Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep: The Second Fatima Apparition, 99 Years Ago Today

todayAugust 12, 2016 3

See and listen to the Virginia, Constitution Ratifying Convention in the Spirit of '76
See and listen to the Virginia, Constitution Ratifying Convention in the Spirit of ’76

Mandeville, LA
 – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).

Sapientia et Veritas – “Man has always lost his way. He has been a tramp ever since Eden; but he always knew, or thought he knew, what he was looking for. Every man has a house somewhere in the elaborate cosmos; his house waits for him waist deep in slow Norfolk rivers or sunning itself upon Sussex downs. Man has always been looking for that home which is the subject matter of this book. But in the bleak and blinding hail of skepticism to which he has been now so long subjected, he has begun for the first time to be chilled, not merely in his hopes, but in his desires. For the first time in history he begins really to doubt the object of his wanderings on the earth. He has always lost his way; but now he has lost his address”. – G.K. Chesterton

The Events of August 13th, 1917-Jacinta, Francesco and Lucia Were Kidnapped But Our Lady Kept Her Appointment -Maria da Capelinha who had been at the earlier apparitions gave an account of that day:

“As we looked around us, we noticed the strange thing which we had seen before and were to see in the following months; our faces were reflecting all the colors of the rainbow, pink, red, blue… The trees seemed to be made not of leaves but of flowers; they seemed to be laden with flowers, each leaf seemed to be a flower. The ground came out in colors and so did our clothes. The lanterns fixed to the arch looked like gold.”

If It Would Have Been An ISIS Snake It Would Have Bitten YouMollie Hemingway demolishes the ridiculous media hissy-fit over Trump’s “Obama is ISIS MVP and creator” comment: Trump actually contradicts one of his own campaign winning pitches.

What Trump ACTUALLY Said about ISIS, Hillary and MVP Obama:

The Media Industrial Complex Has Declared: Trump Is Unacceptable, Get Over It Peasants – I have been hammering this point all week: Our unelected, self-appointed, exalted, elite, mystic rulers, are not going to LET Donald Trump become President. The real question is: when the Clinton zCrime Family steals the election and the hoi polloi are told to get back to work for the Clinton Global Initiative’s clients, will they? Or will they finally realize what we have been telling them/you: the Constitution is DEAD, “democracy” has produced this diabolical state and the only fix is separation? Patrick J Buchanan predicts: “And if, as the polls show we might, we get Clinton — and TPP, and amnesty, and endless migrations of Third World peoples who consume more tax dollars than they generate, and who will soon swamp the Republicans’ coalition — what was 2016 all about? Would this really be what a majority of Americans voted for in this most exciting of presidential races? ‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,’ said John F. Kennedy.”

hCNN Just Blamed ISIS on Trump – “Representative” Seth Moulton just proclaimed on the hCNN “Donald Trump’s plan for Iraq is now being used by ISIS for recruiting”. Really!? Did Trump invade Iraq? Bomb Syria? Destabilize Egypt? Intentionally cause Egyptian famine for instability? Assassinate Mohmar Ghaddafi? Drone strike civilians in Yemen? Afghanistan? Iraq? Violate sovereign airspace in Syria? Ukraine? The fix is being served up without apology folks: you peasants are not ALLOWED to elect Trump and end our reign. Pray, and watch for the erection of guillotines in your town square folks.

Hillary & Barack DID Invent ISIS & Obama Has The Drone Strikes To Prove It -The first time Trumpzilla said Hillary created ISIS and was their MVP was in August all right-August 2015 that is as the DC Examiner reminds the panting and convulsing Commentariat. Folks, admit it: it is high entertainment and a long overdue smackdown to our ruling elites to see someone get so much under our elite, unelected, ruling master’s skin.

