
GM Regulated By Fed Overlords

todayApril 8, 2014 4


Nanny State Polices Highways with Traffic Cams

Own the world's first & only, complete retelling of George Washington's trek across New York & New Jersey that led to "Washington's Crossing"
Own the world’s first & only, complete retelling of George Washington’s trek across New York & New Jersey that led to “Washington’s Crossing”

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You have the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, the Federal Trade Commission.  There are probably 150 agencies that are involved in regulating Detroit or regulating the automobile industry.  Why didn’t you guys catch this?  I thought this was your job.  I thought living in the United States with the magisterial federal leviathan government ensured that no defective part, no defective fig, no defective tomato could ever make it to market.  Isn’t that why we have a $3.9 trillion-headed hydra sitting on the banks of the Potomac River?”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Why is the general government of the United States, why are they pretending that their magisterial inspection units and regulatory agencies have dominion over these affairs, and if they do, then whose fault is it that the defective switch got implanted inside the General Motors vehicle and then was out tooling across the American countryside to prey on the unsuspecting and cause mayhem?  The same people that are grandstanding about [mocking] “Well, what did you do about . . . What’s General Motors . . . these cars are unsafe.  Obviously we’re going to have to do this.”

Wait a minute, now.  You have the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, the Federal Trade Commission.  There are probably 150 agencies that are involved in regulating Detroit or regulating the automobile industry.  Why didn’t you guys catch this?  I thought this was your job.  I thought living in the United States with the magisterial federal leviathan government ensured that no defective part, no defective fig, no defective tomato could ever make it to market.  Isn’t that why we have a $3.9 trillion-headed hydra sitting on the banks of the Potomac River?  Isn’t this supposed to guarantee and ensure that life is totally safe and that nothing could ever happen to any of us, right?

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76]

Well, then why is General Motors being keelhauled here?  Why aren’t they keelhauling the people that were supposed to inspect the cars?  Why are you making a big show of the CEO?  What the hell does she have to do with it?  She didn’t build the car.  Some guy named Robert built the car and it was inspected by a woman named Clarice.  Don’t you want to find out from them?

Of course, it can’t be, ladies and gentlemen, that driving automobiles at 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 miles per hour for 5, 10, 12 hours per day, among other people that are driving the same speeds and similar amounts of time, it can’t be that it may just be possible that this is a dangerous endeavor regardless of how safe the car is, right?  And, of course, the American consumer can’t be bothered with having to check out the safety of the car because he’s too busy trying to earn enough money to pay his taxes, to pay for the regulations, to pay for the overpriced gasoline and all the other things that go into it.  Then there’s just a little bit left over to be able to pay the bankers whatever the finance note is going to be per month.  He doesn’t have time to do his own due diligence.  We have again another problem that’s caused by the nanny state.  Is it possible that automobile and travel in automobiles can be made entirely safe?  No, of course it is not.  Would it be possible that travel in automobiles could be made safer if the responsibility for that safety was removed from the tentacle hands of the corporatists inside the federal and state governments and was then transferred back into the hands of the people that actually did the driving and maybe the people that were responsible for managing and building the roads?

The Theme song for the NSA-The Mike Church Show Band's Spyin' Eyes-available as a single download
The Theme song for the NSA-The Mike Church Show Band’s Spyin’ Eyes-available as a single download

Because of the web of, the sheer amount of roads and the sheer amount of traveling that is possible to engage in here in these United States today, this has been made possible, and I would argue not only has it been made possible, it has been made almost required — in certain places you have to drive.  You don’t have any choice.  The economy has been built around the idea that distances in between where business is transacted are immaterial.  They don’t matter.  No one gives a second thought to: Where’re you gonna get the widget to build the wagon queen family truckster?  Do we really care?  Ship it from China.  The point being, it’s not just the stuff that’s coming from China.  It’s the stuff that’s shipped from all over the North American continent that no one seems to be of the opinion and to be in the discovery phase of: Is it really prudent to do that amount of business and to conduct your affairs thinking and believing that distances between points that must be traveled are immaterial and don’t matter?  That’s at least part of what is at issue here.

I don’t know whether or not GM is at fault or not.  I would probably lean to the side of saying if General Motors is at fault, then whatever agency is supposed to be inspecting them is at fault as well, because that’s what we have them for.  That’s what we have them for, right?  That’s what our friends at the NHTSA are there for.  Who else supervises automobiles?  What other agencies are there?  I’ll have to look a little deeper into this.  In any event, I just watched maybe an hour of the testimony yesterday with congressman after congressman grandstanding and yelling at the woman from General Motors and asking questions.  Madam, you’re a member of Congress.  What the hell do you know about making a car?  For example, I’m now watching, on the rerun, representative Kathy Castor, a Democrat from Florida, who is castorgating (pun intended) the CEO of General Motors, brandishing a paper, [mocking] “What about this memo here?”

Is this really what the imperial congress is built, designed — let me ask the question another way.  If you were going to design an imperial congress, is this one of the tasks you would charge them with, supervising the manufacture of automobiles and trucks and what have you?  Isn’t that something that’s better left to people that actually do that, and to maybe the people that invest in that?  Isn’t it really their responsibility at the end of the day whether or not the vehicles or trains or trucks, that they’re safe?


It’s all such a tangled, wicked web.  Just think about this, folks.  You can’t get on a highway without being involved in government, without having government surround you.  It’s not just government surrounding you.  It’s government that can imprison you.  It’s government that can tax you.  It’s government that can take Anthology_Book_Cover_FEATUREDprivate property away from you simply because of the fact that you stepped on the highway that they told you was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  At one point in time, many of the roads that were traversed across the United States were owned by people.  There wasn’t this sick, twisted web that was woven that we are currently dealing with, the cameras and inspections and cars and safety, the gasoline and diesel and all the stuff that is needed to fuel it.

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It just seems to me that we mock and make fun of the socialist nitwits over there in Europe, but the socialist nitwits over there in Europe and in Holland and Denmark and Germany and the other countries I studied a bit yesterday, the socialist nitwits in Europe are coming to the conclusion that they don’t want to be stuck in their cars all the time, they just don’t.  And if they are stuck in their cars, they don’t want a bunch of bobbies all over the place and they don’t want to be treated like a bunch of sissies that cannot care for themselves.  Therefore they’re actually going and marching backwards in time and are removing the safety items that have dotted the landscape or dotted their highways and byways.  I should include some of those stories in the Pile of Prep.  Some of them were written back in 2004 and 2005 when Drachten first decided, to the horror of the world, that they were going to do away with all their traffic signs.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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