Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Prep: Hillary Was Coronated…Yawn

todayJuly 29, 2016 11


#EXIT-stage-[r]ight_3Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel. 2016 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don’t cost nuthin’).

Sapientia et Veritas -“However this may be, one fine morning the Indians, who had resided near us in the huts and were accustomed to furnish us with provisions and bring gold for barter, had all secretly left with Quitlalpitoc. This, we subsequently learnt, was done by the commands of Motecusuma, who had forbidden all intercourse with Cortes, which he had been induced to do from his attachment to his idol-gods. These were named Tetzcatlipuca and Huitzilopochtli, the former being the god of hell and the latter the god of war, to whom Motecusuma daily sacrificed some young children, that they might disclose to him what he should do with us. His intention was to take us prisoners if we would not reembark, and employ some to educate children, while others were to be sacrificed. For his idol-gods, as we afterwards discovered, advised him not to listen to Cortes, and to take no notice of what we had sent him word concerning the cross and the figure of the blessed Virgin. This was also the reason why his men had gone away so secretly.Bernal Castillo, Memoirs with Hernan Cortes

No, Hillary Is Not Reaganesque, Rod – Orators have a tough job and the best ones can read from a prepared text and no one will know that they were reading and not ad-libbing their words. Ronald Reagan was such an orator, Pat Buchanan is such an orator, Patrick Henry was the greatest of these orators, Hillary Clinton is not Henry, not Buchanan and most certainly not Reagan. Rod Dreher at the AmConMag site thinks that HRC appeared and spoke like Reagan. If that was true, then who is the shrill, crescendo of the siren, I have been hearing all morning in highlights? Reagan, no, 24 years in over staying her unwelcome 15 minutes of “fame”, yes. And no amount of bumper sticker lines for 9 year old motivation classes can undo that.

It Takes A Village of 6th Graders – I ran Mrs. Clinton’s coronation speech through the Flecsh Kincaid text analyzer to gauage what audience she was speaking to, measured by years of education it takes to understand the speech or work. Recall that Thomas Jefferson’s inaugural State of the Union address required 23 years of education to grasp while President Obama’s 2012 SOTU required only a 7th grade education. Here are Mrs Clinton’s scores:

Number of characters (without spaces) : 23,336.00
Number of words : 5,381.00
Number of sentences : 420.00
Average number of characters per word : 4.34
Average number of syllables per word : 1.45
Average number of words per sentence: 12.81
Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading
Gunning Fog index : 8.53
Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text :
Coleman Liau index : 7.40
Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 6.46
ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 5.40
SMOG : 9.26
Flesch Reading Ease : 71.58

While Trumpzilla Roared to 10th graders – Now, let’s run the same experiment with Donald Trump’s acceptance speech and learn that Trump spoke to a more educated, erudite audience than the doyenne of the elite did. Now, who is it that is speaking and speaking to knuckle dragging neanderthals?

Number of characters (without spaces) : 20,354.00
Number of words : 4,435.00
Number of sentences : 270.00
Average number of characters per word : 4.59
Average number of syllables per word : 1.57
Average number of words per sentence: 16.43
Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading
Gunning Fog index : 11.77
Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text :
Coleman Liau index : 9.41
Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 9.29
ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 8.40
SMOG : 11.71
Flesch Reading Ease : 57.68

The Ruling Elites, In Print, For You To See – If you want to see precisely what I mean when I speak of those occupying that enormous circle that surrounds the tiny one and how the outer circle serves and protects and actually feeds off the bounty provided by the inner circle (the elected political class), then read this editorial from the WaPo’s Dan Balz and all will be clear.

Apocalypto At The DNC – Ilyse Hogue proudly proclaims, via international Telecast from the DNC, that she killed her child and the crowd screams for more. The Media Industrial Complex is there to joyfully document and promote the entire debacle in what has to be the most demented moment of television ever broadcast. Planned Infanticide preistess’s were quick to the Judgement Pornosphere™ to congratulate and “de-stigmatiaze” baby killing. mIf this doesn’t jar you to0 your knees and into the pews to beg forgiveness for this country’s diabolical behavior, I do not know what will.

The Abortion “Doctor” Will See You Now – The medical procedure known as a D & C has been used for women’s health, this is true, but, read the sterile description at WebMD and place a child inside the uterus being described and the procedure becomes savage.

