The CRUSADE Radio Network CRUSADE Radio Network
The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2017 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).
Sapientia et Veritas -“People often think of Christian morality as a kind of bargain in which God says, “If you keep a lot of rules I’ll reward you, and if you don’t I’ll do the other thing.” I do not think that is the best way of looking at it. I would much rather say that every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before.”- C.S. Lewis
Instead Of Filling The “Trucker Shortage” Maybe We Should Seek Local Solutions? – The story from Savannah Now weaves the tale that ‘Muricah faces a shortage of 63,000 OTR truckers and if the gap isn’t closed soon, Wal-Mart shelves will not have 14 varieties of Wheat Thins and authentic fake orange juice syrup’d in from Mexico. Seriously, anyone who has hit the highway of late can bear witness to the fact that there is an overabundance of 18 wheelers and a 4 mile long list of traffic jams they help create in every moderately populated area in ‘Muricah. This is not a knock on truckers, it is an attempt to hold one’s hand up and say “stop, think, create”. If you add 63k trucks today, won’t the need increase tomorrow once “demand” is met? This topic is a great place to have that whole local, solidarity/subsidiarity conversation.
AirBandB Chooses Jihadis Over Their Own Clients – Beverly Stevens of Regina Magazine forwarded me an email from AirBandB, disclosing their new support for “refugees” in protest of the SCOTUS decision upholding Trump’s “Travel Ban”
“That’s it. No longer your customer.
Idiotic leftist politics.
And as a magazine editor with a 3 million monthly reach, I will make sure we spread the word.”
Newsflash Not News: Media & Political parties Conspire To Keep ‘Muricans At War With Each Other! – Overstating the obvious was the stock in trade of John Madden… “bam!, then you hit this guy, POW!” but Madden was a character. The Daily Bell purports to ring the alarm bell and inform us that the 2 party system pimps, i.e. the Media Industrial Complex, non-profits, think tanks etc, all conspire to exaggerate the identities of political parties so that the hatred and rivalry of one against the other can continue. Ho-hum, yawn, this is 2012 “news”! Of COURSE they do this and I have come to believe that most ‘Muricans actually live their lives by it and LIKE IT! ‘Tis why I say, the Return To Order and getting the little, local things right is a far better alternative.
Three Years of Obergefell Is Enough! – I’d write this to say that 3 minutes of Obergefell is…. but Nathaniel Blake has a point and brings to light a frequent topic of conversation and a real alarm bell to ring: Obergefell made “legal” a gravely sinful practice that has already cause millions of souls to be placed in jeopardy of losing a Blessed Eternity. This includes the loss of millions of families that will not be formed and the tens of millions of babies who will not be born in exchange for “relationships” and relentless acquisition of “stuff” and “leisure”. Blake:
“We are in a crisis of marriage and family. Much of our political and cultural dysfunction is the fallout of broken families and failed relationships — abandoned children and lonely, hurt men and women. Again, this was not caused by same-sex marriage or the LGBT movement, but accepting their ideological framework will impede amelioration. The healing truths that our culture needs are incompatible with an ideology that muddles the differences between men and women, and that rejects the unique value of the natural family.”
Blake manages to make a solid case, philosophically, proving the whole LGBTQ is repugnant to the natural order and world as it is to the Spiritual one of The Creator.
Ant’ny Kennedy Must Not Be Allowed To Die! – These are the paraphrased words of MBD (Michael Brendan Dougherty) backn in January at the National Review. MBD’s point was that ‘Muricah needed Justices to mete out victory for the “left” and then later on for the “right” to achieve a sort of equilibrium for our battered “republic”. MBD’s reasoning is sound IF you’re a USA! USA! chanter and believe that all of Blobistan, the North ‘Murican continent, must remain irrevocably linked via a universal political system.
“The Supreme Court’s role in this scene, with Kennedy as the swing justice, has been to moderate and restrain the ambitions of each party. Kennedy deals out victories and defeats to each side — giving slightly more defeats to social conservatives. In effect, he constrains what each side can do to the other. His mercurial jurisprudence replicates and even gives the savor of legitimacy to a closely divided country.
So I’ve started to worry that if the Court soon consolidates to the left or the right, partisans on the losing end of that bargain will swiftly lose faith in democracy itself. A non-swinging Supreme Court would give the impression of super-charging the ability of one party to act, and restraining its competitor. A consolidated Supreme Court could open up whole new fields of legislation for one side to act against the other. At that point, what would happen?”
What would happen would be a spring-time for anarchists and the diabolically inclined. Imagine a scene from Mad Max but put it in downtown Peoria and that’s what Blobistan’s collapse will produce. Why? Because we have jettisoned the only True, organizing principle, post-pagan Man can live under, Christ.
