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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest “immigration deform” nonsense which should not appeal to “conservatives” or [r]epublicans plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Resolved that ALIEN friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the state wherein they are; that no power over them has been delegated to the US. nor prohibited to the individual states distinct from their power over citizens: and it being true as a general principle, & one of the amendments to the constitution having also declared that ‘the powers not delegated to the US. by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people,’ the act of the Congress of the US. passed on the day of July 1798 intituled ‘an Act concerning Aliens,’ which assumes powers over Alien-friends not delegated by the constitution, is not law, but is altogether void & of no force.” – Thomas Jefferson, Resolve 4 of his KY Resolutions of 1798
Immigration Deform: Should “conservatives” be in favor of building border fences with Mexico and expanding the police state with tens of thousand of new “border patrol agents”? Recall that border control and importation of “alien friends” is a power reserved to the States.
Mish: No hiding places left, Keynesians, fundamentals will ultimate trump liquidity, is BernYankMe’s QE hiccup the beginning?
Plan B population control goes public. FDA “approves” baby killer pill for ALL AGES as over-the-counter. How long before a state, any state, moves to ban the importation & sale?
This Page is Supported by your Founders Pass subscriptions to this site, please take the tour and see all the GREAT CONTENT you are missing out on including Mike’s Project ’76 Webisodes™
Does anyone else see the scandalous problem with A. Nationalizing student loans to “cut out the middle-man, get students better rates then B. succeeding n this outrage, cutting out all market players, then C. Passing laws that link the loan rate to T-bill rates, meaning the government and its Fed bankers ARE now the “middle-men”!?
DeceptiCONNED: Only Mordor based “conservatives” could call $20 billion in ‘cuts” from a $500 BILLION “Farm Bill” a “significant step toward reform”
Breitbart picks up on Mike Church interview of Senator Rand Paul, with Audio
As far as “conservatives” in media and “policy elite” circles are concerned the SSM question has been settled and the Progressives won (again), nothing to see here, move along, tradition-less citizen!
Yewts tell pollsters they “don’t want…need… health insurance…it’s a rip-off”, Obama & Sebellius tell yewts “guess what, this is your generation’s version of cod-liver oil, open wide and say ahhh….punk”
Judge Napolitano: The FISA judge that issued the order for the NSA data gathering evinced a “perverse understanding of the values, history and language of the Constitution”
Has the “liberal media” already given into fear over Rand Paul’s ascendancy as Johnathan Chait at the New York Times has? Chait bristles at challenges to pure democracy as if 51 people SHOULD be able to vote themselves a share of 49 people’s wealth
Speaking of wealth, the “wealth effect” is now officially in reverse and has once again produced nothing more than an unavoidable crash. Buckle in NEW home buyers, the news is about to get ugly
Why not call these Senators “The 4 Horseman?” Paul, Lee, Udall and Murphy file bill to stop Obama’s move to arm “Syrian rebels”, now let’s see if 47 others bhave the common sense and Christian good will to follow suit
Dear Leader tells the Iris their devotion to religious education and their preferences for same are ‘divisions” that need to end. We can’t after all, choose one religion over another, that would be bigoted
The shoeple begin to get some [r]epublican philisophy, as in, you cannot have State employees e.g. politicians or regulators work for the companies they once regulated as lobbyists
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 123 1
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