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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of GOP’s latest brain dead idea: A BIGGER Pentagon as Atlas Shrugs plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “The splendid maintenance of the President, and of the members of both houses, and the salaries and fees of the swarm of officers and dependants of the government, will cost this continent immense sums. Double sets of collectors will double the expenses; to those are to be added oppressive excisemen and custom-house officers. Sir, the people have an hereditary hatred to custom-house officers.” – Patrick Henry, 7 June, 1788 VA Ratifying Convention
Well well, it seems that there ARE media types eavesdropping on our [r]epublican conversations every day! This writer basically recounts many a recent show monologue on the subject of the REAL issues at stake in IRS, Benghazi and AP wiretapping scandals (hint, it is NOT Obama!)
DeceptiCONNED: GOP budget solution: take chainsaw to domestic, big government bossing folks around and proportionately increase big government spending for the Pentagon to boss people around in other countries
Sanford and Son of repeal: House votes to repeal Obamacare for 37th time – with SC’s Mark Sanford booming a loud protestation against this killer of “American Tradition”, funny that Anthony Weiner was not on hand to show photos of American Traditions
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The rich just keep geting… Howard Stern joins Limbaugh & Ann Coulter as multi bazillion estate owners in West Palm beach FL. Stern’s digs cost a mere $50 million which is just enough to earn him rights to pick from the KingDude’s herb garden. Somebody remind me WHY I am in this business of truth aagian!?
Any immigration deal that is loved by Reps Guitterez and Baccera cannot be a good one, but Boehner’s pals seem to think it is
James Antle III’s book on taking a chainsaw to the Leviathan, Devouring Freedom, gets a favorable review “Cutting government is extremely difficult and rarely accomplished. In a perversion of Say’s Law (‘supply creates its own demand’), the supply of government creates its own demand.”
So as we “support” our valiant “Republican” leaders who will try and repeal “ObamaCare” and protect us from a vindictive IRS I have to wonder what makes Boehner & Co think that the IRS WITHOUT ObamaCare duties should be trusted for another day!?
For years Democrats lived by the mantra of “What did he know and when did he know it” over the Iran-Contra scandal and Ronald Reagan’s role in it. What will Matthews and co. do about Pres. Obama’s growing list of scandals where he was/is MIA
Rand Paul editorial: What the IRS did was what you would expect the KGB or Mao’s denizens to do and certainly NOT what the First Amendment is supposed to guarantee
Now that we have fully integrated women into the military and women into the Senate, is it any coincidence that “sexual assault” charges have increased? What did anyone expect the result on this integration to be other than a change of Status Quo?
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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