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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
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Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
Ronna McDaniel was fired after Liberal NBC host cried about her hiring. These talking heads claimed McDaniels close ties to Trump would cause bring lies and misinformation to their great bastion of journalism. They also claimed the McDaniel was not qualified to be a political activist. Mike Church says their claims are the farthest thing from the truth. He says talking heads like Joy Reid and Rick Madcow are not […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
The P Diddy rap sex cult is more than blackmailing celebrities, it is about the destruction of the black family. Mike Church has stated numerous times the demons are after you and your children, and they will not take no for an answer. When Mike says this, he doesn't mean just Catholic, or Christian families. The demons are after every soul. Mike goes way back, to when black males dressed […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
PREVIEW OF TODAY'S PARROT TALK. FOR THE FULL EPISODE SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES. Donald Trump wants America to pray again. In an advertisement for the God Bless The USA Bible, Trump said the lack of religion is why our country is going hay wire and the only way to correct our course is to make religion great again. Mike Parrott and Alberto break down Trump's latest product. Mike reveals what is […]
Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts
Sean "P Diddy" Combs is the first of the Pizzagate Alum's to be busted for child sex trafficking. Even though Combs is the first, he is a part of a extensive circle of celebrities who are engaged in pederast. Mike Church reveals how comedian Kat Williams called out Combs and other celebrities in an interview with Shannon Sharpe. Mike is no stranger to these reports and PizzaGate. He has reported […]