Pile Of Prep

Friday Prep-The New Zealand Massacre, A Real-Life Video Game

todayMarch 15, 2019 6


Veritas et Sapientia“It is a morbid sign for a democracy when the electorate chooses heroes to do its bidding, rather than politicians. The future promises more of the same.” – Will Loyd, How Nerds Smothered American Culture

Mandeville, LA – Today’s Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network’s CRUSADE Channel.

The Mike Church Show has moved to our new time slot of NOON-3:00pmish east! Emphasis on the ish, join me today for free!

Tune-In to the Mike Church Show-LIVE! every weekday at High NOON eastern!


The New Zealand Shooter Is A Cut & Paste Propagandist

If @KamalaHarris wanted to frame #NewZealandShooting on @realDonaldTrump this would be in the perp’s manifesto:

We must crush immigration and deport those invaders already living on our soil. It is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people. – Brenton Tarrant

I’ve now read the manifesto and I can tell you a few things about it.

A deranged, mentally unstable mind did not write this.

The manifesto is filled with the valid concerns, Christians should have concerning massive Muslim migrations and that should scare the crap out of you.

Dreher Joins The Movement, Says “Yes, They’re Coming For The Kids”

It finally happened, Rod Dreher and I are in perfect agreement. On the topic of the diabolical infatuations that are resulting in serial mutilation of children the evidence is now overwhelming; the demons are driving this bus. When parents of TWO YEAR OLD children say their children are “gender signaling” them and they go along with the mutilation and mental terrorism that is required to give the child their wish, what else can possibly be the motivation? Am I making this up? No way:


My TENTH annual Hogs For The Cause fundraiser has begun-bid on wine, cigars, gourmet cutting boards and much more to benefit families with children suffering brain cancers and thanks for your previous support!

Available in The Founders Tradin’ Post, In-Stock! “Simply the best history of heroism and chivalry available for modern readers”-Mike Church

Hi, I’m a Wealthy, Progressive Snob And I’m Here To Help

School Day, Bloody School Day just doesn’t sound like a hit record but it aptly sums up Bonehead’s snobbish manipulation of the college entrance process with his wealthy buddy Bill McGlashan. Rod Dreher has a sickening report on Bonehead’s cheek, here. From The Editor Time Magazine’s Twitter:

So, Bonehead and pals are so rainbow flag spangled smart and cool they should be allowed to write their own tax rates, legal restrictions on trading securities etc because they will always make the right decisions to help us peasants out!? Yes, that’s what the above says. But in case you remain in need of more convincing:

Maybe Bonehead could try giving Christ the same pass in his lie, again?

You Mean Catholic Bishops Are Supposed To Be In The Business of Saving Souls!?

Jason Surmiller has the whole salvation thing figured out and *satire* even thinks Bishops should be in the soul saving business, imagine that!

In the end, the whole point—for the bishops and the whole Church—is to gain more souls for Christ whether or not it means losing respectability in elite circles. To deny people the truth is a hateful thing, and to allow people to languish in error and refuse to offer them a way to salvation is the same as condemning them to hell. The bishops need to remember that their concerns should not only be for earthly things but primarily for heavenly rewards. In the end, it does not profit the bishops to gain worldly acclaim while so many under their care are losing their souls.

Memo to Cuomocoaty’l, your bishop will be replaced by one who will do God’s actual bidding.

The Enemy of My Enemy Is…

New research shows that the adage, oft repeated on The Mike Church Show, error begets error, applies also to civil affairs and simple etiquette. This now extends to nearly all political dialogue, as Thomas Edsall points out, above.

Some 20 percent of Democrats (that translates to 12.6 million voters) and 16 percent of Republicans (or 7.9 million voters) do think on occasion that the country would be better off if large numbers of the opposition died.

We’re not finished: “What if the opposing party wins the 2020 presidential election. How much do you feel violence would be justified then?” 18.3 percent of Democrats and 13.8 percent of Republicans said violence would be justified on a scale ranging from “a little” to “a lot.”

Got that, USA! USA! chanter? 20% of the opposition thinks it will be ok to make war on you if Trump is re-elected AND by a nearly identical amount, 20% of MAGA’s think the opposite is true. So, how’s are those anathema ideas of pluralism and “democracy” working out for ya? There can be little doubt that the population of this continent is being divided into several warring factions that are growing into armies and we know what diabolical men, and now women who were men, do with armies, don’t we?

