Pile Of Prep

Hump Day Pile of Prep

todayJuly 30, 2014 8

If you want the Founders View on Many issues, the Spirit of 76 & Road to Independence has them, as they lived them!
If you want the Founders View on Many issues, the Spirit of 76 & Road to Independence has them, as they lived them!

Mandeville, LA – Mike Church‘s daily Pile of Prep, bringing you the day to day activity of the Constitution AND Articles of Confederation and how they were framed in the summers of 1776 and then 1787. How come the children being killed by Israeli bombs in Gaza aren’t due the kind of sympathy and American exceptionalism the children killed in Syria were? Read along with Mike’s historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. But the American commitment to progress and happiness has by now come to rest on little more than wishful thinking. American optimism denies the limits of power, and will not long survive in a world where the recognition of those limits has become manifest. A more prudent response might be to trust the goodness of life without either ignoring the restrictions it imposes on all human pursuits or denying its ultimately tragic character. The idea of progress, on the contrary, threatens to seduce us with promises of inexhaustible desire and ambition, neither of which, by their very nature, can ever be satisfied. – Mark Malvasi-The Imaginative Conservative

Patrick J Buchanan: If anyone is looking at the future GOP commando’s, to assume power over foreign policy in the Senate, you better look at the imbecilic and dangerous recent acts of Senator Bob Corker-R-TN

The death toll in Gaza is now 1.210 and the only electric generating plant in Gaza has also been decimated by a blast. The civilian death toll continues rising and some Hamas officials have called for a “humanitarian cease fire” for a day, there is no confirmation on if this is a legitimate offer or a ruse

After digging for 6 hours I finally found 1 post related to the question of Just War Theory and the current exacalation in The Mideast. The Catholic scholars who author the piece, sheepishly conclude that there is no Just War on either side EVEN if you just consult the UN playbook. The piece illustrates the occupational hazard of even discussing this issue as the authors seem keenly aware of

VIDEO: Ukrainians to John McCAin, Bob Corker, Lindsay Graham and Kelly Ayotte: We don’t WANT your war, if you want it so bad, then you go and fight it. Ukraine citizens burn “military writs” in front of recruiting officer who warns “The State will come for your sons”

So how does Mordor on the Potomac get away with racking up the incomprehensible debt it keeps racking up? Well, basically, because the average American sherson has a similar amount of overdue/past due and in collections debt. “…an alarming 77 million Americans — 35 percent of adults with credit files — have debt in collections reported in their credit files, with an average debt amount of nearly $5,178.”

Imaginative Conservative: When the Enlightenment unleashed its bundless passion for the God of Liberty it promised that Man’s progress would be never-ending and that with each conquest of science, the arts, politics and secularization of religion, we would be more free, more happy more able to seize what we were “really” meant to be. Well, 170 years into the beginning of the end, the worst has yet to come as the promise proves a delusion and even worse a near fatal break from the One Force that could offer a repair: God

GOP offers up $635 MILLION it doesn’t have to “deal with the border crisis” this is immediately vetoed by Harry Reid and co. who moan that is not “nearly enough” to deal with our new illegal alien children who are the future of our party

The Daily Beast has done humanity a great service! It “caught” an Iowa Senate candidate, Joni Ernst, saying, in PUBLIC, the word “nullify”! Quick, get the NSA/CIA/ATF to Iowa and silence that heretic to the cause of Leviathan (h/t Tom Woods)

David Stockman: The Washington War Machine is the biggest promoter of conflict on Earth, its latest “confected war” is pinning the entire blame for war in Ukraine on Russia when inn fact nearly the opposite is true. And this nothing to do with protecting the citizens of MA or IA

I Told Ya So Pt IX – VA Governor “is ecstatic” that the Constitution of VA, that he swore an oath to protect and defend, has been struck down by a Federal Appeals Court and VA has been ordered to start “marrying” homosexuals straight away. Just another chapter in “Liberty The God That Failed” Pt II and another affront to the beautiful and sacred Sacramentum de Matrimoni. I want to hear the governor explain what happens when a homosexual couple demands that a Roman Catholic priest perform the “gay weeding” and the Parish refuses

European Jews worry over the rising tide of anti-semitism running through Europe as the shelling of Gaza continues and some don’t like the civilian death toll

Meanwhile, in Gotham City, most Americans do not want the U.S. to get involved in the affairs of Israel/Palestine, Syria/Al Queda and Russia/Ukraine yet the GOP thinks this is a winning POLITICAL issue they can campaign on! Now which party is it they call “the stupid party?”

Anyone that thinks the recent disputes between the US/Europe and Russia aren’t driven by the Russian possession of natural gas only need see the preposterous reaction of the EU and American Empire to the mounting evidence that Ukraine was somehow the culprit in bringing down MH17. What is the reaction? Because we don’t know “whodunnit” it has to be the Russkies and they need new sanctions to cripple their economy… their natural gas economy… and like, sell it to BP or someone

Mish: Evidence mounts that MH17 was attacked by a military AIRCRAFT not a missile, where are the “investigators”?“Obama will take care of us!” And most of those children that Iowans desperately want to spend their public funds to care for have been coached on what to say when they get to the border, e.g.  “Obama will take care of us”

Remember all those “Get Putin” demands from last week, because Putin MUST have been behind the downing of MH17, he’s Putin after all? Well the evidence is mounting that it was a Ukrainin military jet that did the shooting and there are eyewitnesses to back up the story

VIDEO: The great Robert Higgs (author of Crisis and Leviathan) explains HOW war leads to big government. EVERY DeceptiCON needs to watch this one

