
History Tells A Different Story About Slavery

todayJune 26, 2015 17


Northern Racists And Supporters Of Slavery

Secede_or_Die_Can_cooler_FEATURED-1024x733Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript“I’d like to read something to you.  As a matter of fact, I’d like to read many things to you today.  Let us go, shall we?  As a matter of fact, I’m not going to tell you the source.  I’m just going to read part of this.  You tell me the source.  Tell me the year.  Tell me the political party affiliation when we’re finished with this.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  I’d like to read something to you.  As a matter of fact, I’d like to read many things to you today.  Let us go, shall we?  As a matter of fact, I’m not going to tell you the source.  I’m just going to read part of this.  You tell me the source.  Tell me the year.  Tell me the political party affiliation when we’re finished with this.  Shall we?  Yes, I think we should.


While new friends of the colored race are thus springing up in every quarter, no old ones desert them. It is indeed one of the strongest marks of the truth and importance of our opinions, that those who have once adopted them in earnest, rarely, if ever, recede from them, but, on the contrary, usually grow more and more zealous in their support.

A convention of delegates from Anti-Slavery Societies in New-England, was held in Boston in May last. The proceedings of this Convention, having been published in a pamphlet form, it is only necessary to observe in this place, that the proceedings of this body, have apparently given a great impulse to the anti-slavery cause throughout New-England.

The last year has been marked, not only by the rapid spread of anti-slavery principles, but equally, by a violent and ferocious opposition to them.

[end reading]

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Mike:  Gee, a violent and ferocious opposition to anti-slavery principles.  I wonder where we might find that.  Probably in South Carolina.  Probably in Alabama.  Probably in Mississippi and Louisiana and Texas and Arkansas and Georgia and South Carolina.  That’s probably where we’ll find it, right?  Let’s read a little bit more, shall we?


The last year has been marked, not only by the rapid spread of anti-slavery principles, but equally, by a violent and ferocious opposition to them. The peaceable and orderly meetings of our friends, have been interrupted in many places by the assaults of the populace. In a number of instances, the rioters have not been contented with disturbing meetings, but have also attacked and destroyed property. [Mike: Yes, this must have taken place in the ribald, horrific, racist old South, right?]

In New-York, savage mobs interrupted two meetings of abolitionists on July 4th, and among other acts of violence, on successive nights, sacked the house of Mr. Lewis Tappan, and destroyed his furniture; attacked and seriously injured the house of Dr. Cox; merely to punish them for their obnoxious opinions. The rioters also attacked and damaged several churches in the same place, sacked St. Phillips’ Episcopal Church in Centre-street, demolished the African school house in Orange-street, and twelve adjacent houses, principally occupied by colored people. For a number of nights, the mob seemed to be masters of the city.

[end reading]

Mike:  Did I just hear that that was New York City?  No, that can’t be.  The only place where there were racists, slave-promoting bigots, hicks, and hayseeds was where they still are today, where their heritage is, right?  It’s a heritage of racism, an exclusive heritage of racism and slavery, exclusive to Charleston, exclusive to Oxford, Mississippi, New Orleans, Louisiana, you name it.  Wait a minute.  I must be reading from some book that was manufactured as fiction.  I’ll tell you the source in just a moment.  Let’s read more about the wondrous escapades of those who have been completely exonerated from these things, because First_Confederate_StarsandBars_Flagit could only have happened in certain geographic areas.  And it’s only the heirs, the descendants of people from those certain geographic areas that are to be looked at with scorn and viciousness and hatred.


In Philadelphia, the riots were more destructive than even those in New-York. For several successive nights in last August, the entire command of the city was, as in New-York, in the hands of the infuriated multitude. In the course of this time, the rioters attacked and destroyed the houses and furniture of many unoffending people of color . . .

[end reading]

Mike:  Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.  Back up the tape.  Did I just say Philadelphia?  Maybe it was the rebel army, right, under their little flag?  Maybe they invaded Philadelphia and did these horrible things.


Forty-four houses, and their furniture, and two churches, were either destroyed or damaged during these riots.

Various riots and outrages of a similar character, have been committed in other places, upon the unfortunate colored race, and their supporters. But time would fail, should it be attempted, to enumerate them all. [Mike: In other words, there were so many atrocities like that committed that they don’t even have time in their pamphlet to list them all.]

It is with great regret that the managers record that an attack was made on the house of Miss Crandall, in Canterbury, by some heartless ruffians in the night, in October last, who so much injured the building, that it was thought expedient to discontinue the school, rather than to expose her pupils to renewed outrages.

The frantic and barbarous proceedings to which we have adverted, though boldly reprobated in some newspapers, have in others been met with so feeble a tone of remonstrance, as to amount to encouragement; while some have gone so far as explicitly to recommend force to punish such persons, as have dared to advocate unpopular doctrines too freely and too loudly.

The friends of slavery are much deluded, if they suppose that the opinions of its opponents can be extinguished by persecution. They ought to know that the love of truth and justice, in generous minds, is only kindled by opposition. In fact, as might have been expected, the proscriptive measures pursued against abolitionists, so far from diminishing, have multiplied their numbers, and filled the whole body with the invincible fortitude and resolution of martyrs.

While in the North, the opposition to anti-slavery principles has become thus virulent, they have been widely spreading both here and at the South and West.

During the last winter, a debate was carried on by the students of the Lane Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio, on the following questions:

“1. Ought the people of the slaveholding States to abolish slavery immediately?

“2. Are the doctrines, tendencies, and measures of the American Colonization Society, and the influence of its principal supporters, such as to render it worthy of the patronage of the Christian public?”

[end reading]


Mike:  How many of you know what the American Colonization Society wished to do?  Anyone want to take a guess what the American Colonization Society wanted to do?  I am not going to inform you because you need to look this up and read it for yourself.  This particular document that I’m reading from is actively pondering the question of whether or not the Christian populations of the North should endorse and promote and assist the American Colonization Society.  Some of you may have a problem reconciling this with your oft-repeated claims of the purity and sanctity of everyone that did not live in a slave-Defenders of Christendom landscape pic 1300w x 975howning state.  As I’ve told you over and over and over again, the United States endorsed slavery by passage of the Constitution, allowed slavery to expand West, and only when it became convenient did Yankees march to the ramparts to say: We’re fighting this war over slavery.  No, you’re not!  Only when it became convenient to.

See, this does not comport with the view of history, that people who have already made – again, they already know the conclusion that their syllogism is supposed to make, which is not a good syllogism.  We’re just going to plug into it what generates the conclusion, which is: We’re a mob.  We’re angry.  We’re Manicheans.  We demand you do this for us.  We demand justice.  No justice for the babies being murdered in abortion clinics at a rate that far exceeds those that are being murdered as adults.  But don’t worry about that.  Let us continue, shall we?

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After a debate of nine evenings, every vote was in favor of the affirmative of the first question, four or five of those present, however, excusing themselves from voting at all. [Mike: In other words, if you wanted to vote for slavery, just leave the room, which they did.]

At the end of another debate of the same length, the second question was decided in the negative, with only one dissenting voice. Four or five persons declined voting at all.

[end reading]

Mike:  There’s more on this.  You can read the rest of it if you’d like to read it.  This is taken from “First Annual Report” presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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