When Superhores Replaced Heroic Priests

Will Loyd has an interesting theory at The Spectator: the reason the MCU has become The Thing and packs theaters with ‘Murican movie goers: we no longer have any trust or belief that political leaders are anything but corrupt hacks who only work to solve their own problems, but superheroes from Marvel!? they work to save the PLANET. Some may think this is harmless but consider that more teenagers go to the debut of the arch-heretic Captain Marvel then go to Holy Mass. That the heroism of the Catholic clergy and laity is still the stuff of legend: Saint Martha taming a murderous dragon; Saint Leo IV slaying a lethal, winged beast; Saint Francis of Assissi taming an overgrown wolf that terrorized a village only to become its guard dog. Whither the Catholic clergy heroes of today exposing then helping to incarcerate the promoters of pornography, that lethal digital media that has the power to damn billions of souls!? A great book to read on Catholic heroes and chivalry, real-life heroes, is Heroism and Genius by Father William Slattery, available in our book store, here!

BREXIT Is Being Hijacked By BRINOS

Brendan O’Neill, the editor of SPIKED! a UK based opinion blog, gives us the lowdown on what the latest non-BREXIT moves; what he calls BRINO.

They know, in their heart of hearts, that May’s deal is ‘BRINO’ – Brexit In Name Only. In fact, her deal, as it stands, would be worse than the status quo. In potentially keeping us entangled in EU arrangements, while restricting our ability unilaterally to leave these arrangements, it would do the opposite of the thing that 17.4million of us voted for – it would reduce Britain to vassal-like status, where what the people demanded in the referendum was that we ‘take back control’. Control over our trade, our borders, our laws, our destiny. May is offering us non-control. She deserves humiliation in the Commons today.

Face it folks. The same forces that cannot accept Trump’s stunning-providential-win over the demon spawn of Margaret Sanger and Lucifer himself, Hillary, also do not accept BREXIT.

Its Even Worse That Caroline Farrow Said: UK ‘Mums Make “Approved” Porn For Their Kids

If this is an actual story and not some Babylon Bee satire, the UK is in far bigger trouble than Caroline Farrow said on yesterday’s Mike Church Show.

Mums Make Porn sees the women, who have teenage kids, create their own sex vid after being left horrified by the hardcore porn available online for free.

So there’s a “good porn” and a “bad porn” now!? Now can you see how the revolution just keeps finding new ways to shock the faithful and sane and that every time you or I say “well, that’s it, it can’t possibly get any worse”, they find a way to do just that!

Tucker Carlson Is Peter Finch But He’s Not Angry

I have to admire the grit of one Tucker Carlson who continues to flirt with Thomistic logic and Catholic justice teaching in his thinking on the current outrage mob trying to drive all opposition into real gulags where they are permanently deprived of the “right” to participate in the economic prison the anti-christs’s have been busy constructing since Luther. A useless outfit called Media Matters assigned its crack researchers to scour days worth of interviews Carlson has given over his career until, eureka! they found a woke anti soy-boy moment; gathered the mob, passed out the electronic torches and pitchforks and set about trying, convicting and sentencing Carlson to the gulag mentioned above. The only thing is, Carlson isn’t playing their game and is instead telling people what is really going on. Just watch…

The Twitter Woke Mob Will Come For You, Too

Saturday Night Live, used to be funny, well, this past weekend, it was funny again. Idris Elba, actor, starred in a satire about a fake game show called “Can I Play That”, a hilarious mocking of what Twitter mobs have succeeded in doing, destroying a few careers and for instance, shaming Kevin Hart into not hosting the Oscars; but there’s a cautionary note here: real lives have been destroyed by these mobs and others are being destroyed as I type, that’s reality; and all for what? a moving goal post that despises not all sin during this Lenten season but instead, all tradition including even that of sex being assigned at birth.

Like Mao’s Teen Goonsquads, Twitter Mobs Become Scary

Peggy Noonan is watching the same events you and I have been watching the last few years and noted the rising power of Twitter, not as a vehicle for communication or old fashioned nostrums of attracting a coveted audience demographic to sell some ads to them, what silliness when one can serve to hold open the gate of hell!? Noonan…

A few weeks ago a young woman on Twitter thought aloud: “What if public libraries were open late every night and we could engage in public life there instead of having to choose between drinking at the bar and domestic isolation.” This might get people off their screens and help them feel “included and nourished.”

