
If The Union Brought Us All These Things Is The Union Socialist?

todayFebruary 21, 2011 8


[mp3t track=’21022011_Transcript_1.mp3′]

Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing
Order Your hardback copy of Life of George Washington, out of print since 1920 but available now from Mike Church & Founding Father Films publishing

(Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA – It’s been seven days and the protesting out in Wisconsin has yet todecline. That’s not to say that it’s escalating into something that maybrink a point of concern, however unruly people mad at theirGovernment, fueled by Libtardian prose, and a congnizance of the ParrotPress Media and their cameras does not exactly sound like a recipe forsunshine, rainbows and kittens.

Today’s transcribed clip begins with the KingDude fleshing out the Socialist Party platform of 1928. Now,this may sound like a huge jump in random-inity to go from what’scurrently taking place in Wisconsin to the Socialist Party platform of1928…then again if you’re a loyal listener to the Mike Church Show onSirius/XM’s Patriot Channel then you’re probably no more lost than youare excited to hear the Libtardian Union fools out there in cheese headland get read the riot act by your favorite radio talk show host!

Folks it’s only a matter of time before we see protests like this popping up in cities throughout the Country, as is we’re already starting to get a little coverage from Ohio and Missouri. the question in question seems to be the idea of preserving the union or doing away with it – either way the money isn’t there and as the KingDude has said before it’s the budget that is the problem. Not to beat a dead horse folks but maybe if we abolished the public education system that, in reality, has proved what besides the fact that it shouldn’t be run by the Government? Exactly….Founders Red Pill folks.


(transcript to follow)

Related Material: Seven days and they’re still protesting out in America’s Dairyland. We’ve essentially had no choice but to cover this in some fashion seeing that it has been as in our faces if not more than the miners trapped underground. Get all the breaking news, historical teachings and parrot press redundancy by hanging out in the archives of The Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM’s Patriot Channel:

KingDude Breaks Down The Issue In WI. It’s The Unions. 


2011 Mike Church Show


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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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