Ridiculous: Fighting out the future of male female relations will not be advanced on ESPN as Stephen A Smith and Michele Beadle live out a pro-sports, “War of the Roses”

Smith then tries the old-fashioned way out of his pickle: a prepared statement

DeceptiCONS morph to BarbariCONS: When the Editor in Chief of National Review Online can make statements that pardon the lethal shelling of known civilian targets, with known civilians in the target zone including children, the Right has reached the point where nothing they do is worthy of support. Please witness the barbaric, moral relativism of NRO Editor Rich Lowry, pardoning Israeli bombing of civilian targets in Gaza; this produces videotaped episodes of parents carrying mutilated children to graves, mehhh. You see, folks, as I have always said, foreign policy makes us who we are: and we are a barbaric, savage “nation” of soulless warriors who in the pursuit of our own promotion, can bear the sight of innocent life, killed by our acts, provided “national security” or “our friends and allies” were allegedly in danger.

BarbariCONS II: Conor Friedersdorf, The Dangerous Logic Used to Justify Killing Civilians. Friedersdorf continues the argument made above that the U.S. hiding behind the cloak of “protecting civilians” (children) via “national security” actions does not justify KILLING children in near proximity to those we claim are “terrorists”. When will American children become “collateral” for the war-hawks lust? (ummm, see Waco & Ruby Ridge etc, they already are)

Gallup asks the question: Are Israel’s actions in Gaza justified. You can see the results for yourself and marvel at the fact that either A. the American public does not know the extent of civilian casualties or B. The American public DOES know the extent of civilian casualties and doesn’t care because those kids” shouldn’t have been there to start with”.

PREP BETTER: Download the original text file of Ronald Reagan’s E.O. 12333 in this week’s Prep Better section for Founders Pass Members. Not a member? Signup today for .17¢ per day.

If you have taken my [r]epublican Challenge #1 (for Fathers) then you probably have a good handle on what to do when confronted with situations that can easily lead into violent, parental, episodes. This FL dad confronted one such episode and dealt with it heroically (yay) only to use the event to a gain a shameful advantage.

Mish: The likelihood that Russia downed MH17 is less than Ukraine downed MH17 but the MOST likely scenario is that the shooting was a horrible accident perpetrated by either Ukraine military, still spooked by their OWN RECENT REPORTS of Russian military craft in their air space or by “separatists” who misfired the weapon at what they thought was an easier, low flying target

Constitutional madness: Federal judge channels his love for Dominos Pizza into his ruling in favor of ObamaCare subsidies rolling on forever. The “good and plenty” clause must now give way to the “hand tossed dough” clause

The NY Times has a rundown of the two diametrically opposed Federal Court rulings on ObamaCare, one for the Federal giveaway the other again’ it. “The Fourth Circuit panel upheld the subsidies, saying the I.R.S. rule was “a permissible exercise of the agency’s discretion.” Well then, that makes the IRS a legislative body since it can promulgate law, not passed by Congress and not only raise revenues but distribute them too.

When I was a teenager, my Thursday and Friday nights were spent watching great TV shows like Six Million Dollar Man, Baretta and by far my favorite The Rockford Files. James Garner played Rockford as the anti-cop who just happened to be a P.I.. Rockford was never able to cross the high hurdle of success, living near broke in am Airstream Trailer outside Santa Monica beach. He always seems to be fighting the cops over what we would call “the police state” today. James Garner R.I.P.

Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church
Read Patrick Henry American Statesman Today-Revived from an 1887 out of print classic, Edited by Mike Church

How would Patrick Henry handle our problems of ObamaCare & never-ending wars? Read a FREE chapter preview of Mike Church’s “Patrick Henry-American Statesman” for the Liberty or Death Patriot’s life-story

Senator Ted Cruz makes sense on Obama’s illegal amnesty grant leading to the massive swell of juveniles storming the Southern border while even Democrats now admit the 2008 law, I have been talking about for the last 10 days, is the real problem. Solution? REPEAL the law

Mike Church reviews movies for you, read his latest take on those films the mainstream critics never bother to watch

Q: Was the 14th Amendment ever ratified? A: No, and Forrest MacDonald has the proof.

Mike Church’s Founders Pass announces anytime, no limits discount program. Take 20% off purchases off most Founders Tradin Post purchases with your Founders Pass.

NEW, Founders Pass Feature!  Prep Better! Get Mike’s Insider Show Prep and see what ELSE he is reading for today’s Mike Church Show. Take the tour – Subscribe Now – Not a member? Subscribe today for .17 cents per day

Hmmmm, so playing video games or watching TV after work only creates “high levels of guilt and feelings of failure.” Hmmm, maybe relaxing with the fam or reading from a book or, if you really want to find some peace, praying, might create those desired feelings of “relaxed” and “at peace”.

NC town finally sees the restoration of a Confederate War Memorial monument over the objections of “protestors” who wanted it moved where no one could see it and… uh… memorialize the fallen

What’s the biggest problem with playing Adam and Eve go on a VH1 date, before the Big Sin (naked)? Well, the bugs to start with… then there’s the bugs (I wonder which deity ordered THOSE detractions?)

Did you know that in 1865, 7,000 Confederation citizens sailed to Brazil and set up a community there and are STILL there today? Hmmmm, maybe there IS still a place to seek refuge from Obama’s Leviathan

Today’s Latin Phrase of the Day:  “Et Libertas set pectus purim et fermium gestate; alias res obnoxiosae note in obscura latent.” Liberty is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and hidden darkness

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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