A nice idea. Maybe some local official would pick it up. Instead there was a small onslaught of negative reaction. “Libraries are already significantly underfunded and they struggle to make do with what they’ve got.” “Before you suggest this understand that librarians are maxed out—our facilities are understaffed, we’re underpaid.” The idea would only work in “mainly affluent urban & suburban communities with already well-funded libraries whose wealth insulates them.” A woman soon to marry a librarian warned of “what this would do to the lives of the people who work there.”

After being batted about, the young woman apologized: “I made insensitive tweets abt public libraries & the individuals that staff them. I apologize for those tweets. I have much to learn abt the difficult challenges public librarians face, the services they provide, & how much they strive to meet the needs of communities they serve.”

The woman suggested meeting at a library after hours and overworked, woke, nerds were offended and demanded she be shown the gallows. I find myself saying this often: you just can’t make this stuff up… and you can’t, the question is, what corporate entity will do what Tucker has done above and if none will, how long before we run out of “we can just retreat to_________________”?

Amazon Is Now Censoring Book Reviews

We have been CRUSADING against the global hegemon that is Amazon since it became apparent that total market assumption was their ultimate goal, meaning, the elimination of all competing parties to its offerings which are now nearly universal. One field where Amazon cannot control thought and product exchange is independent book publishing; but what happens when an independent publisher gets his book listed on amazon? Next question, what happens if that book challenges the MIC’s view of how they want the world to work? Wayne Allensworth has a story on that and he isn’t a fan of Trump’s role in it.

In the long run, attempts to build alternative institutions on the Right could be blocked by denying them access to alternative communications channels and financial services. Together with “fake news” media, the tech and financial sectors are aiming to smother the only real opposition to globalism. The “Swamp” has conveniently forgotten about anti-trust laws and free speech, and so far Trump hasn’t done anything more than tweet while his supporters are under attack.

I would add that the fact that Trump is tweeting though is at least one shot over the bow of FANG.

Only Trumpzilla Can Make Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches “Woke”, Despised Food

The North Dakota Bisons, football team, visited the White House and asked President Trump to serve them Chick-Fil-A fare for lunch, triggering a ridiculous, woke, twitter outrage mob,

The “Center” Of The Democrat Party Is Occupied By An Apostate Catholic

I’ve lauded Hawaii representative Tulsi Gabbard’s opposition to ‘Murican Exceptionalism at the end of the barrel of our vainglorious weapons. Now Gabbard has entered the race to become emperor of Hell aka the nomination to be defeated by Trump in 2020 while campaigning for universal infanticide. In her first press conference on her candidacy Gabbard vacated most of the “center” she ostensibly occupied and it was revealed, is an apostate, baptized Catholic.

The TrannyMammy’s™ Triumph Over Mohammedans

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is how the old adage goes and when it comes to the diabolical TIC – Transition Industrial Complex – it is nothing short of shocking that one of the most cherished minority constituencies in The West, Muslims, are being social media shamed and legally threatened for their opposition.

Mohammed Idrees, the Muslim councillor who spoke out in support of the protesting parents and said pupils were “too young” to be taught about homosexuality, has since apologised for his comments and has been formally reported to Birmingham City Council’s Standards Committee by Conservative councillor Gareth Moore, who is gay.

I don’t know what a “Standards Committee” is but I bet you it is in charge of force feeding transition ideology to children and punishing anyone who dares to challenge this most heinous heterodoxy.

Wyoming U Calls Themselves Cowboys And Doesn’t Care If You’re Offended By It!

The Wyoming Cowboys made an advertising campaign that, get this, actually used the term “cowboy” as in male, wearing dungarees and a Stetson and actually refused to can the campaign when woke, soy boys complained!

Daycare Gets Blamed For Little Fat Bastards – It’s About Time

The Sun has what they says is a “shocking” story on the link between “working mums” and their children becoming fat bastards.

FANG Has Ruined The Internet And Robbed It of Its “Free…Open” Roots

The story of how DARPA created the beast we called the Internet, sorry AlGore, is one not well known because the exchange of packets that underlies it, is mere commodity to the average Millennial loser. Oh but is it commodity? Is it really free? The answer to this is an obvious “no” if you know what you’re talking about. If you know that FANG controls 80% of online ad revenues and controls nearly 100% of online traffic-of what is seen and not seen. Note that is not what is published and unpublished; a lot is published that is never seen. Jonathan Tepper, author of the Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and The Death of Competition, has a must read on this topic.

