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The Mike Church Show-Radio Would Have Thwarted The Trump Assassination Attempt The KingDude
Audio Post Format TheKingDude
Mandeville LA – Mike Church’s daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Mike’s response to claims that Senator Paul is “The Patrick Henry of Our Day” plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. “We must domesticate each new generation, just as we were domesticated in our turn. To convert natural brutes into civilized persons requires nothing less than the wisdom of God. Barbarism is not behind us; it is within us, and it is persistent. Our demons die hard, if at all. If they are to die, God must kill them. Government cannot. .” – Michael Baumann
Listeners continue their heroic defense of “The ‘cudda” aka Sara Palin after Monday’s honest critique of her as an anti-intellectual cliche-mesiter who gave up the only serious governing job she ever held as Governor of Alaska: “On your program the other day there was an accusation… that Sarah Palin was less than noble for leaving her elected post as Governor of Alaska before her term had ended. The reason was that she was being inundated by lawsuits that the Democratically controlled Alaska Legislature would not financially support her in.” – Listener John C.
Flashback: Palin mails it in as governor, cites ETHICS complaints filed by libs (see above)
AmConMag in reviewing Palin’s “Going Rogue” reminds us that the “anti-intellectual” charge against Palin is valid and possibly understated
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TIC: Michael Baumann reminds us that (and I have been talking about this lately) civilization is not natural, it is built and it is built, in the Good sense of the term, upon God’s morality
Today’s Lqatin Phrase of The Day: “Quid leges sine moribus vanae proficiunt?” – Whjat good are laws when there are no morals?
AZ proposes gold & silver (aurum & argentum in the Latin) to be used as legal tender in the state beginning in 2014 while libs in the state say only “the federal reserve” can handle this responsibility apparently forgetting all those banks trading gold in silver back in the Wild Wild West era, like Tombstone
So! Do “conservatives” still #StandWithRand after his immigration remarks today wherein he said “Basically what I want to do is to expand the worker visa program, have border security and then as far as how people become citizens, there already is a process for how people become citizens. The main difference is I wouldn’t have people be forced to go home. You’d just get in line. But you get in the same line everyone is in.” – Hey, this legalizes asparagus pickers
Is Rand Paul REALLY the “Patrick Henry of our day”? This writer seems to think so, yet I am not aware that Paul is a man of this fabric (N.B. he may well be discovered to be)
WaPo columnist nervously “Stands With Rand” but only because he is seemingly PRO gay marriage and PRO immigration
AUDIO: Professor asks and answers the Question “What Would Hayek Do?”
Still McCain: The biggest war monger in our hemisphere demands that President Obama “take action” on Syria if reports turn out to be true that Assad used a chemical weapon (it’s not like Assad invaded a foreign country half a world away and caused the death of an estimated 190,000 or anything now is it Senator?)
Science or statist proaganda: CNN runs report claiming that 180,000 people died last year from “sugary drinks” but we all know that few “sugary drinks” contain “sugar”! They actually contain high fructose corn syrup, NOT sugar, so who is the objective “scientist” in charge of this “study”?
Mirabile dictu! (speak of miracles) The “Assault weapons ban” contained in the latest unconstitutional assault on militias and the 2nd amendment is DROPPED from the Senate bill!
Written by: TheKingDude
todayAugust 28, 2024 104 1
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