The Media Industrial Complex Has Declared: Trump Is Unacceptable, Get Over It Peasants II –The Week.com has just called the election for Short Circuit Hillary. Folks, witness the collective hissy fit of the East Coast-Mordor enriched snob class: You will NOT be allowed to elect our antagonist, peasants, and your issues don’t matter either! This is how these people, inside the corrupt, Outer-Circle, think. Millman is not about to surrender his Brownstone, expense account and mani-pedis for real productive work, earning his keep through actual production and he is one of 30,000,000 million.
Watch for guillotines scaffolds being erected, peasant…

Lawyers: Will You Go Trans or Will You Go Carmelite?The ABA has now issued rules designed to compel lawyers to  avoid conduct: “…that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or socioeconomic status in conduct related to the practice of law.” And as Eugene Volokh notes, if that isn’t a speech/conduct code made to force compoliance to the LGBTQ-BlM agendas, read this about PRIVATE affair conduct “…and participating in bar association, business or social activities in connection with the practice of law.” [emphasis Volokh]. How long before those who now deny God’s exclusive right to make you a male or female come for you in your business/industry? Please, email me your stories and experiences if this diabolical oppression has come to your vocation.

WaPo Opens It’s Mind To The “Church of Me”George Weigel has nailed the anti-Trump media’s obsession with the cult of “me”. That ‘Muricah is producing entire generations of what I call the “radical autonomous” who  operate with no concept that the “future” they yearn for is not the future at all but is just another day, month or year. The future they must focus on is the eternal future we all will experience when our tenure on this world ends and eternity begins for our souls. Weigel: “This Church of Me has, if you’ll pardon the phrase, a sacramental system: the sexual revolution in all its forms. Thus the Post has been front and center in the agitation for giving legal protection to every imaginable icon of this extraordinary cultural upheaval, from state-funded contraception to abortion-on-demand to the latest faux-“civil rights” cause: public restrooms in which people who call themselves “transgendered” can live out their self-definition, irrespective of biology.”

California Bishops Have Seen Far Worse Than SB1194 – Rod Dreher wonders why there are no Catholic Bishops who have signed a plea from the Southern Baptists over California’s diabolical religious extermination act SB1146. Perhaps the Bishops have read history and canon law and the one informs them that their appeal must be singular and contain the Church’s imprimatur. Making pledges that imply there are no differences between “faiths” or “religions” is something no Bishop is permitted to do nor in these confusing times should do. More… the Southern Baptists weren’t around when the blood of priests, monks and sisters were spilled to convert the indian populations the Catholics discovered on their missions to California. Have they ever heard of the Massacre at Yuma? The Spanish, Catholic missions of the Baja in California? Has Dreher?

DeceptiCONNED: Meet The “Get Trump” DeceptiCON 101st Chickenhwak Stratego Battalion – DeceptiCONS have declared all out, #NeverTrump war on the candidacy of Trumpzilla for obvious reasons: he is not a war-hawk ideologue and threatens common sense actions like withdrawing from NATO and turning the Pacific Rim back over to those who live in the Pacific Rim; the South CHINA Sea back over the the CHINES etc.  Again common sense and some modesty in war-policy is Kryptonite to the vast majority of elected Republicans, and that is why they hate Trump. David Goldman concludes he would take Trump and his learning curve over the track record of Hillary and her death machine of disgruntled DeceptiCONS: “The choice, sadly, lies between an unlearned interloper with common sense and an Establishment whose policy response is predictable as the emergence of a gumball from a supermarket machine after a quarter is cranked in. They are mediocre ideologues incapable of learning from past failures, clinging to their careers because they are unsuited for honest work. Trump may not know much but he is capable of learning. That can’t be said for his detractors.”