French Fried: The Faith of Our French Fathers Returning? – M.G. Opera wonders if the French are getting the idea that their 2.25 centuries of secular apostasy from their once glorious connection to the See of Rome and The Church is to blame for the Islamic terror being visited upon them? I propose that the answer is obvious. When Sister Mary Margaret informed Louis XIV: “On June 17, 1689 the Sacred Heart of Jesus manifested to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque His command to the King of France that the King was to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart. For 100 years to the day the Kings of France delayed, and did not obey. So on June 17, 1789 the King of France was stripped of his legislative authority by the upstart Third Estate, and four years later the soldiers of the French Revolution executed the King of France as if he were a criminal.”

It’s The Muslim Orthodoxy Stupid – After the slaying of Fr. Jaques Hamel, the mass murders in Orlando and Nice, the typical, imbecilic reaction from our stultified elites is: gun control! Fight homophobia as if the Mohammedan needs placards and firearms to execute jihad. The proper response is as Andrew Bieszad and I and now Taki Theodoracopulos: “Let’s face it. If Muslims had their way—and by that I mean most Muslims—homosexuality would be not only banned but a capital offense, as it is in most Muslim countries. But instead of concentrating on that fact, what did the gay lobbies do? Point their fire and ire against perceived homophobia. One placard in front of the White House said it all: “Homophobia equals Islamophobia.” A friend of mine calls such vile absurdities “atrocity exhibitionism.” But it’s worse than exhibitionism. First and foremost, it’s a big lie.”

Where’s P Diddy, LeBron And Zuckerberg With #Je Suis Jaques Hamel Tweets? – When the pornographers at Charlie Hebdo were attacked by Orthodox Muslims, nearly all the stars of the secular menagerie we call “social media” plastered their Facebook walls and their Twitter feeds with French flags and pledges of #je suis le Charlie Hebdo as if a stand for “the freedom of the press” to publish blasphemy and porn was going to bring the Grace of God to the fight against the Mohammedan. Timothy P Carney of the Washington Examiner pointed out at the time that the AP would not publish any of Charlie Hebdo’s anti-Mohammed cartoons but they DI publish the Heretic Andres Serrano’s “Piss Christ.  Below is Mark Zuckerberger’s post that the Charlie Hebdo attack “will not silence voices and opinions” as if mortally sinful publishing has a right to exist (it doesn’t). Where is Zuckerberger the alleged philanthropist and all around world healer to rush to the defense of the Catholic Church and her central Sacrament: the celebration of the Holy Mass!?

The Martyrdom of Fr. Jaques Hamel Rallies Some To The Real BattleFrom Jean Duchesnes (French translation needed)Here today is something quite different. The purpose of the condemnation was not the West in general nor its complacent and selfish prosperity, [which] may seem insulting to the poor of the world. This was an attack at [the root of European civilization] — our very living source, if we forget – [what throughout history] quietly but irresistibly, it refreshes us explicitly and most intensely: the celebration of Mass. We must therefore ask: will the French (and others) identify with these victims — an elderly priest brutally murdered, and a handful of faithful and religious. Dare we dare say, “I am Father Jacques Hamel” as it was proclaimed, and repeated over and over again, “I am Charlie Hebdo?”

FLASHBACK: The 1985 Martyrdom of Father Jerzey Popieluszko, who died at the hands of Polish Communists he taught his flock to love regardless of the extent of their violent atrocities including the murder of Father Jerzey. “The priest was beaten to death by three Security Police officers: Captain Grzegorz Piotrowski, Leszek Pękala and Waldemar Chmielewski. They pretended to have problems with their car and flagged down Jerzy Popiełuszko’s car for help. Jerzy Popiełuszko was beaten up, tied up and put in the trunk of the car.[3] The officers bound a stone to his feet and dropped him into the Vistula Water Reservoir near Włocławek from where his body was recovered on 30 October 1984.”

The “Bern’s” Burnout At The DNC – What a copout.  Watching a emasculated Bernie Sanders give himself up to a gaggle of abortion craving, lesbian-promoting egomaniacal women, is the most embarrassing spectacle we’ve seen yet this year and we’ve seen a lot. This spectacle brings the demonic descent of the Dumbocrat Party full circle, like the gathering clouds over the high rise in Ghostbusters. How fitting that the party of radical nature haters makes its final gasp naturally subjecting their sole male strongman, Sanders (as lame as that is), into a pandering pile of “Heil Hillary”.

