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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville, LA – CNN is going wall to wall promoting their newest attempt at movie-making “The New American Slavery-Human Trafficking”. While this film may be laudable for it’s effort to halt the selling of children into sex-slavery, that claim is dubious at best. You see, it is only wrong to “traffic” in children IF they have survived their sinful parent’s sentencing them to execution at a Planned Parenthood abortuary. It’s just fine and dandy to traffic in 14-28 week old livers, hearts and lungs “harvested” from the non “crushed” parts of soon to be born babies. Let me translate that for you. In a wink wink, non nod, CNN can exploit the child victims of sex trafficking to advance their ratings, ad sales and the career of Jada Pinkett Smith; so it must be OK for Planned Parenthood to do the same via its Gurney-Kill Butcher Shop.
Speaking of the Smith’s (Will and Jada), they are solid supporters of President Obama. He, who provided the singular vote against the BAIPA in the IL Senate. This was the bill spearheaded by the tireless nurse, Jill Stanek; who was mortified at being asked to bring babies that survived abortions into a “crying room” where they might expire for lack of care. The same Obama who promises a veto of any act that bans abortions at 20 weeks and the same Obama who hired Planned Parenthood’s Deborah Nucatola for his “Office of Population Assistance”. Nucatola is the “doctor” who boasted of crushing baby heads during ghastly abortions but taking great precautions to preserve “healthy” heart, lung and livers so they can be “trafficked” to labs willing to buy them.
CNN and the Smith’s are engaged in an egregious act of moral equivalence. Watch this video…
…to witness a giddy Will Smith ask the freshly minted recipient of a laughable Nobel “Peace” Prize, President Obama about “expanding our moral imagination”, for heaven sake, WHAT is moral about Obama’s imagination (that we know of). I imagine we’ll not soon find out nor will the innocent, soon to be born children, ever achieve par with the exploited child subjects of CNN documentaries.
Written by: TheKingDude
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