NEED the Scots to subsidize their never-ending war machine, simply put, an Independent Yes Scotland means less UK support for our illegal, immoral and imbecilic wars.
Meanwhile the usually reliable Niall Ferguson, pulls out the “the markets don’t like this…it will cost jobs” card. OK, Niall, if corrupt, fiat bankers playing at the Wall Street casino don’t like the plan does that necessarily mean they don’t like the CASH prospects? or that they don’t like the idea of one of their biggest shills, the UK banks, losing clout and the possibility of less war
Larison: Why isn’t it a good time for Scotland to go independent? Is that because it might slow down the AMERICAN war-machine? Do the Scots want their post office walls filled with more plaques listing their WWI dead?
DeceptiCONNED: Reliable Bush propagandist David Frum, states the DeceptiCON case for Scotland voting NO on Independence and of course, it’s all about the wars. “Second, a ‘Yes’ vote would lead to a longer-term decline in Britain’s contribution to global security. The Scottish separatists have a 30-year history of hostility toward NATO….Even if it was authentic, the SNP’s continuing insistence on a nuclear weapons-free policy would lock U.S. and U.K. forces out of Scotland’s naval bases.“
Nike does RGIII but not the Holy Trinity: Photos show RG III turned his “Know Jesus, Know Peace” t-shirt inside out before a press conference. Note that the Skins have a deal with Nike to display all Nike all the time at press events. It is a pretty safe bet that Nike doesn’t “DO” or “KNOW” Christ in their apparel line
This couldn’t happen to a more worthy recipient though I shouldn’t celebrate anyone’s misery, even CNN’s. CNN ordered to rehire 200 employees by Obama’s NLRB
Mirabile dictu! Someone other than me recalls the principle of Subsidiarity and takes the planet’s biggest heretic on the practice, Governor Moonbeam, Jerry Brown, to task for virtually eliminating it by replacing every act of Christian charity with government fiat
The parents of James Foley inform us just how heartless and diabolical the war machine driven U.S. Government has become. The Foley’s were threatened with being prosecuted as terrorists if they tried to pay the ransom ISIS demanded
Scotland isn’t the only Euro country that has an important ballot initiative this Fall. The Swiss are putting their famous gold reserves to a vote to force the Swiss National Bank to rebuild the gold reserves and repel American and E.U. attempts to fleece Swiss bank accounts for taxes
Ted Cruz’s ridiculous demand that Christian “conservatives” choose fidelity to Israel over their own faith, Ross Douthat lays this heresy on the line: If the Christians in the middle-east are finally exterminated which seems likely, the Amercan left AND “conservative right” deserve large shares of the blame
DeceptiCONNED: Meanwhile, the DeceptiCON website Weekly Standard’s editor, tweets out that if you disagree with Ted Cruz you are a member of ISIS
Secede or Die: Scottish Independence vote is Thursday, the latest poll shows David Cameron’s teary eyed hissy fits have moved the polls 5 points IF you believe the polls are accurate
The Queen let’s Scots know they might want to use their brains to “think about” their vote which could be interpreted as implying that Scots don’t normally use their brains
Andrew Bieszad’s “Fight or Die” piece on 9-11 and the real stakes of a real war with the Muslim world. Contrary to the rumors of my “pacifism” Bieszad is on the right track here with the eternal admonition to be prepared to raise force to be used against a caliphate but we can take the pre-caution of making what parts of the U.S. wish to become ANTI-Muslim, meaning Catholic/Christian (but the unity of rallying to the 1 True Faith increases the numbers and chance for success).
Did Dear Leader MaObama plan his “strategy” based on 10k ISIS of 30k ISIS. What if there is 60k when our 485 “non-booted-non-combat” troops arrive? Will we double the order and send 1k? So the mission is but 1 day old and it has already doubled in size
Ted Cruz strikes a blow for Israel… at a gathering of persecuted mid-east CHRISTIANS. Cruz was booed off the stage and then resorted to calling the attendees, many of whom have been hunted by the jihad, “filled with hate”
DeceptiCONNED I – The war-hawk brigade is pulling out all the stops in their lust for this latest act of aggression and hubris framed as “defense of our interests” with one hawk going so far as to write. “Not Fighting ISIS Could Be Worse Than Fighting It.” What’s next, “Not spending $120 billion and losing 516 troops could be worse than blowing $256 billion and losing 1078 troops”?
