
Hillary Clinton Supporters Gear Up For a BIG Win

todayMarch 13, 2014 5


Will There Be A Hilly Landslide In 2016?

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Mike Church’s Corona Cigars
Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Of course they’re creating these events for her so that whenever a big issue comes up she has an opinion on it, and then her buddies in the industrial-media complex, of course, they dash out there, [mocking] “Let’s go find out what Hillary thinks.”  From now until the time that she announces, and she is going to announce that she is going to run.  There is no doubt in my mind.  You cannot convince me otherwise.  You’re going to get a steady dose of this.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Sam is in Maryland.  Hello, Sam, how are you?

Caller Sam:  Good morning, Mike, how are you?

Mike:  Well.

Caller Sam:  Good.  I’m still a loyal listener.  The one phrase I hate to hear in the morning as I’m listening to you is “We’re out of time for this segment.”

Mike:  Well, I don’t want to talk shop and inside baseball, but I never stopped working since the last change of clock to try and get the clock back that I love and that I wish to have for you the listener and for us the performers to use.  I’m still working on it, Sam.  Other than having to run down the hall and take a little boy’s break, I’d stay here for all three hours.

Caller Sam:  I hear you, Mike, and I understand.  Mike, the reason for my call, yesterday you had a caller who asked for, I guess for lack of a better description, your opinion about Hillary Clinton, her candidacy.  You mentioned it was an open-line Friday-type call.  I called back today to ask you to kind of — if you’d done it already, my apologies.  I’d like to get your insight in terms of a summary form or whatever you’re willing to discuss about Hillary Clinton, her candidacy, what you see as the potential there, your thoughts on some of the strategery that’s going on right now with regard to staging her to make comments about Putin, etc., as well as the healthcare plan and other political gamesmanship, I guess we’ll call it.

Mike:  What you just said is what I would say back to you.  Staging is an apt term, an appropriate term to use.  Of course they’re creating these events for her so that whenever a big issue comes up she has an opinion on it, and then her buddies in the industrial-media complex, of course, they dash out there, [mocking] “Let’s go find out what Hillary thinks.”  From now until the time that she announces, and she is going to announce that she is going to run.  There is no doubt in my mind.  You cannot convince me otherwise.  You’re going to get a steady dose of this.  I think the woman is an absolutely horrible campaigner.  I think she is just detestable.  She’s not likeable, she’s not believable, she’s fake, which means she’s everything that a demagogue that’s going to get elected president needs to be.

However, we haven’t elected a demagogue in a while.  You’ll recall that when Obama was running, he was not elected as a demagogue.  He was elected on hope and Anthology_Book_Cover_FEATUREDchange.  He was going to be the first post-racial president.  He was going to usher in this new era of racial harmony and bipartisanship and all that.  He was not elected as a demagogue.  The only card Hillary has to play is the demagogue card, just like she played against Putin.  Again, she had a chance to beat Obama and she couldn’t do it with the backing of almost every rank and file powerful Democrat in the world.  Are the Democrats dumb enough to nominate Hillary?  The conventional wisdom is it doesn’t matter who the Republicans nominate, that Hillary is going to mop the floor with them.  When the whole of the American public has to deal with Mrs. Clinton and her mouth and her arrogance and, as I said, her demagoguery and her bellicosity in foreign affairs, they’re not going to like what they hear.  She better start moderating.

The country is a couple years ahead of the hacks that work in politics.  The left and the right are both moving towards non-intervention.  You would never know that unless you listen to Rand Paul or to his father or to Justin Amash or Walter Jones or some of the other members of the House of Representin’ that have been on this show.  You would think the entire world is still dedicated to the big American bully doing what the big American bully has done over the last 30, 40, 50 years.  Mrs. Clinton is a big bully.  She’s in with the big bully internationalists in the military-industrial complex that has to be fed, and boy, is it a voracious beast.  I don’t think that Mrs. Clinton is the slam dunk that everyone else thinks she is.  As a matter of fact, I bet there’s some Democrat out there right now that is thinking exactly what I just said.

I have to ask the question: What ever happened to the peaceniks?  What ever happened to the peace party that the Dumbocrats used to be?  Under Obama, they’ve had to sign off on torture, they’ve had to sign off on killing American citizens and having kill lists, they’ve had to sign off on invading countries around the world, they’ve had to sign off on all these things that used to be anathema to them.  I bet that there are many libs out there that don’t appreciate it, don’t like it, and don’t want to be part of it.  Well, Mrs. Clinton was the shepherd that led Obama to invade Libya.  To me, the whole Libyan thing is not the Benghazi episode.  I know you conservatives love to obsess over that, and it was a tragedy.  If there is no Hillary-led invasion and assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, then Benghazi never happens the way that we know it today, Sam.  Mrs. Clinton has yet to pay for that, and she’s going to pay for it.  I am not of the Hillary is a slam dunk and is going to be my president in 2016.  If she is, then that’s just another excuse to secede.

End Mike Church Show Transcript


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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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