
If ‘Muricah Keeps Her “Democracy”, Pollacks Will Be Cracking “How Many Americans Does It Take To…”

todayFebruary 27, 2018 4


Mandeville, LA – Mike repeats for the 34,529,803 time “we don’t have a gun problem, we have a Father problem” and then uses a KY Governor Matt Bevin interview to back it up. Ryszard Legutko’s Can Democracy Save Us essay proves that the Poles are headed back to being the country of Saint Stephen and St Stanislaus. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute makes his regular Tuesday appearance and the fireworks begin.

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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE


  • The lack of fathers not only effects the “family”, it extends out into our communities and into the Church itself.
  • It is most critically absent in the ecclesiastical realm.
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Single woman renovating her bathroom.

AUDIO: I Am Woman Hear Me Roar





AUDIO: Tucker Carlson and Governor Bevins on gun violence

  • Fatherless families and broken/divorced families
  • Movies and video games
  • We choose death by contraception, abortion…at will

Back to AUDIO clip- what happens in the home has a profound impact on what happens outside.

AUDIO: Dave Grossman and Tucker Carlson

  • Social Science Evidence – 82 media studies on video games and their impact on children


HEADLINE: FedEx Refuses To Cut Ties With NRA. Here’s Their Statement. by Amanda Prestigiacomo

  • You do not have a constitutional right to own a weapon. You have the right to join the militia and if they give you a gun, you have the right to keep it and maintain it.
  • #MAGA have to have it as a constitutional right b/c it fits their Star Spangled Awesome agenda
  • Michael Matheson Miller from Poverty Inc discussed this very thing on the show on his last appearance.
  • When was a gang of ISIS mowed down by a semi-auto weapon? When was the last proper use of a semi-automatic weapon?
  • 2nd Vote website tells you all about companies that support the 2nd amendment etc



HEADLINE: Holy Cross Succumbs to Political Correctness by William Kilpatrick

HEADLINE: Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar: Burkean Conservatism in Space by Grayson Quay

Dunkirk the Movie – story of mercy, sacrifice and forgiveness (the entire Christian fairy is in that movie)




Caller Bob from Kentucky –

  • My Kentucky constitution says I have the right to bear and keep arms for personal protection.
  • Militias and the definition of.
  • Article 1 Section 8: one congress can declare a war but the next congress can stop fighting in it if they so choose.
  • Article 1 Section 8: To provide for calling forth the militia…suppress insurrections and repel invasions.
  • Notice there is NOTHING in there about DEPLOYMENTS!
 7:27 Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
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Caller Mark from Oregon

  • To overcome overwhelming odds – that is what we were taught in military training.
  • If trained properly, one man with a semi-automatic can truly become 5 and help change the tide of a fight.
  • Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
  • Listener from Arizona had issues with immigrants used the Minute Men to help protect his property.
  • Everyone thinks the Federal authority is the majority rule but it should always be the state first.
  • Strong Arm Invasion

7:40 RP


HEADLINE: Can Democracy Save Us? by Ryszard Legutko

  • When you elevate things above the 1st Commandment, you get this…
  • Pages of Independence – my movie, Jefferson knew America died around 1820-1821
  • War is hell. You cannot bring about a good in the name of evil.
  • Is there anything else here to preserve?
  • Only the hand of God will stop another war. Just war Catholics among us should join my Crusade to stop this cult of death before its too late.

Back to Headline – Ryszard

The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group.


Caller Cindy from Florida –

  • We the people are supposed to lobby our Congressman and Presidents when they do wrong!
  • Rep. Brian Mast called for a ban on all assault weapons.
  • Maybe we should pray for President Trump and that he is used as a vessel of Christ.

Library of Congress – Thomas Jefferson to John Holmes

  • Governor Scott’s handling of the hurricane.



Conversation in the chatroom – on Catholic Church and government.

  • The Catholic Church has in-fact stopped tyranny before Sir.
  • The Poles with the intervention of Our Lady saved Europe, there are only a couple hundred more examples Sir.
  • Coming into the chatroom, siting all kinds of false information and then running. You left before you received any answers to your questions.
  • The REAL Church puts tyrannies down every day!



Back to Headline – Ryszard

  • French were revolting against their marginally Catholic King

Chapter 2 of Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail by Charles Coulombe

  • Solidarity, Solidarity, Solidarity
  • Pray for the sick, pray for conversions, pray for the dead.
Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:47 Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
8:45 RP











Special Guest: Michael Hichborn from the Lepanto Institute

  • Home Alone being a bachelor – doing the Tom Cruise
  • Catholics and their Lenten Fasting
  • Americans have a hard time what fasting truly means.
  • The purpose of fasting is not just about mortifying your flesh but it prepares you for your next life.
  • This world is an obstacle course if you will. The next level is the beatific vision.
  • Scientism = if you can’t prove it in the natural world then it doesn’t exist.
  • From the goo to the Zoo to you.
  • “Saying you were created by God gives you an identity. Today people don’t know what they are because they have denied this fact.” MH
  • “We look at the idea we were created by God to be his children. If that is who we are, we better start acting like it.” MH
  • How does a judge use the POPE’S words to say its okay to go ahead and kill this baby? Baby Alfie
  • 21 months old has a brain illness, they have no idea what is wrong with him, he is on a feeding tube and a ventilator.
  • Definition of Euthanasia
  • An exception can’t ever be a RULE!
  • Why does the STATE have a say in how you medically treat your child?
  • “Moral theology you can’t ever commit an evil act to obtain a good end!” MH
  • Hiker Example
  • We are all going to die, and we are all going to suffer.
  • St. Victorinus, ad Six Companions February 25th

AUDIO: Fox and Friends Father Morris on Billy Graham

  • It seems no Priest wants to mention Hell or Purgatory! Straight to Heaven…no judgement at all.
  • Three children at Fatima – Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco
  • Objective truths that we MUST acknowledge!
  • It is possible for people to live in material heresy and not formal heresy to go to Purgatory and/or Heaven.
  • Formal vs Material Heretic
  • People who through no fault of their own have fallen into a sect can be administered by Our Lord that is why purgatory exists.
  • Valid Baptism
  • When a family member dies, we go and have the 30 Gregorian Masses said for them and then we pray the rosaries.
  • The Economy of Grace
  • Consecrating yourself to Mary
  • Germany Bishops – what they are doing is institutionalized sacrilege. Telling everyone Saint Paul was wrong.
  • The only things worthy of handling our Lord is our Priest consecrated hands.
  • Communion in the hand, started the decline of everything else.
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Written by: TheKingDude

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