From Russia, With Love – First Slick Hilly denied the Russians were capable of hacking into her home-based server secured by the finest telegraph security dirty money can buy. Now that the DNC server has been hacked and emails dmaning Hillary and Debbie and Donna have become late night jokes, Mrs. Clinton’s peeps insist that the Russians did it. Got that? The Russians can’t hack your home PC but thye can hack the largest most powerful political party’s on earth servers at their whim. As Patrick J Buchanan points out, the smoldering ruins of Hillary’s ethical lapses are becoming insurmountable.

Muslim Orthodoxy Strikes INSIDE A Catholic Church – An 84 year old French priest was killed during a hostage crisis that began when 2 armed men entered the Church during the saying of the Mass. The Frenchies say they don’t know “the motive” of the attackers but it is apparent that Muslim orthodoxy is ta work as only this perversion is capable of committing such acts because it views the infidel as less than a cocker spaniel.

Muslim Orthodoxy Strikes II, Catholic Churches Now On ISIS “Hit-Lists”A list found in the car of the priest-killer cited above shows the Catholic Church in Etienne was actually a pre-determined target. The evidence is mounting that Mammon’s minions in the form of Muslims, have set their sights on her ancient nemesis the Roman Catholic Church. Where are the CRUSADERS to 1. LIVE The Faith and 2. Make plans to DEFEND the Christian world and her relics?

The Disabled DNC Speaker’s Dilemma: Would A Hillary Acolyte Carry Her To Term? – As gruesome as that headline is there is certainly truth to it and a beautiful, disabled young woman like Anastasia Somoza should know it. Ms. Somoza stumped for abortionist Hillary and the diabolical democrat party who tried, with 177 members of their House caucus, to kill a GOP bill that provides criminal penalties for the “surgeons” who commit AFTER-BIRTH abortions. You read that right, the party of “Catholic” Tim Kanie cannot allow baby-killers to be treated as the murderers they are. Does Ms. Somoza NOT know this? What does she say to the real-life experience of thousands who have aborted disable children after their identification via ultrasound or other tests, see: “Why I Terminated My Pregnancy After Learning My Baby Had Down Syndrome.


The DNC: The Truth Is It’s Diabolical, First Casualty – Truth has never been assaulted so harshly as when “Catholics” make heresy popular by asserting it isn’t heresy. Enter Senator Tim Kaine, little Margaret Sanger’s running mate, a “pro-abortion Catholic” and thus one departed soul from the Presidency. Where is Senator Kaine’s Bishop to privately counsel him to retract, confess, make penance and amend his way!? The teaching on abortion is as clear as Evian water, and no, you don’t get to moderate it or conform it to your personal tastes: “Therefore We base Our words on the first principles of a human and Christian doctrine of marriage when We are obliged once more to declare that the direct interruption of the generative process already begun and, above all, all direct abortion….” Read the whole thing here.

In Ted Cruz “See The Rotting Flesh of ReagansimR.R. Reno posits that Ted Cruz is the last of the phony, cheap imitators of the great Ronald Reagan and that Cruz promoted what amounts to “the rotting flesh of Reagan” on a GOP carcass that should be buried.

When The #Truth Is Filmed, It Is A Powerful Witness – The New film The Innocents is piece of art that tells the story of a Polish Convent that suffered the horror of its sisters being raped by a Godless platoon of the Russian Army in 1945. Just watching the trailer after reading Brad Miner’s review was enough to make me misty eyed.


It’s July And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limitsI have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”

The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 23 weeks old today. To see another 23 weeks of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

The Tragedy of Post Christian, Philosophia Perennis Devoid ThinkingRead this piece from AmConMag writer Noah Millman to get a closeup view of why Philosophia Perennis is so desperately needed to corral the erroneous thinking Men are sure to engage in when NOT grounded in the eternal quest for True Wisdom i.s. Sapientia. The issue Noah, is not whether “only the Saints” can live by the Magisterial code, it is that by God’s Grace the Saints DID live the Tradition WHILE receiving the Graces needed to do so. You cannot approach Grace as zero sum, mathematics, as in if I do ______ I will receive ______ “Grace credits” but if I do ______I will have deducted ______ Grace Credits. Grace is present in the world and we are given the supply needed at Baptism, the suffering of the Christian Faithful is simply to maintain the state you enter at Baptism, using the Gospels and the Traditional Teaching as MEANS to that END. As Padré Gaetano tells us in Humility of Heart: “And has not a saint abundant reasons, from the thought of his own weakness, to live always in a state of great humility, when he knows that from one hour to another he may lose the grace of God and the kingdom of heaven which he has merited by years of laboriously-acquired virtues? “Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”

For an audio version of Jefferson’s [r]epublicanism via Project ’76 Webisode, click here

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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