John -Rambo- Kerry insists that dropping 8 tons of ordinance on ISIS, sending 485 troops and CIA agents and “trainers” and fleets and drones and whatever other assets, plus flying sorties over sovereign airspace does NOT mean we are at “war” with ISIS. But, WAR is exactly what the sheople baaaa-aaaaed to their pollsters that they want, Mr. Secretary and the taxpayer, ‘er customer is always right.
Obama’s opposition to Bush’s war in in Iraq was based upon his claim that Saddam didn’t have all the things Bush said he did and even if Saddam did have all those things: WMD, intelligence agents embedded in the U.S., and ballistic missiles Iraq STILL did not measure up to the standard for declaring war. Well if Iraq had all those things and didn’t make the cut, how in Hades did ISIS?
Michael Brendan Dougherty warns of Dear Leader Dooming us to 3 more years and then 3 more and three more, you get the picture, right? Of never-ending war that started as a 70 day campaign to oust Saddam from Kuwait and has never abated.
Incorporationistas Strike Again: Arkansas State Football is told to rip-off the Crucifix decals with recently deceased team members numbers on them from their helmets for allegedly violating “separation of Church & State”. All it took was for 1 atheist or Muslim attorney with a conservative talk-radio bred view of the Bill of Rights applying to the known universe since the days of Noah and BAM – Reminders to pray for the souls of the dead are now ILLEGAL when attached to ANYTHING that is performed on or partially paid for by “state money”. Liberty, The God That Failed, now has an attitude.
Someone get a memo to Senator Ted Cruz and inform/remind him that Christ didn’t specify any 1 race or 1 nation to defend as a condition for heaven. He demanded we defend and love ALL countries and enemies more than friends. Cruz is using the term “Israel” to mean “nation” but Jesus was referring to HIS PEOPLE and since Jews chose to NOT follow Him (if they converted they are exceptions, deo Gratias) Israel today, in Christ’s expression, is His Holy Mother Church.
The age of Diocletian & Julian 2 (that’s not an action movie) is upon us and few are prepared. The Godless Constitution and it’s creations are slowly but methodically purging believers from all state related functions as California gives IVCF University the heave ho (the “C” stands for Christian”) from the state subsidy system because they don’t comply with edicts on…you guessed it, homosexuality.
While you’re hanging around the office water cooler playing air guitar or attending “meetings” that resemble the “Wheel of Fortune” set, remember to worship LGBITA and worship LGBITAQ often (the list expanded while I was writing)
VIDEO: Cardinal Dolan, NYC, is being called out by the Church Militant for his latest outrage against the faithful. Catholic faithful must be careful in their glee for this type of rebuke though because the enemy will use it to his demonic advantage as well turning many against Holy Mother Church for what amounts to a well earned, yet misunderstood unofficial denouncement
Speaking of fake Church’s, Cardinal George warns of one called the American Government & its disciples, American citizens who put their faith flags above their God. “Since all public institutions, no matter who owns or operates them, will be agents of the government and conform their activities to the demands of the official religion, the practice of medicine and law will become more difficult for faithful Catholics. It already means in some States that those who run businesses must conform their activities to the official religion or be fined, as Christians and Jews are fined for their religion in countries governed by Sharia law.“
Matt Walsh: The Osteens are heretics and the American Sheople love them for it. If you haven’t watched or read the transcript of the Osteen’s blasphemy which makes Sara Palin’s “baptism of fire” sound like a Papal Encyclycal, we are told, among other heresies “…when you worship Him, you’re not doing it for God, really, you’re doing it for yourself…”.
