Pile Of Prep

How Do You Run Against ObamaClaus & Win The Parasite Vote?

todayOctober 1, 2012 7


The once “slam dunk” pick up of the US Senate for Republicans is now in doubt as the War Party struggles to find its ground game after Bush

TIC: Brad Birzer reminds us that “The Founders” never intended or thought their Constitutional Union was absolutely permanent

How do you run against Santa (or ObamaClaus) Claus and win in Parasite rich Ohio!?

And just HOW does ObamaClaus find all those goodies to shower the masses with!? Why he borrows them from Bernanke or the Chinese of course

Paul Ryan admits there have been campaign missteps BUT he identifies the wrong steps!

How much credence can you put on the “Libertarian Swing Vote”!? Well, not very much

The Lakota Sioux Nation Secedes from the U.S. (in 2007) and causes stir in 2012 (they actually seceded in 2007)

VIDEO: Sioux Chief explains their secession, why ity is legal and what the legal issues adressed were

VIDEO: Dem pollster Cadell says the Media is making democracy impossible

Matt Damon movie bashes American “fracking” oil producers and guess who financed the operation!?…. The U A E, yep, “Matt Daaaaamahnnnn” works for Big Arab oil

HORRORS!!! Obama admin proposes to cut, to the outrage of the Heritage Foundation- $129 million form the “embassy budget”, that’s $129 Million with an M, when the debt is $16 TRILLION or 16, MILLION, millions

Tragedy: More U.S. deaths in Afghanistan bringing the deadly total to <2,000

Purple: The Old Dominion, the state that gave us 4 of the first 5 Presidents has gone parasite

There is a full-time industry working to start the Iranian-US War


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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