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Have No Fear, The DHS And School Police Are Here

todayJanuary 31, 2013 17

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    Have No Fear, The DHS And School Police Are Here AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – My friends, we are in Kafka’s Brazil.  There is no reality anymore other than what silly, self-centered, arrogant reality that we make up here now.  Now we’re going to marshal up all the forces of our county, as Dwayne points out, or city, state governments to now purchase armored vehicles to stop Adam Lanza.  What is the thought process behind this?  The fact that they think they can get away with this or that they think they’re compelled or it is their duty to do it is just troubling. Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    Have No Fear, The DHS And School Police Are Here AbbyMcGinnis


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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Hello, Dwayne in Texas.  How are you?

Caller Dwayne:  Good morning, Brother Church.

Mike:  Brother Stovall.

Caller Dwayne:  Yes, it is.  I was compelled to tell you of my travels to the state capital of Texas to do the business of the Houston chapter of the ReFounders.  This discussion of the Senate hearing over gun violence, it offends me on a level that they should never be having those to begin with.  The state legislatures should be the ones having these discussions.  That said, yesterday I attended a Rotary meeting in the nice little town of Cleveland, Texas.  The keynote speaker was the chief of police of the school district.  I already have a problem with a school district having a police department.  He started right off the bat with we’ve had 48 or 49 instances of gun violence on schools since the Columbine shooting.  He immediately shot into how we need to reinforce and support the growth of this police department in the school districts, went through all the anecdotal stories, brought everybody into this emotional circle of we’ve got to do this for the kids.

When he got through talking, I couldn’t bite my tongue.  I raised my hand and he said, “Yes, sir, have you got a question?”  I said, “Yes, I’d like you to put it in context for everybody.  The 48 or 49 cases of gun violence on schools, that’s nationally?”  He goes, “Yes, that’s nationally.”  I said, “Does everybody realize there’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 14,000 school districts and probably 4,000 to 5,000 school campuses across the nation?”

Mike:  Why do you want to ruin that man’s perfectly specious argument with stupid, provable facts?

Caller Dwayne:  I couldn’t take it.  He was pushing it over.  You know that I’m on the school board at another school that’s adjoining this school district.  They had the whole discussion.  We had Second Amendment supporters in the audience and they wanted to know what his opinion was on administrators or members of faculty or anybody that works at the school district having a concealed carry.  It’s not his business to run himself out of work, so he said, “No, I’m totally against that.  You need to be formally trained.”  I raised my hand, “As a member of the school board of the adjoining school district over here and a CHL carrier, I advocate that anyone who wants to voluntarily go through the course and carry to carry.”  It was just incredible to me.  We have a little town, Pete, Texas over on 45 — it’s as small as this Cleveland — who just got a fully militarily-dressed Humvee for their local police department from the TSA.

Mike:  They need that.  I received an email from my state representative yesterday telling me that he has been in meetings all month long after the Newtown shootings with the Louisiana branch of the Department of Homeland Insecurity.  I’m scratching my head going, “What are you talking about?”  I guess we’re getting militarized howitzer-equipped Humvees as well.  We must prepare for this invasion force apparently that’s coming in the form of deranged teenagers fresh off their video game consoles.

Caller Dwayne:  I had to think about it.  I had to think about whether I really wanted to open my mouth.

Mike:  I want you to think about what I just said for a moment.  My state rep told me that after the Newtown shooting, the Louisiana Department of Homeland Insecurity has sprung into action.  I’m thinking what are you going to secure me against?  Again, teenagers that have just put the joystick down and left Call of Duty 5 and we have to spring the whole state into action to stop a wayward bunch of mentally-deranged and mentally-incompetent wackos that have access to their parents’ guns?  What is this insanity?

Caller Dwayne:  You hit on my topic just a minute ago when you were talking about the indoctrination of your police department.  I couldn’t get out of the room yesterday without telling the guy I’m offended by having a uniformed, armed person in my school for my children to look at every day.  That’s not necessary.  I don’t want them to be indoctrinated to think it’s perfectly fine to have special ops standing in their classrooms.

Mike:  Dwayne, let’s think about this for just a moment.  Andrew, do you play any of those Call of Duty games?  I’m just curious.

AG:  Not any of the first-person shooters, no.

Mike:  Wouldn’t this be a scenario that you would now see?  They should just add this to Call of Duty.  It should just have special ops military guys in the schools, so when you go in the school to go take out the bad guys — of course there are kids there, too.  If you hit the kids, you’ll get penalized.  You’re there to take out the terrorists that are in the school.  Terrorists are now in the schools, in other words.  Just think of the mental gymnastics that re required for people to actually seriously be considering this stuff.

My friends, we are in Kafka’s Brazil.  There is no reality anymore other than what silly, self-centered, arrogant reality that we make up here now.  Now we’re going to marshal up all the forces of our county, as Dwayne points out, or city, state governments to now purchase armored vehicles to stop Adam Lanza.  What is the thought process behind this?  The fact that they think they can get away with this or that they think they’re compelled or it is their duty to do it is just troubling.  That’s just disturbing.  [mocking] “Mike, the first job of the government is to protect and secure your liberties.”  From teenagers?

Caller Dwayne:  It still traces to money.

Mike:  Sure, because somebody has got to sell the Humvee.  Somebody has got to make the howitzer gun.  Somebody has got to make the bullets.  Somebody has to conduct the special school force weapons and tactics division.  Somebody has to train those hall pass monitors now.  Can you imagine hall pass monitors now that have machine guns?

Caller Dwayne:  That’s what they are.

Mike:  They’re going to have sandbags around the hall monitor so that if Adam Lanza shows up, the hall monitor can duck behind the sandbags and open up a clip on him.

Caller Dwayne:  Mike, these police in the schools actually write citations for your pants being down or having a baseball cap on in the school, and your parents are paying a fine, a cash fine.

Mike:  Dwayne, we’re out of time, brother.  Keep me posted on what happens at the legislature.  I appreciate your call.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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