If you had to choose a date for when the internet died, it would be in the year 2014. Before then, traffic to websites came from many sources, and the web was a lively ecosystem. But beginning in 2014, more than half of all traffic began coming from just two sources: Facebook and Google. Today, over 70 percent of traffic is dominated by those two platforms.

Add in Apple, Amazon and Netflix and the total traffic/revenue is over 80%, this is a monopoly system or an oligarch system of the elite few, not “free” and “open”. Tepper catches up with one of the geniuses behind the internet who is working on a cure, read the whole thing.

Ireland Has Become The Most Anti-Christian Nation On Earth

It is sad but true and a cautionary tale to those who say “that can’t happen here in ‘Muricah, cause we’s a Christian nation, buddy!”. John Waters throws ice cold water on that and laments Catholic Ireland’s death.

Such logic is unavailable to Ireland now and may never be returned to us. The point of the crucifix fatwah, of course, is not its impact in individual situations but the symbolism it offers our treacherous and ludicrous leaders in their efforts to present themselves as heroic crusaders against the “Catholic Taliban” that has allegedly been running Ireland for hundreds of years.

If Ireland is no longer Catholic does that mean that it is now an island of druids, pagans and cannibalistic barbarians who now know how to brew beer and make malt whiskeys? Yep, but ponder that the pagans didn’t have beer or malts – so is St Patrick’s Day next to fall?

TrannyMammy’s™ Are Doping Their Children With Poison

A few days ago, on the MCS, I was making the point that parents who are acting as though their children are their bosses and are administering “puberty blockers” are playing Russian roulette with their kids lives because no one knows what the long term side effects are of these drugs. After speaking to the UK journalist Caroline Farrow, she alerted me to the fact that a study was indeed conducted and that it produced disturbing results. Here is the summary from Michael Biggs of Oxford’s Sociology Dept.

Between 2010 and 2014, puberty blockers were given to 50 children. This study yielded only one published scientific article on outcomes. It showed no evidence for the effectiveness of GnRHa: there was no statistically significant difference in psychosocial functioning between the group given blockers and the group given only psychological support. In addition, there is unpublished evidence that after a year on GnRHa children reported greater self-harm, and that girls experienced more behavioural and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body—so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria. [emphasis mine-MC]

Biggs also points out that the trans-lusting drug pimps basically lied when they rolled the drugs out for public use by saying they had studies that indicated positive results. We now see that at least part of the diabolical promotion of children “transitioning” is to pad the coffers of drug makers and quacks masquerading as “social workers” and even worse “doctors”. “The demons are ascendent, they’ve come for the children and they won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

AOC IS a Corporate Shill After All (And So Fast, Too!)

David French lifts the veil from the rotting carcass of Alexandria Occasio Cortez’s “clean…green” ill-earned reputation to find there’s also a misleading cheat underneath.

You can read the FEC complaint yourself, but in a nutshell: It describes an arrangement where Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, co-founded two PACs — Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress — and then funneled large sums of money from those PACs into limited-liability companies he controlled.

Got that? Money FROM PACS’s TO LLC’s meaning AOC already has figured out the Mordor trick of slush-funding and should be headed for a much larger and more luxurious apartment any day now. French’s conclusion paints the picture of AOC much closer to the one I have painted and should put to rest the “clean, green”, dimwitted, in over her headed damsel. She’s “in it to win it” and is off to a great, albeit old fashioned, Demoncrat start!

Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Worse…

The New Orleans Mardi Gras is famous for drunken fools doing stupid things but we’ve yet to make public “golden showers” part of the activities we boast and brag about and rely on our major media’s libs to back us up; welcome to the “Carnival” of Brazil. Rod Dreher describes the perversion that was called out by Brail’s new president, the Catholic Jair Bolsonaro.

Jair Bolsonaro, the hard-right president of Brazil, has caused controversy by tweeting a short clip of a degenerate street scene at Rio’s Carnival. Here’s the tweet (warning: NSFW). It shows two male weirdos dancing on a balcony, one scantily clad in some sort of bondage gear. Bondage Boy bends over in front of the other, and the standing guy pulls out his weenis and urinates on the head of the Bondage Boy, who revels in it, and pretends to be washing his long hair.

Isn’t that nice, a pair of disordered thinking sodomites, entertain Carnival crowds with unspeakable, lewd acts, and anyone who dares to question them faces the TransGayNecroBeastoMafiaMob. Whatever happened to “throw me something, mister”, where the result was a Carnival rider throwing a child a Hubig’s pie (a New Orleans treat, indeed!).