DeceptiCONNED II: We’ll See Your $1 Trillion & Raise You NATO 2 & ISIS IraqThe Atlantic Magazine devotes its entire cover to the question “We’ve Spent $1 Trillion Since 9-11 But is America Safer?”. The question is a good one and one that Trumpzilla is asking and his sane boosters are answering “No”. I offer that the Atlantic has shorted the price tag of 9-11 by at LEAST $4 Trillion (see my interview with Kelly Vlahos on “The Warfare State’s Bonanaza”). “… over the past 15 years, the American government has spent $100 billion to $150 billion on failed or unworthy homeland-security programs and on acquiring and maintaining equipment that hasn’t worked.”

Take This Bat & Shove It! – The Maricopa County Commissioners just told the Arizona Diamondbacks to go pound sand when they asked for an “investment” of $65 million for “stadium improvements”… well its about time, some public entity represented their constituents over the professional hucksters who have convinced and entire country that paying athletes and enriching their employers with public money is a good idea. How’s that working out for us?

Yesterday’s Guest, Joseph Pearce: Which Black Lives Matter? – Joseph Pearce has appeared many times on the Mike Church Show and we are grateful he still volunteers his time to make TODAY’S appearance. Pearce asks: Do all Black Lives Matter? and the answer is vintage Pearce, which I might add, is vintage Catholic: “They matter not because they are black but because they are human. It is in the dignity of the human person, every human person, each of whom is made in the image of God, that all lives matter, irrespective of colour or creed. For a Christian, this is non-negotiable, which is why Christians oppose the killing of babies in the womb, or the killing of the old and infirm.”

DeceptiCONNED: Iraq War Boosters Call Trump “Reckless” – The “War, War, War, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb!” coalition will not silently into their ill-gotten stations in life without one last hissy fit to promote ‘Murican Exceptionalism” and our “leadership position in the world”; meaning defending our unJust assertion that we can start wars, assassinate foreign leaders, overthrow unfriendly governments and invade the rest of the world with jets and drones dropping lethal ordinance on civilian populations because we say we can. That candidate Trump poses a threat to madmen who still think 500,000 civilian deaths in the Iraq invasion was a good idea, should move the rational, Just-war-Christian to support Trump not flee him.

Stockman: Stay Your Course Trumpzilla & Implement These 10 “Deals” – David Stockman is writing a book on the Trump phenomenon but takes the time to offer 10 “deals” Trumpzilla could implement to “make ‘Muricah great again”. While many of the proposals exceed the limitations the Constitution placed on the executive, Stockman’s point is basically that Trumpzilla should have no fear in promoting and promising to campaign and then govern as though the little guy and the small businessman actually matter MORE than slick Hilly and the Mordor ruling elite’s buddies.

The Non-Profit, Non Productive “Stink Tank” Scandal Is Now On The Radar – The Media Industrial Complex has no interest in investigating then reporting on the massive, legal grift that “non-profit think tanks” continue to grow and then swim in their ill-gotten, opulent wealth pools. The Brookings Institute has now been outed by Praxis Magazine for exchanging hundreds of thousands in “donations” in exchange for policy promotion that A. grows government AND Brookings B. Increases your and my taxes and C. unethically/immorally enriches the “donor”, what a scam, folks. If you could squash your competition AND profit from it at the same time and that was legal, would you do it?

If You Are Christian & Pro-Life, You Cannot Support Hillary Reason # 9,037,402: Planned Parenthood – Now comes the diabolical Planned Parenthood, setting up voter registration stations outside abortuariums to register women for the “my choice, my vote” campaign because, hey, baby killing needs the vote! The Family Reserach Councils’ Arina Grossu said of the move: “While Planned Parenthood’s campaign is supposed to be ‘non-partisan,’ we know full well that the goal of Planned Parenthood and its allies is to benefit Hillary Clinton’s election and the Democratic Party,”

An Olympic Sized Pool of Grace – Following Simone Biles confession that she carries a Holy Rosary in her travel bag comes Katie Ledecky’s beautiful statement that she prays the Hail Mary before swimming races. Ledecky then told the Catholic Standard: “My Catholic faith is very important to me. It always has been and it always will be. It is part of who I am and I feel comfortable practicing my faith. It helps me put things in perspective.” Our Lady has a large presence in the city that was founded for Christ and still sees him greet visitors arriving by sea but has NBC Sports covered either of these stories? No, because they’re busy fawning over  the “diversity” of Muslim athletes, because Muslim fencer’s Lives matter!

