Pile Of Prep

Tea Party Dons A Dunce Cap – Promotes Senator Palin

todayMay 3, 2013 12

The RAREST of Rare, 76 copies of the TENTH printing of SPirit of '76, available NOW
The RAREST of Rare, 76 copies of the TENTH printing of SPirit of ’76, available NOW

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Tea Party silliness in promoting the salvation that is SENATOR Palin plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “In Bradford’s view, Lincoln’s “second founding,” articulated in the “Gettysburg Address,” introduced for the first time in American history the prospect of endless social upheaval and political revolution. For Lincoln had dedicated himself to realizing the proposition that equality of opportunity and equality of condition were the foundation and purpose of the American union. Lincoln had thereby distorted the meaning of American history, Bradford insisted, and Lincoln’s political gnosticism had fundamentally altered the character and the future of the United States.” – Mark Malvsi-Imaginative Conservative

A Daily rundown of history, essays and breaking news with exclusive commentary by [r]epublican nation founder Mike Church

“CITIZEN! (and governors too) You will obey your federal overlords and NOT nullify His Acts, citizen!” Eric Holder tells KS he will invade the state and force compliance with ALL federal laws because of, well, you know, the “supremacy clause”. The Tenth Amendment Center sets him straight as Holder apparently hasn’t read the “in pursuance thereof” part of the allegedely ubiquitous “supremacy clause”

This Page is Supported by your Founders Pass subscriptions to this site, please take the tour and see all the GREAT CONTENT you are missing out on including Mike’s Project ’76 Webisodes

California uses their Second Amendment rights (the ACTUAL right to be left alone in militia regulation) in a federalist manner

Where’s ALGore? This Spring is set to become the coldest on record for the United States and was predicted to be one of the warmest as late as December by NOAA

Global Cooling is here: just as I have been warning on-air for 5 years now, the sun has gone dangerously quiet of late, guaranteeing a cooling cycle that could decimate the world’s food production

Irish snowfall catches farmers by surprise, snowdrifts kill thousands of sheep…In March, in IRELAND

NOT a shockuh poll: 44% of Republicans think an “armed revolution” is coming to the U.S. to “protect liberties”. This is not surprising coming from the party that clings to a warped belief that our participation in “democratic revolutions” in the Mid-East is both prudent and constitutional so why not have one here! Of course our women already have blue inked fingers from “exercising their right to vote”.

School hosts “Redneck Day” for a boost in school spirit and instead gets a boost in fake outrage from the usual suspects

What, no intricate terror plot!? Boston Marathon bombs were built “quickly” according to “sources”. The last time “sources” were used in this saga, CNN announced the capture of suspects 48 hours before the event actually occurred. But, the story line is interesting enough to keep those news hounds hitting the search engines al juiced up for one more fix (“C’mon Louie baby, just one more, you know I love you…”)

What if…!? Imagine a world in which humans cannot even be bothered to perform the most basic human functions like assisting God in creating the next generation but we can find all the time needed to open up 75 strings of discussion in “social media”

In the comments string on my monologue about priests being kept out of the aftermath of the Boston Marathon (as first responders of the spiritual kind) a disgruntled jerk claims that Father Mychal Judge didn’t perform any “last rites” at Ground Zero. But as this post recounts, Mychal was FILMED AT THE SCENE praying rites for those who leapt from the upper floors to the patio below

Rand Paul is still the loudest GOP voice for a humble foreign policy as the rest of the tone deaf, war hungry GOP marches on to the cliff. “What Republican members of Congress thus far have not understood is that clear thinking about national defense also leads to a dramatically smaller defense budget. Almost all our defense spending goes to equip and support forces designed for wars with other states. As we have seen in Iraq and Afghanistan, such forces are not effective against non-state, Fourth Generation opponents.”

The Tea Party is promoting WHO as a savior candidate for the U.S. Senate? Did you guess “Sara Palin”? Give your self a gold star and the Tea Party a dunce cap

Rod Dreher: Yelling at people you disagree with… the ones you don’t even know or have met… is what obsession with modern culture and media does to you and is not the kind of “freedom” we should aspire to

AmConMag’s Jordan Bloom lists about a billion “right of center blogs” that readers can/should frequent but alas, Y/T’s Pile of Prep is NOT on the list. Perhaps because this daily page isn’t a “blog?” Or perhaps it is just a lack of “diversity” or quality? I am after all, a college drop-out without educational pedigree. Or maybe it’s that other than Tom Woods wonderful acknowledgement of our work here, there isn’t much room for radio personalities in “journalism” circles?

Is the new “creative economy” REALLY the wave of the future? People just communicating and pleasing customers with never-ending variations on the same themes? Isn’t there an argument to be made that “conservatives” should at least PRETEND as though this atomizing trend is at once destructive while being seductive? Is there nothing to be said in defense of bricks and mortar or “John Smith’s Widgets-Since 1913”? Recall that an obsession of the “economic” is what has replaced a relationship with the “permanent”

See Tom Woods LIVE in NYC, June 8th, with special guest Robert Murphy “The Zombie” –tickets are available here

et tu ChairMan MaObama? President Obama wants the world to believe he is dumb enough to take John McCain and Lindsay Graham’s advice and arm rebels while intervening in Syria. The ONLY option that need be on “the table” is the certainty that the United States is not intervening this time

TIC: Lincoln believed he was justified in his atrocities because he was saving “the New World” which was dreamed & prophesied of long before Plymouth & James town

Are these people mad? Media & real estate “industry” rags continue to promote Housing Bubble 2.0 “Bride of Housing Bubble” apparently not able to recall the real estate crash of a mere 5 years ago

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Michael Boldin on May 3, 2013

    Mike, thanks for pointing out our response to Holder here at the Tenth Amendment Center!

    I’m actually quite interested in your take on the new CA law – going to be listening shortly.

    • TheKingDude on May 4, 2013

      The California law is in compliance with the second amendment because only California can regulate the militia and arms in California unless…
      1. There is a declared war and their militia is conscripted
      2. There is a rebellion and republican government is threatened AND the CA government calls for the federales
      3. There is an invasion and a federal response is required

      I post you guys stuff often, the TAC does a magnificent job of informing the public, have you reviewed my “What Lincoln Killed-EPISODE I” or “Spirit of ’76-The Story Continues” features yet?

  2. Terry Tedor on May 3, 2013

    Nominating Palin would guarantee a Democrat victory. She, as well as Joe Miller (whose name has also been mentioned) are far too polarizing and are unelectable. There are some electable candidates out there. Find them.

    And, I live in Alaska AND I vote…