Did The SCOTUS Just Rule That Sodomites CANNOT Compel Me To Endorse Their Sin!? – I believe they may just have done so. David French explains the Janus decision, handed down yesterday.
Justice Alito, writing for the majority, spoke clearly: When speech is compelled, however, additional damage is done. In that situation, individuals are coerced into betraying their convictions. Forcing free and independent individuals to endorse ideas they find objectionable is always demeaning, and for this reason, one of our landmark free speech cases said that a law commanding “involuntary affirmation” of objected-to beliefs would require “even more immediate and urgent grounds” than a law demanding silence. Alito even twice quoted Thomas Jefferson’s famous declaration that “to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhor[s] is sinful and tyrannical.”
Before you go popping champagne corks, caveat emptor, if you concede the Court the power to “strike down” state-passed laws that are not covered by the incorporation of the 1st Amendment you leave the door open for a future court to do the same thing to a state law that is Just and Returns us To Order.
#MAGA CITIZEN! There Are Ten Ways You Can Make ‘Muricah Great Again Citizen! – Mark Overstreet, you have to love the guy. He has penned a “how to” list of 10 thinsg every #MAGA citizen can do to defeat those smelly liberals and make ‘Muricah Great Again. I agree with 3 of Overstreet’s tasks but the funny thing is, I agree with every bit of his presentation: he is channeling the theological virtue of Hope (whether he knows it or not) and for that, I suggest reading and commenting on his post. God love you, Mark!
Then They Came For A Fish Called Wanda – The BBC has informed the surviving members of Monty Python that “they couldn’t make it on the BBC today” because they aren’t “diverse enough” and isn’t “PC”. That must mean that A Fish Called Wanda should have been named A Legless Creature Who Has Yet To Choose Its Name, Species Or Gender. James Pinkerton observes.
“It’s almost unnecessary to add that PC, bristling with psychological pseudo-science, is also humorless. Scientists, after all, are not known as jokesters, and neither, evidently, are pseudo-scientists. We can quickly see that in the face of such iron dogmatism, poor old Monty Python doesn’t have a chance. If its existence depends on the sufferance of a thoroughly PC-ized British public sector, then of course it must go down the memory hole.”
The time has finally come to make hard choices and if the choice is between Search For The Holy Grail and PC approved, state sponsored Fractured Tranny Tales you can find me with my VCR, 27 inch tube TV, laughing about how much African Swallows weigh.
The Logic of Today’s “Conservatism” Produced The Republican Pimp Candidate – I have interviewed Dennis Hof a half dozen times back in 2004-2006 in the REALLY old station/old country. At the time he was making a name for himself by offering up the sexual services, legally in Reno, NV, of formerly famous women. Today Hof is the Republican nominee for a state assembly seat and yes, he still runs his brothel and sells liaisons with formerly famous women. Some “conservatives” have reacted to Hof’s electoral victory, followed by “the party of Trump’s” endorsement as an outrage against conservatism; yet, as I have proven a couple thousand times in this space and on the Mike Church Show, there is nothing that can be cited that universally defines what a “conservative” is or what he is “conserving”. Instead a “conservative” is someone who is for or against a pre-determined menu of political policies, leaving that “conservative” to have been intellectually formed and live by any philosophy or religion, so long as they vote “correctly”. The flaws in this “system” should be obvious so it is only fitting and logical that a Dennis Hof would become a “conservative” in the same manner one Donald Trump is now a “conservative”. And the joke remains on the souls who think “conservatives” are for conserving what they know to be the Good, True and Beautiful.
The LACK of The Irish –Give the Irish credit at least their new dance with Beelzebub is a “we’re all in, Satan!” move for complete apostasy and not some lame-*ss, lukewarm hybrid of atheism. If you’re going to Hell, why not shoot for the Penthouse with matching burning curtains!?
Our Very Own Representative Nino Vitale IS a Conservative & Has Scored A Victory For Christ In Ohio! – Read the details of the “surprising vote” to pass Nino’s “Pastor Protection Act and enjoy the rare, victory moment – cause I’m sure it won’t last the rainbow colored zeitgeist headed its way.
The SJW Mobs Are Coming To A Restaurant Near You – Member of The House of Representin’, Marxine Waters, has said a lot of incredibly stupid and offensive things in her 3 decades representin’ her Southern California district but here harangue this past Saturday is the Michael Buffer show stopper of all-time. Waters exhorted a flash-mob to seek out members of the Trump Administration’s cabinet, in public, and, well, watch for yourself.
