
Inconvenient Truth II: The Kermit Gosnell Abortion Trial

todayMay 15, 2013 12


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  Have the denizens and keepers of the mainstream broadcast and print media figured out that when abortion as it actually happens — Gosnell’s case, in all honesty, is not that extreme, not if you have witnessed or seen or read of what happens when unborn children that are a mere three months old or 120 days or 150 days old — just because the abortionist is doing his business inside the womb doesn’t make it any less ghastly, doesn’t make it any less macabre and despicable.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Kermit Gosnell, another big story today.  Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist, will be convicted of — I say will be — he basically is but there are some more charges that are pending that the jury has not delivered a full verdict on.  In three of the four charges that Gosnell murdered born-alive babies under the guise of late-term abortions, he basically accepted his guilty plea and has agreed that he will not appeal the verdict in exchange for a life sentence and not having the death penalty imposed upon him.  There will be many that will say that for what Gosnell has done, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and what have you, he ought to pay, and regardless of what kind of plea he gets, capital punishment ought to be the order of the day.  I think that’s probably not a cautious enough thing to say.

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It shouldn’t be that difficult to figure out that people that vehemently and from a religious and moral perspective reject pro-choice and reject abortion as nothing more than just another activity that women go through with their doctors on a daily basis and are very loudly, and I think very properly, the pro-lifers.  You’ve got to be very cautious here in being pro-life and being pro-death at the same time.  I know.  I know all the arguments about capital punishment.  I know them all.  It just seems incongruous.  In Latin we would say to be pro-life on the one instance — I know that the difference is that the baby is innocent and has committed no harm, had no choice in the matter and Gosnell did, so he ought to suffer the consequences.  I know all that.  Even if we just talk about it semantically and how it appears and how it’s going to be made to appear, being pro-life and pro-death, as in the death of Kermit Gosnell, just doesn’t look good on the same piece of paper.  That’s my only caution on that.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Gosnell Trial – United States Is Open For Infanticide

Where is this story to be found is what I want to know.  Angelina Jolie loses a breast or two voluntarily and it’s international world news on the front of every newspaper.  If I go to right now, which is the local New Orleans-based newspaper — used to be a newspaper; now it’s just a digital eZine.  If I go to, it’s going to be easier for me to find the story about Angelina Jolie’s loss of her breasts than it will be for me to find out about the sentencing of this monster Kermit Gosnell.  What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  Have the denizens and keepers of the mainstream broadcast and print media figured out that when abortion as it actually happens — Gosnell’s case, in all honesty, is not that extreme, not if you have witnessed or seen or read of what happens when unborn children that are a mere three months old or 120 days or 150 days old — just because the abortionist is doing his business inside the womb doesn’t make it any less ghastly, doesn’t make it any less macabre and despicable.

james-madison-gutzman-ad-signThe media has obviously made a decision, or those that control television broadcast media and newspapers have made not a universal but a decision that they don’t want to go there with this.  They don’t want anyone thinking about the actual process of aborting children.  As long as it is the sterilized [mocking] “It’s just pro-choice.  It’s just taking care of business.  It’s a fetus.”  Fetus is Latin for baby.  As long as no one is actually thinking about what is going on inside these abortion clinics — there was a report that I saw yesterday or Monday about how abortion clinics in Maryland and Delaware have recently had to close their doors because some of the nurses had resigned their positions because of the conditions they were working in, for fear that if anyone ever raided the joints, they would lose their RN or LPN licenses.  They wouldn’t be able to work anywhere.

This is the actual condition of America, the land of abortions.  Gosnell’s conviction, this ought to be front page news.  You have a baby killer.  Let’s think about this for just a moment.  What if Kermit Gosnell had broken into, had played his best stealthy bad guy super villain and sneaked into the infant ward in any major city’s major hospital?  What if he had done this?  What if he had abducted three newborns, one-day old, taken them to a nearby room and performed some kind of demonic ritual on them and terminated their lives?  Of course, those babies would have parents.  They’d have names, little footprints on certificates.  They’d have all the governmental accoutrement or appendages of life as an American, however you want to term it, life as a citizen, child, soon-to-be citizen.  Had he done that, then we would actually be talking about and there would be no disagreement among anyone, except some English nutjobs, that he had committed murder.  This is, of course, what he was convicted of.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Media Blackout On Dr. Gosnell Abortion Mill

Just bear with me for a moment.  Because these crimes were committed in an abortion clinic, there’s nothing to see here; move along.  [mocking] “Nothing to see here; nothing to view here.  Move along, citizen.  We’ve got it well under control.  He’s been convicted.  We’ll take care of him.  You’ll never see him again.  Not to say there won’t be another 15 or 20 like him roaming the northeastern American countryside, but don’t worry about it, citizen.  We’ve got it fully under control.  You just need to move along and go about your business here.”  If Gosnell had done the same thing to one-day-old babies that had been born, foot-printed and named, then we have — what if he’s telegenic?  Then we have Jodi Arias.  Then we have Amanda Knox.  We have Casey Anthony.  We have wall-to-wall, Entertainment Tonight there every night.  Because the story is so ghastly, no one wants to be anywhere near this or anywhere near this story.

Sidebar_ad_Secede_die_baseball_capI think that is indicative of, at least publicly, the abortionists have some manner of shame.  Otherwise they’d be out there saying, [mocking] “That’s what happens.  No big deal here.  So what?  Yeah, it gets a little messy sometimes.  Have you ever had to change a six-day-old’s diaper?  That’s messy.  Women have got to have the right to choose and they can’t be made to feel bad about it.  That’s right, we don’t want any imposition of morality or any imposition that there may be something untoward going on here.  Let us not discuss this in a manner in which it actually happens.”  I just find that — that’s just troubling.  You people that have all these things that you want to attach to, all these conspiracy theories and you want to run around screaming and hollering with your hair on fire about the liberal media and that they do this and that and the other, the liberal broadcast media pretty much does what the conservative internet media does when it’s in control of its airwaves.  I think a fair reading of current landscape will support that viewpoint.

Mike Church Show Transcript: Universal Respect For Life Is The Cure For The Culture Of Violence

I always say that, liberal media notwithstanding — the liberal media is not out there forcing anyone to act in the manner in which they continue to act, to devalue and do all the despicable things to families, institutions and cultures.  That’s happening with the full willing compliance and participation of the American sheeple.  What is happening here or what has happened here, because the story is just about over, with the Gosnell case is that they have had to make a determination that other than covering this from the viewpoint that there is a trial going on in Philadelphia, and it’s an abortion doctor on trial, but this doesn’t really have anything to do with abortion, abortions, Roe v. Wade, pro-choice or any of that.  It has everything to do with it.  They’ve done a mighty fine job of painting the gloss over the story, or seeing to it that as far as their readerships go, there has not been blanket, wall-to-wall, obsessive coverage of this, even though it has all the indices and all the constituent parts that one would find in any of the other stories that I mentioned that they covered.  It’s just a mighty inconvenient truth.  As a matter of fact, where’s Al Gore at when we need him?  We ought to have Inconvenient Truth 2: The Gosnell Trial.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

inconvient truth 2 gosnell

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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