Move Over Cuomocoaty’l, There’s A New Catholic, Infanticidal Maniac Governor

The governor of New Mexico is a real piece of feminist modernity cross bred with good old fashioned Aztec barbarian and finished off with a pinch of Fr. James Martin __J. Meet the alleged Catholic governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham who stands ready, bill signing pen in hand, to one up Cuomocoaty’l and make New Mexico a sanctuary for “doctors” who carry out infanticide, up to moment of birth executions and the women who will no doubt take the souther route to Hades over that of far away New Tenochtitlan.

As governor, I have pledged to sign House Bill 51, which would do exactly that,” she added. I support decriminalizing abortion because I have every intention of leading a state that values women, that empowers women, that listens to women. And I have every intention of recruiting additional medical professionals to New Mexico and retaining the excellent providers we already have, and I want them to know: I will fight to oppose any move to make you into a criminal for simply doing your work.

So up to the moment of a child exiting the womb, its a “woman’s right” to order the gangland style murder of her child, who carries completely separate and unique DNA and is not part of “her body”!? We must ask again, where is Grisham’s bishop? It is almost as though this murder of the innocent infant has become a race to see which state can become the most grisly. It is a further heartbreak and scandal and perhaps object of Lenten sacrifice that “Catholics” are the torch bearers and their bishops and priests are nowhere to be found.

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing-How Saul Alinsky Ruined American Catholicism

Get a special, one day only sale price on Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing!

Check out my interview with the Father/Son filmmaking team behind Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing, Richard and Stephen Payne. The Payne’s boldly state:

This is no conspiracy theory! It’s the real story of Alinsky and his movement. It’s the classic teachings of the Church with insights from philosopher Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. (who as a Jesuit scholastic was trained in Alinskyian organizing), Fathers Glenn Sudano & Andrew Apostoli (co-founders with Fr. Benedict Groeschel of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal), Stephanie Block (who wrote the definitive 4 volume study of Alinskyian organizing). Actors play Alinsky, Popes St. John Paul II & Leo XIII, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko & others.

We have made the entire interview available for FREE, please share it with friends and family today, its an important piece of work!

Mike Church, Too Catholic For Satellite Radio

Membah…membah!? Fast forward to November of that year and Chris writes a followup “Too Catholic For Satellite Radio”. Thanks to Papa Francis deliberate attempt to bring an end to the Catholic Church by claiming he can change dogma (the licit Death Penalty), I am becoming #Too Catholic For Lukewarm Catholic Radio. Ferrara wrote the following which we at the CRUSADE Channel studio still believe is True and pursue improving it every day.

“Indeed, over the past year or so Mike Church has emerged as the only traditionally Catholic conservative in talk radio today, anywhere in the world. And I mean traditional. Not only during my appearances on the show, but now thematically, Mike has turned the longest running political talk show on Sirius Radio into an unabashed presentation of the Social Kingship of Christ, traditional Catholic moral teaching, and even the traditional Latin liturgy as the solution to what is evidently otherwise a terminal civilizational crisis. I have been invited on the show numerous times to defend all of these things explicitly, to speak of the one true Church, and even to call upon conservative Protestants to enter the Church if they are serious about saving our nation and our civilization.”

Thanks to you, fair reader, we have the chance to continue that fight but I am in constant need of your assistance, click here to chip in.

Need To Listen To The Pearcing Truth’s Series On Economics As If Families Mattered

Co-hosted by Mike Church and now available On-Demand!

It’s March2019 And The Immodesty Is About To Go Nuclear Because It WENT Nuclear – Venerable Bishop Sheen called out ‘Muricah back in the 1960’s while speaking to a group of young Catholics on “Youth and Sex”: “8:15 in the morning, the 6th of August, 1945, when we flew a military plane over this city, when we dropped that atomic bomb on it; that bomb on blotted out boundaries. There was no longer a boundary between the military and the civilian, between the helper and the helped, between the wounded and the nurse and the doctor, between the living and the dead. For even the living who escaped the bomb were already half dead. So we broke down boundaries and limits and from that time on the world has said we want no one limiting me. … You want no restraint, no boundaries, no limits. I have to do what I want to do. Now let’s analyze that for a moment, is that happiness?”


The MIKE CHURCH SHOW and the Veritas Radio Newtork’s CRUSADE Channel are 26 months old this month. To see another 26 months of life, please support our crowdfunding effort, become a Founders Pass Member, place an ad or much more. Click SOS our Mascot for details!

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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