insert_link Gentleman's Corner Yes, There IS Radio Life AFTER Satellite Radio, And I Am Not Only The President But Also an Example! todayJune 19, 2020 7
JohnCH_13 on January 24, 2014 The government is hardly constitutional at the moment. In fact, couldn’t one argue that we are already IN a government minus the first seven articles? I mean, outside of the 3 branches and bicameral legislature nothing else is adhered too, and they are also whittling away at the BOR in the process, which would happen even without those articles, it is the natural course of government after all. Log in to Reply
BrianBridges on January 24, 2014 I can see the war of northern aggression being a consequence of any secession attempts simply by what history shows us, although I see the army being that of blue helmets. Repealing the 7 articles is a silly notion in my humble opinion but everyone has their own and that right to exercise it. I missed the conversation so I can’t comment on your “savagery” but their are a million ways to tell the same story. Oh well, there’s my wooden nickle’s worth. Log in to Reply
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757