
God To Transgender Sycophants at NatGeo: “Next Time I send An Asteroid Nearby, Madonna Gets It”

todayJanuary 10, 2017 11


On this morning’s radio show I covered the latest “transgender” atrocity which oozes from the pages of the January 2017 issue of National Geographic.

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Mandeville, LA –  The Orcs of “gender-fluidity” have planted another flag in the editorial offices of a widely distributed, popular print magazine: National Geographic. Under the deceitful title: How Science Is Helping Us Understand Gender, NatGeo allows a petty, NY Times employed, hack (who previously wrote about “The Science of Death”) to promote the world-wide mutilation of anyone who’s ever had the thought that they aren’t “the gender I was born with”. This includes children and the author even goes so far as to publish a photograph of a 17 year old girl (see inset) who suffered a double mastectomy so she can look like the boy the forces of Mammon tell her she is. Folks this madness is what our era is going to be remembered for and we better conform our minds to the reality that Satan has his sights set on our children and is unloading 90 caliber sex-Howitzers to gain their souls. Thankfully, there are inspired seminarians who have weighed in to demolish NatGeo’s diabolical capitulation.

“The final page of Henig’s article celebrates the mutilation of minor children with a full-page picture of a shirtless 17-year old girl who recently underwent a double mastectomy in order to “transition” to being a boy. Why do transgender ideologues consider it harmful to attempt to change such a child’s mind but consider it progress to display her bare, mutilated chest for a cover story? Transgender ideologues like Henig never address this ethical contradiction at the heart of their paradigm.” Folks, those who thought I was too heavy on this subject in 2015-16x now see why I rang and continue to ring the alarms. And BTW, this is NOT “an issue for the states to decide”. This has been decided by God and by his teaching long ago, what will we tell him at Judgement if we fail to spare thousands of souls from adapting this gender-bending apostasy? ht/t Rod Dreher


UPDATE: God to NatGeo & the rest of the abortion lusting, Hillary pimping, Black Mass scheming, LGBTQrstlne, mutilation posse i.e. MOST of Earth: “I’m warning you, next time Madonna gets it”, CNET Reports on the asteroid warning shot fired across our hedonistic bow:
An asteroid roughly the size of a 10-story building gave Earth a particularly close pass Monday morning. Asteroid 2017 AG13 came within half the distance from Earth to the moon as it buzzed by early Monday morning at 4:47 a.m. PT. The fly-by happened shortly after scientists at the Catalina Sky Survey first discovered the space rock on Saturday.
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! I thought Science The Almighty was supposed to detect ALL celestial bodies, tell us where they came from and which of Darwin’s monsters they brought the amino juice to kick-start the evolution process!? But this 10 story flying rebuke wasn’t detected until it came into view by experts surveying the moon. Remember that next time your SciFy Channel addicted friend tells you how stupid you are for believing in Creation and divine planning; we are not alone indeed, and we are not in control either.
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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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