
If You’re Going To Ask “Can Donald Trump Win Over Catholics?” You Might Want To Define “Catholics”

todayJanuary 26, 2016 6


Mandeville, LA“Gentlemen, I am a Catholic. As far as possible, I go to Mass every day. This [taking a rosary from his pocket] is a rosary. As far as possible, I kneel down and tell these beads every day. If you reject me on account of my religion, I shall thank God that He has spared me the indignity of being your representative.”Hillaire Belloc.

Timothy Stanley at the Catholic Herald UK Edition asks whether “Can Donald Trump Win Over Catholics?” This is a question that takes on new energy today as a result of Trump adviser Katrina Pierson’s Catholic bigotry:

This threw Bill Donahue and the Contraception Catholic Corsairs into stiff denouncements and demands for an apology which is ironic seeing as how members of the Church Militant are the ones that are supposed to deliver “apologetics” when slanders against Our Lord, like this, appear publicly. Donahue’s press release contained the following demand:

“Pierson needs to apologize to Catholics for making such a snide remark. We would also like to hear assurances from Donald Trump that he will not tolerate anti-Catholicism in his campaign.”

There are people reading this right now that are probably wondering when Donahue will assure us that his organization will cease their anti-Catholicism. And therein lies the point that Stanley’s essay does not address: what, pray tell, is a “Catholic” today? This should be as easy to answer today as it was easy to answer at the time of St. John Fisher, the last Catholic standing athwart Henry VIII’s lust driven heresy yelling “stop!”. Henry’s demon spawn, bastard-heir, Queen Elizabeth, had no problem identifying English Catholics, promulgating laws to make living their Faith impossible and should they attempt it, subject them to martyrdom. The life-acts of these Catholics was reverent yet perfunctory but it was habitual because it was rooted in a Catechism that did not leave the laity to “interpret” its meaning. 30 years after Fisher’s martyrdom the Council of Trent would write down then print (using Gutenberg’s invention) what was already known to the Faithful by rote and regimen. Today’s faithful have access x 5,000 to what St Margaret of Clitherow happily accepted martyrdom under Elizabeth for, yet there’s no evidence they practice any of it. At her 1586 trial for breaking Elizabeth’s heretical laws, St Margaret, presenting her own defense said: “Having made no offense, I need no trial.” St Margaret knew the law of The Church, knew it was superior to the law of Man and knew she could not deny it without denying Christ himself.

Margaret practiced her faith and helped many people reconcile themselves back into the Catholic Church. She prayed one and a half hours every day and fasted four times a week. She regularly participated in mass and frequently went to confession. When laws were passed against Catholics, Margaret was imprisoned several times because she did not attend Protestant services. Other laws were passed which included a 1585 law that made it high treason for a priest to live in England and a felony for anyone to harbor or aid a priest. The penalty for breaking such laws was death. Despite the risk, Margaret helped and concealed priests. Margaret said “by God’s grace all priests shall be more welcome to me than ever they were, and I will do what I can to set forward God’s Catholic service.”

When today’s Catholics are confronted with yes or no questions on sodomitical “marriage,” contraception, abortion, divorce after Sacramental Marriage, Contrition, Holy Days of Obligation, blasphemy, heresy and the other items that comprise the Magisterium, they provide answers supplied by modern media and their Protestant friends and they are in grave error. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, Ignorance of The Law is not only inexcusable it is damnable and those that counsel it, sans Contrition, damned. To answer Stanley’s Question because he did not, I quote my friend David Simpson’s answer.

“Well, Trump will never win over this Catholic because he is neither moral nor humble. Why would a Catholic support a man who has no religion, no ethics, no consistency, no memory and no conscience….and is proud of all those things? I think most people, and hopefully most Catholics, see him for what he is: A self-important lout that tries to bluster (that’s a kind word for “lie”) and buy his way into whatever he wants. While the article states that he is the archetype of the American businessman, I think it is fairer to say that he is the archetype of the caricature of the American businessman. In short, Trump is the personification of what is wrong in American “capitalism” and the faithful Catholic knows that it does not “profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.” – David Simpson

Pray for Katrina Pierson’s Heresy to end as a result of Grace and Conversion. Pray for the Catholics Tim Stanley tried to address to locate the Catechism of St Margaret, in so doing, they will probably not choose Trump nor will they place their faith in secular government to solve problems that the Church Militant, blasphemed by Pierson, is singularly capable of solving. When will IT rise to the challenge as she once did out of habit?

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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