The President of the Southern Baptist Seminary can easily spot the Osteen’s heresy and then unfortunately compounds the Osteen-ism “Everyday is Friday” with the equally disastrous heresy of solo fide (by faith alone) which is beautifully explained here
VIDEO II: The YES SCOTLAND video ad from yesterday’s show, watch and replace “Scotland” with “Texas”, “Louisiana” or “Montana” and you may be inspired to act in reclaiming YOUR country’s future from the pagan priests of Mordor on the Potomac
Hollywood chooses to leave out the Redemption part of the story of a WWII soldier’s “Redemption” movie directed by Angelina Jolie. Why this is a surprise to anyone is a mystery to me. Why this is going to be watched by millions of “Christians” is a tragedy
An American ex-pat (lucky her) now living in Scotland, wants the world to know that the Scottish Independence vote is not a vote against anything it is a vote FOR the idea of self-government and a giant affront to the bullies of Downing street
POLL: Scots are trending to the “Yes” side of the Independence question
Dear Leader reiterates claim that he has authority to attack/bomb/mobilize military forces against ISIS but the history of this claim and the truth of the matter says otherwise. If Congress doesn’t act to stop this, the “federal” part of the federal government is dead
FLASHBACK: All those conversations we have been having on the show and here of late about modesty in our dress and the eschewing of soft-core-porn TV, movie and magazine etc. media gets a boost by Benjamin Netenyahu, who in 2002, advocated the U.S. hijacking Iranian TV stations to air American. prime-time network shows like 90210 to Islamic audiences to “subvert” their morals. Oh but don’t worry, Americans were subverted and made pagans a long time ago, there isn’t much soul left in your average American to rot
Is Obama’s “Red Economy” sinking or rising on a “Mavericks wave”? Well, according to Gallup, the euphoria felt in “the markets” and with corporatists the globe over is NOT shared by the hoi polloi who are thankful they can still find enough change between their seat cushions to buy Dominoes Pizza once a month
Scotland – Secede or Die: Voter registration is now proceeding at a record pace as Scots yearn to get their vote/voices heard on the Sept 18th referendum on Independence from the U.K.
Article V debate held in VA concludes not to conclude anything. Recall the Article V Amendment Convention symposium held at the XM studios in April 2010, you can READ the entire proceedings transcript here
Remember the Giffords? The couple from upstate New York, framed by radical lesbians for “discrimination” because they would not commit mortal isn and host a “gay wedding” IN their own home? Well they have decided to get out of the hosting wedding ceremony business as a result but I wonder how long it will be before some more radicals decide to compel them to reopen their ceremony business on the grounds that accommodating “receptions” for “gays” requires accommodating the event that PRECEDES the reception. Don’t laugh, these people, do not rest until people like the Giffords have been shamed into renouncing their faith or financial ruin (in their chosen field)
Black Mass update: OK City’s “Mass” is still opposed by many with petitions now bearing 70,000 signatures against the “service” however, just WHERE is the Church Militant on this? if this blasphemy is to take place there should be an army of Catholics outside the “service” praying to Our Lady & St Michael to bring the event to a close
Not satisfied with defining “marriages” and “civil unions”, “transgendered” and other “emerging sexualities” the State of CA now wades into defining exactly what is and what is not “consensual sex” which is funny considering backers of this insanity were the same hippie pagans demanding that “government stay out of my bedroom” all those years ago.
PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.
If you have taken my [r]epublican Challenge #1 (for Fathers) then you probably have a good handle on what to do when confronted with situations that can easily lead into violent, parental, episodes. This FL dad confronted one such episode and dealt with it heroically (yay) only to use the event to a gain a shameful advantage.
An oldie but goodie from Joe Sobran on the Right of Secession as the ultimate and final check against an oppressive Central Government, namely the one in the style of the (sic) United State of America
When the price of bacon goes parabolic, brought on by conditions the Federal Leviathan says cannot exist so long as they are on the job, it may get the attention of the apathetic hoi polloi
Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.
NEW, Founders Pass Feature! Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day
Did you know that in 1865, 7,000 Confederation citizens sailed to Brazil and set up a community there and are STILL there today? Hmmmm, maybe there IS still a place to seek refuge from Obama’s Leviathan
Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day: “Et Libertas set pectus purim et fermium gestate; alias res obnoxiosae note in obscura latent.” Liberty is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and hidden darkness
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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