Gentleman's Corner

How 1 (or 2) Men or Mentor CAN Make a Difference-1 Listeners Story

todayJanuary 27, 2014 8


MentorMandeville, LA  – The following was posted on FaceBook by my friend Brian Griffith, I am honored to repost it here. Please leave Brian comments here or visit his FaceBook page.

1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter.

I believe all of us, men and women, should have mentors. Someone to teach and guide us throughout life regardless our age.
Our first should always be our parents and grandparents. Naturally teachers come to mind also. But we should also choose friends of honor, integrity and virtue so that by their actions and words, we learn.
The two men with me in this picture are two friends I have the honor of calling mentors.

First, the man in jacket and tie, Sirius Satellite Radio, Patriot channel morning show host, Mike Church. My morning isn’t complete unless I hear his voice. My political awareness really began with him. I thought I knew what was reality in politics but as Mike spoke I awoke to the matrix of reality. Little [r]epublicanism. Lessons of our Founders taught by his documentary movies and books either written or suggest by him. I’ve had the pleasure of sitting in studio watching him do his show but mostly I have enjoyed the moments shared over dinner talking.

BK loves the [r]epublican merchandise line, you will too including this bottle cooler!
MentorThe second man, standing Texas tall with the warm smile is Dwayne Stovall. Born and raised in Texas, Dwayne has a humbleness about him. A straight talk that John Wayne would envy. We’ve shared dinners and phone calls, always with a warmth in his voice that makes you feel at home.
We three met in Odessa at a political rally hosted by a mutual friend some 3-4 yrs ago. I’m foggy on the exact date but that isn’t important. What is is that I met men I knew were the very type I wanted to become more like. Unknown to them, they became my mentors. One earlier than the other but that day sealed the deal for me.
These two men have been an inspiration to me. Not just politics but in faith, family and friendship.
That is what I wish for each and everyone of you.

In this picture we had just returned from the San Antonio Tea Party meeting where Mike was the guest speaker. Hosting the event was a man whom I would like to know better, Allen Tharp.
Mr. Tharp is an amazing man. His story requires a post all to itself. But that’s for later.
We are in his restaurant The Lion and Rose in San Antonio. Great eats! Whenever there, please make it a stop and enjoy the food and atmosphere.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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