No, You Can NOT Be “Pro-Life AND Pro Hillary – If you don’t study Philosophia Perennis but want a textbook case of illogic and pathetic Christian Ethics, then read this: “I’m pro-life. And I’m voting for Hillary. Here’s why.” If you’re voting for Hillary you are, by your informed consent, granting license to the taking of life that has already occurred (Mrs Clinton has supported NARAL publicly and legislatively since 1992) and the taking of life she has promised to continue to occur AND fund with your $$$ (the DNC Platform Hillary agreed to calls for a repeal of the Hyde Amendment). The teaching on this matter and the Reason it is imbued with are as clear as filtered water on what choices the “pro-life Christian” must make. Read my full article on this here.

Ireland To Hillary: The The Unborn DO Have RightsIn a ruling by the Irish high court, the rights of Irish citizens extend into their gestation in their mother’s wombs: “Mr Justice Humphreys said many of those rights were “actually effective” rather than merely prospective. He also said that Article 42a of the Constitution, inserted by a 2012 referendum, obliges the State to protect “all” children and that because an “unborn” is “clearly a child”, Article 42a applied to all children “both before and after birth”.

DeceptiCONNED: The “Conservative” Echo ChamberThere is no “conservative” media empire and no “majority conservatism” in ‘Muricah. The “Conservative” echo chamber cannot tell you that because you may leave them, their think tank, talk-radio and other media hacks for more intellectual pastures (if you can find them!).

Yes, Charlotte, There IS A Gender Unicorn – The HB2 non-controversy began in Charlotte NC with that city’s Council passing its “bathroom ordinance” mandating that all public facilities accommodate the “gender” of the user’s choice, meaning 43 year old pervert males were using bathrooms previously reserved for 12 year old girls, HB2 was the NC Legislature’s reaction. Now comes the Charlotte Mecklenburg School System’s new “Gender Unicorn” curriculum and policy. With the death of federalism and the rise of ‘Muricanism, this sinister policy will spread via lawsuit to every public-school district in the land; to the detriment of the very children it purports to “make comfortable”.

Yes, Charlotte, There IS A Gender Unicorn II – If you doubt the authenticity of the above, here is the CMS’s “Supporting Transgender Students”, official policy guide.

An Olympic Sized Vault For The Faith – Little Simone Biles is dazzling the world with her gymnastics skills but what is even more dazzling is Biles’ story which includes her membership in the Catholic Church and a secret you won’t see NBC’s Heather Cox or Bob Costas mention under penalty of career termination: she carries a Holy Rosary with her.

Art Imitates Life Death As In The Culture of Death – Serbian “performance artist” Marian Abramovic wants women to know that careers and artworks are the REAL work women are born to do and impediments to this work, including bearing children, must be cleared from the road to perdition. Ms. Abramovic has had THREE abortions and terms them as “helpful” to her career: “In my opinion [children are] the reason why women aren’t as successful as men in the art world. There’s plenty of talented women. Why do men take over the important positions? It’s simple. Love, family, children—a woman doesn’t want to sacrifice all of that.”


The Ruling Elites, In Print, For You To See – If you want to see precisely what I mean when I speak of those occupying that enormous circle that surrounds the tiny one and how the outer circle serves and protects and actually feeds off the bounty provided by the inner circle (the elected political class), then read this editorial from the WaPo’s Dan Balz and all will be clear.

It’s August And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limitsI have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”

The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 23 weeks old today. To see another 23 weeks of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid ThinkingRead this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

For an audio version of Jefferson’s [r]epublicanism via Project ’76 Webisode, click here

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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