Founders Television

Ghosts of Founders Past Reveal Our Future: John Taylor on Congress

todayJune 11, 2015 8

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    Ghosts of Founders Past Reveal Our Future: John Taylor on Congress ClintStroman

Mandeville,LA– This Founders TV Episode was originally published on Oct 16,2013 and is part of the Founders TV/ Post Show Show.

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Today’s Complete Founder’s TV Audio and Video:

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    Ghosts of Founders Past Reveal Our Future: John Taylor on Congress ClintStroman


Today’s Founder’s TV Audio and Video Preview:

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    Ghosts of Founders Past Reveal Our Future: John Taylor on Congress ClintStroman

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Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Video and Audio – Let’s not pretend that everyone in the House of Representin’ is fighting against the debt ceiling being raised for all the right reasons. Oh, there are certainly a few, but for the most part, it’s not because they are DEFENDERS OF THE CONSTITUTION, they are doing for their own selfish reasons. But it’s always been like that… well, maybe not the FIRST Congress, but very soon after that, and John Taylor of Caroline witnessed it happening. Why does it matter? Because in his book, Tyranny Unmasked, John Taylor saw our future, he witnessed what we were going to become now. If only we had listened to John Taylor, we may not be in the situation we are in now. For more on this be sure and check out today’s Founders TV and sign up for a Founders Pass if you haven’t already!

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Written by: ClintStroman

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