David French warns that what the unhingers are doing these days ultimately leads to Waters’ restaurant-grocery store mob, finding out where you live and invading your home to mete out their “justice”; its already happened. Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi was confronted at a showing of the film Mr. Rogers and tells the tale of how the libtard bullies tried to taunt her into a violent response.
We have been warned dozens of times now by Our Lady that unless God is restored as the center of Christian civilization, there will be nothing to restrain men from turning on one another and the “living will envy the dead.” Its beyond time to take her warnings seriously. One way to do so is to join the confraternity I’ve formed The CRUSADER Knights of the Holy Rosary.
An Assault On “Brown People” Is An Assault On Liberty – I’m not what is in the water in South Carolina but I am sure that it is there and Lindsay Graham is evidence of it. Michael Shindler wonders when Lindsay Graham and his ilk will run out of justifications for the following.
“America’s military has over 800 bases worldwide, more than any other nation or empire in history. In order to staff, equip, and maintain this body, the U.S. spends more on defense than China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, the United Kingdom, India, and France combined—to great effect.”
DOn’t hold your breath Michael, Graham et al have successfully convinced President Trump that more is still needed and the beating of what few plowshares remain, into drones, has begun.
FROM CANON 212 DOT COM: The Purge Must Begin Now So Real Men of God Can Answer God’s Call – Donald McClarey sums up what many are thinking upon learning the news of Cardinal McClarick’s pereverted life. “For too long the Church, too often, has not been ordaining men but rather craven careerists who will do anything, anything, to protect their phony baloney jobs. They are not only unworthy of being priests, they are unworthy to be called men.” Indeed, the purge needs to start in earnest and will accelerate once the faithful withdraw their support from those who supported the new inconoclasm that produced “priests” like McClarick.
Kicked Out Huckabee Sanders Saga Shows Libtards Realizing The Power of Private Property – Say what you want about the owner of the Red Hen Restaurant in rural, NOVA, but she acted upon her rightful ownership of private property when she asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave her restaurant because of the owner’s “moral objections” to POTUS. According to the Washington Post he restaurant’s owner said this about her decision.
“I would have done the same thing again,” she said “We just felt there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”
So, Ms. Wilkinson can “live her convictions” on her private property – her restaurant – and she is an approved, SJW hero but if a Christian tries to live “their convictions” by refusing a specific service, they must be coerced to subdue their “convictions”. Recall Rachel Maddow’s interrogation of then candidate for the GOP nomination to run for senate in KY. Maddow ambushed Paul with a harangue about how he could reconcile “privater property rights and the 1964 Civil Rights act.
Has Hollywood Taken A RIGHT Turn At Albuquerque? – First there was the undeniable pro-life messages delivered by Avengers-Infinity War and now comes the sanctity of life being promoted in Jurassic World. The dinosaurs are still the stars but there is a subtle yet unmistakable recurring theme in the film: nature has a way of mkaing and continuing life, messing with it produces monstrous results. This includes *SPOILER ALERT* the revelation that the new teenage heroine the franchise is developing is actually a clone-the product of the same DNA tampering that produces the dinosaurs.
I Thought Farm Aid Was Supposed To Save Rural ‘Muricah?! – Vincent David Johnson has done us the signal favor of traveling to photograph the ghost farms of the great, ‘Murican countryside and there are a lot more of them than we are told about. Johnson:
“Little did I know that when I started, the 1990s in many ways would turned out to be a pivotal decade for small farm towns and rural America, almost the beginning of the end. Just over a century since millions of people rushed onto the Great Plains, the ’90s would mark the beginning of a time when the quantity, size, and labor of farms in America would flatline.”
This tragedy is one of our elite ruling master’s making. The very idea that a civilization must grow the food needed to sustain itself should guarantee the endurance of the farms that grow that food, enter the agri business cartels.Our food isn’t grown anymore, its “processed” and you don’t need many Old Macdonald’s to produce the staple crops to do that. Johnson’s story is a sad one but it doesn’t have to be a requiem… people still gotta eat.
“What Lies Beneath” And Who Cares!? – Have you ever stopped to wonder what greenery or aged building once occupied the space where a Mickey D’s currently sits, belching out its menu of compacted and processed obesity? Was there a forest or a “5 and dime”? Did someone make a home or a vocation or both in the location? In almost every case imaginable in today’s modern hysteria, A. we’ll never know because B. no one is asking the question or put differently, thinking philosophically about the question; David Warren gives it a shot.
Did The Makers of Jurassic World Just Go Carmelite & Choose Life Over Lesbians? – The word on the street is that there was a lesbionic smooch fest in the new Jurassic World film, out today, that was edited out, and has drawn the ire of the usual suspects at Mashable. Maybe, just maybe, dinosaurs eat lesbian flesh the same way they eat flesh in a state of grace with the exception being the sinful flesh tastes like diseased frog and the graceful flesh like organic chicken |*satire*|.
