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Instead Of Learning From History, Today’s Youth Is Erasing It

todayFebruary 28, 2013 5

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    Instead Of Learning From History, Today’s Youth Is Erasing It AbbyMcGinnis

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The bad of it is that they’re rejecting all of recorded history.  They’re saying the people that came before them were a bunch of racist, hick hayseeds that aren’t worth our consideration.  We need to cleanse the history books of them and learn from them because they were wrong.  In other words, our foreparents aren’t to be admired; they’re to be relegated to the ashbin of history.  This is a point of view that is very dangerous.  Check out today’s audio and transcript for the rest…

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    Instead Of Learning From History, Today’s Youth Is Erasing It AbbyMcGinnis


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

james-madison-gutzman-ad-signMike:  John in North Carolina, hello, John.  You’re on The Mike Church Show.  How you doing?

Caller John:  Hey, Mike, I’m doing great.  This is John in North Carolina.  I love your show and listen to it every day as I drive into work at, unfortunately, my federal job.  At the moment, it’s sequestration day for me and I’ll be personally affected.  One thing I wanted to talk about is, we talk a lot about messaging.  Your last caller really said that well.  The truth is, I think we have to look beyond just simple messaging to ask the purpose of the message.  It’s about re-culturization.  I’m an Army guy, a retiree, a vet.  Of course, I served as a drill sergeant and we re-culturated basic trainees to understand Army culture.  I think the liberals or Democrats have done this as a generational scheme to re-culturate our populous.

We look at our founding fathers and they wore white wigs to give the appearance of elder statesmen, as you love to say.  I think right now when you look at something as simple as the Affordable Care Act and how we devalue our elder citizens, it’s a move afoot of that liberal / Democratic side to make you see more valuable and elders seem less important.  It will ultimately affect us as conservatives because we don’t own our message.  We are looking at our statesmen who were educated in the ‘60s and ‘70s amongst people now who’ve been educated in this modern, reshaped culture that looks at them as elder, old, dead, white men who framed the Constitution and it becomes an irrelevant document.  Your thoughts?

Mike:  They’re elder old, dead white men that just recently passed on that are being looked at as antiquated and fuddy-duddy and old-fashioned and out of touch and out of sync and wouldn’t have been very popular today.  I don’t think it’s just limited to guys in white wigs who shaved their hair because they had lice.  I see what you’re saying, though, about the youths taking over the aged.  That is a very outward sign or symptom of a larger cancer, and that is that the old is hackneyed.  The old is worn out.  The old is not desired for.  The old simply won’t work for the young because the young aren’t old.

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AG’s generation, so full of vim and vinegar and so convinced that their view of the world and how they view racism and lesbianism and homosexual marriage and all these other things, that their view is the one that is going to be regarded as the view 2,000 years from now is encouraging in one instance that they think so highly of themselves and they’re willing to think about things in a different manner.  We encourage that.  We look at the positive of it.  As I say, there’s always something good to take away from it.

The bad of it is that they’re rejecting all of recorded history.  They’re saying the people that came before them were a bunch of racist, hick hayseeds that aren’t worth our consideration.  We need to cleanse the history books of them and learn from them because they were wrong.  In other words, our foreparents aren’t to be admired; they’re to be relegated to the ashbin of history.  This is a point of view that is very dangerous.

Caller John:  Mike, I agree with that.

Mike:  Why do you agree with that?

Caller John:  What I’ll say is this, Mike —

Sidebar_ad_Secede_die_baseball_capMike:  Moses was a homophobe.  Should we throw the ten commandments out?  Seriously, John.

Caller John:  Before we had Facebook and internet and social media, you naturally grew from your liberal tendencies as a youth into a mature, experienced person who saw the realities of life.  Now all I need to do is change my profile picture to someone who’s 18 and I can say my hobbies are internet gaming.  I never have to grow up.  It’s eternal Peter Pan-ism and we never have to grow up.

Mike:  Eternal Peter Pan-ism, wait a minute.  I’ve got to write that down.  I just pulled my notepad off.  That reminds me to say obedience to the unenforceable.  I’m going to write down eternal Peter Pan-ism.

Caller John:  Mike, I have one last comment before I go.  I appreciate you taking my little bit of commentary this morning.  It’s a bit challenging for me sometimes, unfortunately, to hear you speak in Latin.  I equate it to listening to Shaquille O’Neil read me a bedtime story.  I would just ask you to limit those.  I love your show.

Mike:  It only happens — it doesn’t even happen once per day.  How much more limited do you want?  There you go again.  Those Romans had nothing they could teach us.  There’s nothing we could learn from them or their language.  Were you a fraternity guy?

Caller John:  Mike, I’m a simple grunt, that’s who I am.

Mike:  Were you ever in a fraternity?

Caller John:  No, sir.

Mike:  I know somebody that was.  AG, what was the name of the frat you were in?

AG:  Chi Delta Tau.

Mike:  Where does the word fraternity come from?

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AG:  I was terrible at this stuff.

Mike:  I’m going to tell you.  The word fraternity comes from frater.  What does frater in Latin mean?  Brother, brotherhood.  We’re going to throw all the old out because it’s antiquated and we don’t want anything to do with it, but we’re happy to have young people gathered around in groups with Greek letters on their lapels, on their left breasts on their jackets, then going under a Roman name.  You are a gathering of Roman brothers, a fraternity.  Before you get all gung-ho and drunk with your own current superiority, just consider a couple things.  What was that fraternity again?  I’ve never heard of that one.

AG:  It’s local, from Trinity University in San Antonio, Chi Delta Tau.

Mike:  I thought you told me that Cornin was a member of your fraternity.

AG:  Yeah, he went to my school.

Mike:  I thought he was a UT guy.

AG:  Nope, Trinity.

Mike:  You probably would go: Ugh, UT, no.

AG:  I might do that with SMU or Rice, but I’ll give UT a pass.

Mike:  And the only reason you won’t do it with Baylor is because RG3.

AG:  True.

Mike:  Three years ago, you would have gone: Ugh, Baylor.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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