
How Emily Killed Her Baby And Became Loved For It

todayMay 8, 2014 11


Killing babies is the NEW “IT” thing.

Jeff Wallace's In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author
Jeff Wallace’s In God We Trusted Book-Signed by the author

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So I browse on over, at the behest of an intrepid member of the listening audience, to the Cosmo website,, which is filled with all the modern contrivances of the female freed from the shackles of childrearing and domestic roles, and experiencing all the wonders that comprise our modern world here.  Of course, that includes the wonder of wanton, illicit, and frequent fornication with men that they are not attached to and have no intention of ever being attached to.”  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  So I browse on over, at the behest of an intrepid member of the listening audience, to the Cosmo website,, which is filled with all the modern contrivances of the female freed from the shackles of childrearing and domestic roles, and experiencing all the wonders that comprise our modern world here.  Of course, that includes the wonder of wanton, illicit, and frequent fornication with men that they are not attached to and have no intention of ever being attached to.  That’s what then produces the giddiness of the following headline.  This is hard to believe that I actually read this in this magazine.  This woman named Emily Letts posts the following, “Why I Filmed My Abortion.”  This was just posted yesterday.  I don’t know if it’s revulsion or pity that’s going through my mind right now.  Maybe it’s a combination of the two.


When Emily Letts got pregnant, she knew she would get an abortion. Then she decided to film it. [Mike: Writes Cosmo with great giddiness. Let’s all film one! Yeah, let’s have an abortion film fest. This is just depraved, sick. Here, let me put this in the proper context. Let’s film a baby killing. Yeah!]

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Letts, 25, is an abortion counselor at Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey [Mike: Gee, I wonder which way she counsels young girls who seek her advice at the abortion center.], which is where she had her abortion. The non-graphic video focuses on her face and shows her breathing and humming through the procedure. [Mike: I wonder if she’s humming your Rolling Stones song, Eric.] The doctor on the other side of the sheet is out of view. When she entered the Abortion Care Network’s Stigma Busting video competition and won [Mike: They actually have a baby killing film festival.], the video went viral. Here, she explains why she decided to share her experience so publicly.

[end reading]

Mike:  I’m not sure I even want to read this, actually, but it is what it is.  Of course, Cosmopolitan Magazine will be right in front of your children when you’re checking out at the local grocery store and will probably have that headline on the cover, the people that run Cosmo being convinced of the depravity and sickness Emily-Letts-300x259of the society we live in will probably think that sells lots more magazines, and they’re probably right.  But we have bigger fish to fry, Mr. Church.  Get back to bashing Obama.  If there’s a larger fish than that one to fry, I would like to have it caught and dropped on my table so that I can personally cut its head off and prepare it to be consumed, metaphorically speaking.


Once I caught my breath, I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion. I knew I wasn’t ready to take care of a child. The guy wasn’t involved in my decision. [Mike: Again, it’s a choice but no choice for the sperm donor in question, and all too many men are what? Sperm donors. Stop watching Hangover movies; they’re polluting your brains, gentlemen.] I called my supervisor and said, “Excuse me, I am going to need to schedule one abortion, please.” It was very early in the pregnancy, only two to three weeks. [Mike: It was very early in the pregnancy, only two to three weeks. Were there so many dudes involved that you can’t pinpoint which exact time that it was? Good heavens.]

Patients at the clinic always ask me if I can relate to them — have I had an abortion? Do I have kids? I was so used to saying, “I’ve never had an abortion but…” While I was pregnant and waiting for my procedure, I thought, “Wait a minute, I have to use this.” [Mike: So she did cynically use it to promote.]

At first I was just going to write a blog. Then my administrator introduced me to a woman on YouTube who goes by Angie AntiTheist. She filmed herself having a medical abortion — after taking the pill RU486 — to show everyone that she was fine, that it’s not scary, it doesn’t hurt, and that she was confident in her decision to do it.

There was, of course, a huge backlash. She got death threats and all this other stuff. But what inspired me so much about her is she kept following up. After every threat or ignorant comment, she would answer with a new video on her YouTube channel directly addressing the latest criticism. She didn’t hide from it. I loved that.

I searched the Internet, and I couldn’t find a video of an actual surgical procedure in the clinic that focused on the woman’s experience. We talk about abortion so much and yet no one really knows what it actually looks like.

[end reading]

Abortion_diagram_late-300x225Mike:  You know what, Emily?  I’d like to actually see — I wouldn’t but I’ll play the game here.  I’d actually like to see the actual procedure.  It’s all fine and dandy for the show on PBS to talk about open-heart surgeries and how they save lives and all these things, but it’s really über fine and dandy and cool when they actually have someone ripped open and they’ve sawed his sternum in half, to actually show the heart, how they stop it from beating, how they reroute the blood, how they route the arteries, doing the bypass around the arteries that are clogged up.  It’s just a medical procedure, right?  It’s just a gelatinous ball of amorphous single cells that have just kind of mélange together.  What’s the big deal?  Wait a minute, that kind of has a human form to it.  We don’t want to show that.  Why not?  It’s just a procedure, just a choice.  Let’s blog about it, shall we?  Don’t put it beyond these people, folks, don’t put it beyond them.


But I said, “Bring it,” and they were on board.

I knew the cameras were in the room during the procedure, but I forgot about them almost immediately. I was focused on staying positive and feeling the love from everyone in the room.

[end reading]

Mike:  Feeling the love as you sick bastards are standing around executing a child?  Meanwhile Aaron is in Georgia next up on the Mike Church Show.

Caller Aaron:  I just wanted to discuss this topic that you had brought up a little bit ago about the woman that filmed her abortion in Cosmopolitan.  I don’t know what else to say other than I pray for this country.  It’s lost. It’s on a path of self-destruction and I think this is a perfect illustration for that.  They’ll do anything, as sensational as it may be or salacious or horrible or repulsive or repugnant to make that –


Mike:  Here’s the problem, though, Aaron, it’s not repulsive.  It’s presented in Cosmopolitan Magazine like it’s a birthday party.  It’s presented in Cosmopolitan Magazine as if it’s the passing of another sweet 16 for some innocent young girl who’s got a nice little long pink skirt and some white bobby socks and a pair of Liberty the God that Failed smallsaddle hoppers on.  In other words, this is the norm.  This is what you do if you’re a young woman in the United States.  You go out and you find some guy to shack up with.  You have some illicit relations.  Then when you’re confronted with the fact that uh oh, biology works.  Gee, what happened here?  Oh, the miracle of life.  Well, it’s no miracle for me because I’m me and I have determined that I don’t want to bring that child into this world.

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Listen.  This is a quote from Emily in the story in Cosmo.  “I feel in awe of the fact that I can make a baby. I can make a life. I knew what I was going to do was right because it was right for me and no one else.”  In other words, she is fully aware that what was just terminated in her womb is a child.  It’s not a gelatinous blob of amorphous single cells that have blobbed together.  She used the word baby.  She made a baby.  Then she ceremoniously executed it, had it filmed, and won an award from some company that hands awards out for these kinds of things.  If there is no greater of an indication that most of the problems that we confront today here are the result of — this is an intentional and celebrated and almost now doctrinaire set of principles that — it’s not just Americans. This is Western civilization, but yes, we are certainly in the thick of it — that guide most people’s, or too many people’s, lives today.

We here at the Mike Church Show aren’t the only one’s that feel this way.  Check out what Matt Walsh has to say about Emily Letts and her appalling behavior!  (warning very graphic photos in this blog)

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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