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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of post election day 2013, Northern Colorado to “Secede or Die”, vote with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“We are convinced that National Prohibition, wrong in principle, has been equally disastrous in consequences in the hypocrisy, the corruption, the tragic loss of life and the appalling increase of crime which have attended the abortive attempt to enforce it, in the shocking effect it has had upon the youth of the nation, in the impairment of constitutional guarantees of individual rights, in the weakening of the sense of solidarity between the citizen and the government which is the sole sure basis of a country’s strength.” – (Excerpt from WONPR Convention, April 23-24, 1930)
The GOP & wet paper bags: The blame game continues with the Cuccinelli defeat looming large as the Tea Party’s fault while the TP says, ummm, no, you guys would not back your own candidate and let the “Libertarian” siphon off the winning margin
[private FP-Yearly-So76|FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly-WLK]
S.J. Quinn’s The History of Fredericksburg, VA is a most thrilling historical walk through 18th & 19th century American history &b includes episodes from 1776, 1798 and 1861
One of the most accomplished yet little know Founder AND Christian Gentlemen was John Randolph of Roanoke, I am researching him for reference and for a good volume on his life to republish, this one is rare and good
Being “pro-choice” has now devolved into being pro-death as New York’s new mayor DeBlasio pledges to open MORE abortion clinics while attempting to shutter “sham” pro-life counseling centers.
You have to be kidding me, right? The SAME FDA that forced “transfats” n an unsuspecting population will now tell those who make the deadly compound that it “may not enter the food supply”!!! 1. Where did the FDA gain authority over “the food supply” and 2. since THEY are the ones who forced transfats on us over evil lard and butter, shouldn’t there be a LAWSUIT in their future?
Patrick J Buchanan: This may indeed be Christie’s moment but will it last beyond the current “let’s clobber the Tea Party” moment?
Obama apologizes for what he said was NOT happening 3 days ago, ohhh wait, I mean what he said he did NOT promise, 3 YEARS ago or…anyway, if you had a health insurance plan and lost it, too bad, but know Obama feels bad it happened ti you
VIDEO: I ask the question “Question: Have you told your children lately that “there’s no such thing as a free lunch?” Have you told them that “money don’t grow on trees?” Before answering those questions here are two more: “Have you ever heard of the Federal Reserve” and “have you ever heard of the Food Stamp program?” Watch the rest here at WGNO TV
Read more:
You… you… you copycatted you! Rand Paul is now dogged by the Parrot Press corps for alleged acts of “plagiarism” beyond the coincidental. A word of warning to the kiddies out there: if you can’t write it yourself, do NOT sign your name to it!
Wow, isn’t THAT convenient: the gov’t agency in “charge” of the airwaves or flyways says it and it alone will license drone ops in the U.S. as if they are “licensing” the SpyFare state now and 2 that like the “food supply”, how’d they get control over a resource that isn’t theirs to start with?
“Cuts” to food stamp programs will allegedly hit the elderly the hardest while those MIC deployments overseas and all their attendant supplies, weapons and support remain unscathed, is there something wrong with this picture?
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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Paul Arias on November 8, 2013
Having run for office in Loudoun County the interline war in the GOP is not surprising. There are the RHINOS that control the purse strings and the communication out of the party. Ken could have won if he had been supported by the party elite but they chose not to, to try to send a message for their corporatist friends against the Tea Party. They try to blame the convention process but that is better than the 50+1 vote in the primary. In the end VA got what it deserved because they allow the outside faction of the Fed Gov workers to control the outcome. Its time for session in VA. Being in Western Loudoun I would love to from the Catoctin State or be part of the secession movement of Maryland.
Little [r]epublican in VA – Paul