The Parents of Alfie Evans’s Are About To Confirm What We already Know – The Cult of Death claimed the life of baby Alfie Evans, this we already know. What we don’t know are the details; details I told you Alfie’s parents know but were sworn to secrecy to protect the Industry of Death. The Evans’ now say they will reveal all, something I’ll believe when I see/hear it. If they have life insurance policies, they better make sure they are current.
The Demons Are Ascendent And They’ve Come For The Priests – “Gird your loins”. Joe Biden once said this when he was running for the Dumbocrat nomination against John Kerry in 2004. Biden was referring to the impending failure that was to be called the “troop surge” but easy Joe’s warning can just as easily be applied to the Catholic Church of today of which he is a member. The Church is poised for the greatest embarrassments and humiliations she has ever see and the near certain conviction of Cardinal McCarick is just the tip of the spear. McCarick is accused of career spanning acts of homosexual perversions, so prolific, GLAAD can make him a poster star. It must be stated that it was Saint John Paul II who made this deeply troubled man a Cardinal and there’s every reason to suspect that McCarick isn’t the last “shoe to drop”. What are the faithful to do while embroiled in this widening sea of what will become incriminations “why are you still a member of that church that has so many perverts as….” as if the Church Militant can just be shuttered because a prelate, who was now, obviously, not a true member, has been revealed as an unrepentant victim of The Fall!? Pray the Rosary with The CRUSADER Knights, that’s what. Then there’s this: Rod Dreher knew of this scandal for years!
Why You Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered – The Federalist headline screams the current state of our civil, “economic” affairs. Yo, Big Business: Money Doesn’t Give You A Right To Manipulate Politics. It doesn’t? Then are you ready to begin implementing a system of Distributism, solidarity and subsidiarity? While ‘Murican Government has become the national religion, business and the exchange of money for pleasure and profit have become her powerful parishioners. Since we rarely know the people who grow or make our food or anything else for that matter, business has become a ubiquitous, requisite agent for exchange of what we want, mildly tempered by what we are willing to borrow to get it. Micro systems of barter exchange are gone, save for the rare entities that have carved out niche markets serving the locals, folks we used to call friends and neighbors. My ongoing feature series with the author of Small Is Still Beautiful, Joseph Pearce, delves heavily into this subject and is MUST LISTENING for anyone truly interested in avoiding Amazon et al from controlling the food supply and thus what is acceptable, secular behavior to get it. Download all 4 Episodes here.
The book’s stories are harrowing from the point of view that bodies and lives are being physically altered with no chance of repair. This is being done, allegedly, to bring about a more fairer world in which those born into the bodies of the sex they believe is not for them. But what is fair about having your breasts cut off while being doped up with drugs that get you banned from any professional sport? This is the work of Beazelbub and the boys and the poor souls who undergo these mutilations are the prizes.
Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!
The Religion That ‘Murican Politics Has Become – When Donald Trump as President, shows up at a rally to commemorate or promote something, the event takes on a religious tone; think about it. Before the President – the priest – enters the temple – the speaking stage – prayers are recited in unison – the Pledge of Allegiance – then an opening canticle is chanted – the National Anthem – then the priest makes his procession to the altar – the dais with the holy crest of the office of the President – then the priest begins “the mass” – making the political pronouncement and explaining why it is good for the congregation. When “the mass” is finished, the choir strikes up a driving beat of a “patriotic song” which serves as the post communion hymn and then the congregation takes leave to go and evangelize the gospel they just took in to unwashed masses – let the conversions begin! Michael Davis writes of this and makes the proper conclusion: All Politics Is Religion.
“Movement conservatism, meanwhile, is a kind of Protestantism. The Constitution fills the role of the Bible. It is immutable, if not infallible, and we must hold it, as Hamilton said, in “sacred reverence.” Like Protestantism, this conservatism defines itself by what it isn’t—monarchism, socialism, etc.—just as Protestantism is a blanket term for those Christian sects that arose in opposition to the Catholic Church. Jefferson and Adams are like Calvin and Luther: united by a common enemy more than a common creed.”
Armed with my description of a ‘Murican “Conservative Church” service, next time you see this transpire on Fox News and the propagandists for the faith wait breathlessly for the priest to arrive and mass begin, see if my description above is correct and if it is, know then what the takeaway is: The Faith has been replaced in most ‘Murican’s daily lives by the faith (sans caps intentional) in ‘Murica.
It’s June 2018 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”
The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 26 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!
The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid Thinking – Read this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 120 1
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