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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Founding Father, Secession, Christmas Spirit goodness and other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “Before we shrug and reply, ‘So what if it’s religious? It’s still bigotry, it’s still intolerable,’ we need to remember that religious liberty is America’s founding principle.”
The Fair Deal: Congressman Gohmert proposes to ditch the ENTIRE tax code in favor of a flat, 15% tax on everything: incomes, capital gains, dividends et cetera but an actual FAIR proposal is not what the sheople want they want revenge
The RAW Deal: Justin Amash & Walter Jones are kicked off appropriations committees by the Boehner faction in Congress-so much for Ron Paul’s longevity after leaving the House-game on Boehner!
The Pentagon will fight for its exalted privileges like $1.5 TRILLION fighter planes slower and less effective than what they are to replace oh but they “are a necessity for national security”
And now comes a proposal to eliminate deductions for state and local taxes which would clobber the blue-state wealthy
SCOTUS Constitution shredding as the “High Court” purports to determine whether or not one form of water is pollution or not. Is that settling a “dispute arising under this Constitution” as in whether or not Congress is exercising an enumerated power?
Boehner’s “counter proposal” to Dear Leader’s “fiscal cliff solution” offers what is termed as $4.2 TRILLION in “saved borrowing costs” which I assume means is a decrease in the scheduled increase but with lots of borrowing still going on or as I like to call it “Last Train to Brokesville”
Is Ted Cruz-Senator Elect, TX- an “isolationist” or does the label get hurled at any “conservative” who pondered the cost and sense of our current warfare state?
Mitch Daniels begins the ‘walk back” of Romney’s 47% comment but doesn’t really understand WHY Romney was offensive
Gay marriage rights equal the END of religious liberty in the United States and could, again, set up the next Constitutional crisis (as if we need another one) that inspires secession and secesession movements to preserve self-government & religious liberty
The end of men and the rise of women may just be a book title (reviewed herein) or may be the opening line to a play that ultimately reverses the title roles as God and nature reclaim their order from the Science Generations
Written by: TheKingDude
gohmert religious liberty scotus Secession taxes ted cruz women
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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